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"athe Operations

In this #nit$ st#%ents &ill learn the 'asics o( lathe operations) St#%ents &ill e*plore lathe applications an% learn essential sa(ety preca#tions an% protocols)

Grade(s): +th , , --th , -/th Time:

0. Ho#rs

1r) Chesley Cha2'ers

Students with Disabilities:

3or st#%ents &ith %isa'ilities$ the instr#ctor sho#l% re(er to the st#%ent4s IEP to 'e s#re that the acco22o%ations speci(ie% are 'eing pro5i%e%) Instr#ctors sho#l% also (a2iliari6e the2sel5es &ith the pro5isions o( 7eha5ior Inter5ention Plans that 2ay 'e part o( a st#%ent4s IEP) 3re8#ent cons#ltation &ith a st#%ent4s special e%#cation instr#ctor &ill 'e 'ene(icial in pro5i%ing appropriate %i((erentiation)

CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9

Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit

Page - o( -.

GPS Focus Standards:

ACCT-MO -!" Students will #er$orm the $ollowin% o#erations usin% the lathe" a) I%enti(y the parts o( an engine lathe ') Chec9 oil reser5oirs an% c#tting (l#i% le5els c) Calc#late (ee%s an% spee%s (or 5ario#s 2aterials an% 2aterial %ia2eters %) Set #p a lathe (or 5ario#s (ee%s an% spee%s) e) ;rin% general lathe c#tting tools &ith a pe%estal grin%er) () 1e2onstrate set!#p an% align2ent o( the tool post) g) 1e2onstrate set!#p o( the three!=a& ch#c9) h) Per(or2 (acing operations) i) Per(or2 center %rilling operations

GPS Academic Standards:

MM&P'" Students will sol(e #roblems (usin% the a##ro#riate technolo%)) ') 7#il% ne& 2athe2atical 9no&le%ge thro#gh pro'le2 sol5ing) c) Apply an% a%apt a 5ariety o( appropriate strategies to sol5e pro'le2s) SPS*" The students will relate trans$ormations and $low o$ ener%) within a s)stem" ') In5estigate 2olec#lar 2otion as it relates to ther2al energy changes in ter2s o( con%#ction$ con5ection$ an% ra%iation) SPS+" Students will determine relationshi#s amon% $orce, mass, and motion" a) Calc#late 5elocity an% acceleration) c) Calc#late a2o#nts o( &or9 an% 2echanical a%5antage #sing si2ple 2achines)

-ational . /ocal Standards . ndustr) . ST0:


0ndurin% 1nderstandin%s:
Ro#n% o'=ects all ha5e one thing in co22on: they are lin9e% to an i2aginary center line) Many re5ol5e aro#n% that center) The lathe has an i2aginary center line that all the parts 2a%e on it sho#l% re5ol5e tr#e &ith the center)

0ssential 2uestions:
I( a lathe is #se% to 2a9e the co2ponents o( a lathe$ then ho& &as the (irst lathe '#ilt> What is a ?thing!a!2a!=ig@ or a ?&hat!cha!2a!call!it@> Ho& lo& %oes the oil le5el nee% to 'e to start %a2age to a car engine> What are the e((ects o( i2proper (ee%s an% spee%s on a lathe> Why %oes setting the (ee%s an% spee%s on each in%i5i%#al lathe ha5e to 'e so co2plicate%> Ho& can a pe%estal grin%er eat the tool> What happens i( the tool post is not set at the correct angle> What &o#l% ca#se a A =a& ch#c9 not to r#n tr#e> CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9 Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit Page / o( -.

St#%ents St#%ents

Ho& can #sing a 0 =a& ch#c9 'e 2ore acc#rate than #sing a A =a& ch#c9> Why is (acing so critical> Ho& is high acc#racy achie5e% &ith lathe t#rning> What are the %angers o( #sing a center %rill>

3nowled%e $rom this 1nit:

&ill 'e a'le to: I%enti(y the parts o( an engine lathe) E*plain the 5ario#s (#nctions o( a lathe) Bno& the proper oiling proce%#re (or 2achine shop e8#ip2ent) 1eter2ine proper spee%s an% (ee%s (or 5ario#s 2aterials) 1eci%e tool angle (or lathe 'its) 1escri'e tool post align2ent (or (acing an% t#rning) Ma9e clear ho& a A =a& ch#c9 &or9s

S4ills $rom this 1nit:

