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Grade 2 Homework (Week 12): Distributed: Friday, November 22nd Due: Friday, November 29th

1. Literacy: Read your leveled reading book aloud to your parents for 15-20 minutes per night. Remember to fill out your reading log. Turn in your Reading Log on Friday. 2. Spelling: Go to the Spelling City Website at: Then click on your Spelling List. Try one activity per night. There will be a spelling quiz on Friday. 3. Literacy: After each time you read this week, write 1 connection on the following website:

-So each student should have 4-5 total connections -Explain your connection in detail -Remember to label the type of connection (text to self, text to world and text to text) 4. Mad Minutes Ask your mom or dad to copy the addition worksheets which your teacher gave you recently. Practice a different Mad Minute sheet about 3-4 nights per week depending on how much or how little practice you need. Be prepared for a 1 minute quiz on Thursday or Friday of every week. 5. PYP: We are starting a new Unit of Inquiry next week on celebrations, rituals, and cultural events. To help
jumpstart and personalize this unit, we would like you to share about your familys celebrations, rituals, and cultural events. To do this, we would like you to make a small chart in your homework notebook. In the first column write the celebration, ritual or cultural event which your family enjoys or respects each year. In the second column, write a detailed description (in complete sentences) describing how exactly your family commemorates, celebrates or respects this specific event. Be prepared to share your homework notebook with your classmates on Friday.

Optional Bonus Homework: Math: Log into with this user name: bifses and password: brainpop. Watch a variety of Math videos and try the hard quiz for each one. Print out your quiz results or email them to your teacher. For every perfect score on a quiz or quiz with only 1 wrong, you may receive 2 stickers. Literacy: In class you have been doing activities adding post-its into books that you have read in class. On the post-its you have written one of the following symbols = !, ?, V, x, /, or T-S, T-T or T-W. Then, on the post-it you wrote a question, exclamation, visualization, disagreement, agreement, text to self connection, text to text connection or text to world connection that you thought of while reading the book. Read a book from the library, your home, class, etc. and add in 10 or more post-its with the symbols and sentences that we have been learning in class. Math: In class we have been learning about 3D shapes. Using construction paper try to build your own cubes, cuboids, prisms or pyramids. Share them with you classmates this week and tell how many faces, edges and vertices each shape that you build has.

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