&ill: Chec9 an% (ill oil an% (l#i% le5els) Set #p the lathe (or %esire% (ee% an% spee%) Change (ee%s an% spee%s on the lathe) Properly an% sa(ely grin% lathe c#tting tool) Align c#tting tool to lathe center) Install A =a& ch#c9) 3ace an% center %rill a part)

Assessment Method T)#e:

Pre!test O'=ecti5e assess2ent ! 2#ltiple!choice$ tr#e! (alse$ etc)
C*C D#i66esETests CC Unit test

;ro#p pro=ect In%i5i%#al pro=ect Sel(!assess2ent ! May incl#%e practice 8#i66es$ ga2es$ si2#lations$ chec9lists$ etc)
CC Sel(!chec9 r#'rics CC Sel(!chec9 %#ring &ritingEplanning process CC "a' 7oo9 CC Re(lect on e5al#ations o( &or9 (ro2 teachers$ '#siness partners$ an% co2petition =#%ges CC Aca%e2ic pro2pts CC Practice 8#i66esEtests

S#'=ecti5e assess2entEIn(or2al o'ser5ations

CC Essay tests CC O'ser5e st#%ents &or9ing &ith partners CC O'ser5e st#%ents role playing

CC Peer e%iting < co22entary o( pro%#ctsEpro=ectsEpresentations #sing r#'rics CC Peer e%iting an%Eor criti8#ing

1ialog#e an% 1isc#ssion CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9 Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit Page A o( -.

CC St#%entEteacher con(erences CC Partner an% s2all gro#p %isc#ssions CC Whole gro#p %isc#ssions CC Interaction &ithE(ee%'ac9 (ro2 co22#nity 2e2'ersEspea9ers an% '#siness partners

Constr#cte% Responses
CC Chart goo% rea%ingE&ritingElisteningEspea9ing ha'its CC Application o( s9ills to real!li(e sit#ationsEscenarios


Assessment Attachments and . or Directions:


: /0SSO- ': /athe denti$ication and Maintenance -) I%enti(y the stan%ar%s) Stan%ar%s sho#l% 'e poste% in the classroo2) ACCT-MO -!" Students will #er$orm the $ollowin% o#erations usin% the lathe" a) I%enti(y the parts o( an engine lathe ') Chec9 oil reser5oirs an% c#tting (l#i% le5els c) Calc#late (ee%s an% spee%s (or 5ario#s 2aterials an% 2aterial %ia2eters %) Set #p a lathe (or 5ario#s (ee%s an% spee%s) e) ;rin% general lathe c#tting tools &ith a pe%estal grin%er) () 1e2onstrate set!#p an% align2ent o( the tool post) g) 1e2onstrate set!#p o( the three!=a& ch#c9) h) Per(or2 (acing operations) i) Per(or2 center %rilling operations /) Re5ie& Essential D#estions) Post Essential D#estions in the classroo2) I( a lathe is #se% to 2a9e the co2ponents o( a lathe$ then ho& &as the (irst lathe '#ilt> What is a ?thing!a!2a!=ig@ or a ?&hat!cha!2a!call!it@> Ho& lo& %oes the oil le5el nee% to 'e to start %a2age to a car engine> What are the e((ects o( i2proper (ee%s an% spee%s on a lathe> Why %oes setting the (ee%s an% spee%s on each in%i5i%#al lathe ha5e to 'e so co2plicate%> Ho& can a pe%estal grin%er eat the tool> What happens i( the tool post is not set at the correct angle> What &o#l% ca#se a A =a& ch#c9 not to r#n tr#e> Ho& can #sing a 0 =a& ch#c9 'e 2ore acc#rate than #sing a A =a& ch#c9> Why is (acing so critical> Ho& is high acc#racy achie5e% &ith lathe t#rning> What are the %angers o( #sing a center %rill> A) I%enti(y an% re5ie& the #nit 5oca'#lary) Ter2s 2ay 'e poste% on &or% &all) Co2po#n% rest Hea%stoc9 In%e*a'le insert c#tting tool Page 0 o( -.

CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9

Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit

3acing Tailstoc9 1ea% center "athe %og

O1 t#rning Tool post A =a& ch#c9 "athe centerline

Single!point c#tting tool "i5e center 0 =a& ch#c9 Center %rill

0) Intro%#ction: "oo9 aro#n% an% ta9e notice o( all the ro#n% o'=ects) There are light '#l's$ %oor 9no's$ an% &heels =#st to na2e a (e&) The thing that all these ha5e in co22on is they see2 to 'e lin9e% to an i2aginary center line) Yo# an% a partner are assigne% the tas9 o( p#tting together so2e playgro#n% e8#ip2ent (or yo#r local recreation center) F#st one s2all pro'le2$ yo# an% yo#r partner %oes not spea9 the sa2e lang#age) Not e5en close) It &ill ta9e 'oth o( yo# to p#t it together) Ho& &o#l% yo# procee% &ith the asse2'ly> The (irst ti2e yo# see a lathe$ yo# pro'a'ly %onGt ha5e a cl#e &hat it is) Yo# ha5e to learn the parts o( it 'e(ore learning ho& to #se it) Yo# are learning the ?2achine shop lang#age@) Yo# 2#st practice$ practice$ an% practice so2e 2ore) H) "esson: ;i5e a 'rie( intro%#ction to the lathe an% its #ses) Ha5e so2e parts to sho& &hat can 'e 2a%e &ith it) Sho& the (ollo&ing 5i%eo on ?7asic Woo% "athe Operations@ Sho& the /athe O#erations PowerPoint) E*plain sa(ety preca#tions an% tips) Re5ie& the parts o( a lathe) E*plain the (#nctionIsJ o( each part) Re5ie& oil an% 2aintenance proce%#res) Re5ie& Sa(ety Proce%#res: o Stan% to the si%e o( the ch#c9) o 1o not lea5e the ch#c9 9ey in the ch#c9) o T#c9 in loose clothing an% hair) o A5oi% %istractions) ) Acti5ity: Sho& the (ollo&ing 5i%eo on ?I%enti(ication o( "athe Parts@ !"t# Use the /athe Part denti$ication Sheet to i%enti(y the parts o( the lathe) Ha5e each st#%ent i%enti(y an% to#ch all correspon%ing parts o( the lathe) Ha5e the2 t#rn the 9no's to see ho& they &or9) Chec9 oil le5els an% inspect (or %a2age) K) S#22ary: It is a goo% thing that the instr#ctions (or the playgro#n% are in 2any %i((erent lang#ages) It ta9es a little &hile to learn the lang#age$ '#t the 2ore yo# practice$ the 'etter yo# &ill 'e at it) : /0SSO- 5: Calculatin% Feeds and S#eeds -) Intro%#ction:

CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9

Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit

Page H o( -.

On the TL sho& ?Ice Roa% Tr#c9ers@$ &hen 2a9ing the cli2' #p a steep icy roa%$ they 2#st ha5e the tr#c9 in the correct gear #sing the right a2o#nt o( RPM) I( this (or2#la is not correct then it co#l% lea% to %isaster) Ha5ing the lathe set (or the correct RPM an% (ee% rate is 5ery i2portant) I( this is not correct yo# are li9ely to 9ill yo#r part)

/) "esson an% Acti5ity: The correct RPM (or 2achining &ill i2pro5e the li(e o( the c#tting tool an% help pre5ent %a2age to the part 'eing 2achine%) 1e2onstrate ho& to (in% RPM (or 5ario#s typesG 2etals) Ha5e st#%ents co2plete Calculatin% Feeds and S#eeds 6or4sheet) Then$ set the 2achine to that speci(ic RPM along &ith ro#ghing an% (inishing (ee% rate) A) S#22ary: Ho& is the correct gear an% RPM selecte% (or the Ice Roa% Tr#c9ers> This 5aries (ro2 tr#c9 to tr#c9) E*perience plays a 'ig roll in the selection) One goo% &ay to tell i( yo# ha5e the correct (ee% an% spee%s is &hen the c#t is (inishe% yo# sho#l% 'e a'le to to#ch the part &itho#t it '#rning yo#) The heat sho#l% co2e o#t &ith the chips) : /0SSO- 7: Selectin% Cuttin% Tools and Set 1# -) Intro%#ction: ;ol(ing is a high tech sport) Many things &ill help i2pro5e yo#r ga2e$ s#ch as c#sto2 (itte% cl#'s) Using the correct cl#' (or the partic#lar shot is i2portant) Yo# %onGt ha5e =#st - cl#' yo# #se (or all the shots) This is the sa2e (or 2achining) 1epen%ing on the sit#ation$ selecting the correct c#tting tool is i2portant) A) 0) H) ) "esson: There are / co22on types o( lathe c#tting tools: car'i%e an% high spee% steel) Within these t&o$ there are 2any %i((erent 2a9e #ps o( the c#tters) Most all 2achining te*t 'oo9s sho& the 5ariety o( c#tters an% their #ses) The high spee% steel c#tters ha5e to 'e gro#n% to the appropriate shape (or the partic#lar application) The car'i%e inserte% c#tters are 2ore a((ecti5e than the high spee% c#tters an% last 2#ch longer) The insert is rotate% (or 2#ltiple #ses) These are easily chippe% an% %a2age% i( not #se% properly) 3or 'eginning 2achining$ the high spee% steel c#tters are 2ore %#ra'le) Sho& the (ollo&ing 5i%eo on ?"athe Sa(ety@$%eo_&9&'9()_*athe+,a"ety.htm* Re5ie& sa(ety proce%#res (or 2etal &or9ing la' #sing the Sa$et) Chec4list 8andout) Ha5e st#%ents co2plete the Turnin% and Facin% O#erations 6or4sheet 'e(ore &or9ing &ith tools) 1e2onstrate the proper grin%ing techni8#e (or: ro#ghing c#tter$ (acing c#tter$ an% (inishing c#tter) CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9 Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit Page o( -.



1e2onstrate ho& to set the c#tter (or: t#rning an% (acing operations) A 5ery i2portant step is to 2a9e s#re the c#tter c#tting tip height is on the lathe 5ertical center line) Acti5ity: Ha5e st#%ents practice sharpening a lathe c#tter) Instea% o( #sing a lathe c#tter (or practice$ #se car'on steel s8#are stoc9) This is 2#ch cheaper than high spee% steel c#tters) Ha5e st#%ents practice setting #p the c#tter (or t#rning an% (acing) Chec9 to 2a9e s#re the c#tter is 5ertical centere%) S#22ary: Bno&ing &hich gol( cl#' to #se (or each shot &ill 2a9e yo# loo9 li9e yo# 9no& &hat yo# are %oing) This '#il%s con(i%ence) Bno&ing &hich c#tter an% ho& to set it #p &ill i2pro5e yo#r pro%#ction an% possi'le get yo# a pay raise or 'etter class gra%e)



: /0SSO- &: Three-9aw Chuc4 -) Intro%#ction: Using the A =a& ch#c9 is one o( the easiest &ays to ch#c9 a part in the lathe) I2agine trying to po#r &ater (ro2 a H gallon '#c9et into a /. o6 'ottle &itho#t a (#nnel) It 2a9es a 2ess) The A =a& ch#c9 &o#l% 'e li9e ha5ing a large (#nnel to #se) ItGs that si2ple) /) "esson: The A =a& ch#c9 is %esigne% that all =a&s operate at the sa2e ti2e) This a#to2atically centers ro#n% or he*agonal shape% stoc9) Most ch#c9s ha5e re5ersi'le =a&s to acco22o%ate (or %i((erent part ch#c9ing nee%s) The =a&s nee% to 'e clean o( %e'ris 'e(ore ch#c9ing the part) I( %e'ris is 'et&een the part an% ch#c9$ the part &ill r#n o(( center) Use a %ial in%icator to ch#c9 (or r#n o#t) I( there is a slight r#n o#t$ it can 'e a%=#ste% 'y tapping the part &ith a ha22er) Use a tail stoc9 &hen the part is o#t (ro2 the ch#c9 2ore than a (e& inches) This is (or sa(ety an% &ill increase the 8#ality o( c#t) A) 1e2onstrate ho& to install a A =a& ch#c9 onto the lathe) 1e2onstrate the re2o5al an% installation o( the ch#c9 =a&s) Use a %ial in%icator to chec9 (or r#n o#t) Ch#c9 to the o#tsi%e o( a ro#n% part) Ch#c9 to the o#tsi%e o( a he*agonal part) Ch#c9 to the insi%e o( a pipe) 0) Acti5ity: Ha5e the st#%ents: o Install a A =a& ch#c9 onto the latheN o Re2o5e an% install ch#c9 =a&sN o Use a %ial in%icator to chec9 (or r#n o#tN CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9 Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit Page K o( -.

o o o

Ch#c9 to the o#tsi%e o( a ro#n% partN Ch#c9 to the o#tsi%e o( a he*agonal partN Ch#c9 to the insi%e o( a pipe)

H) S#22ary: The A =a& ch#c9 2a9es ch#c9ing a part easy as long at the ch#c9 is in goo% operating shape an% clean o( %e'ris) I( not$ itGs 5ery %i((ic#lt to #se an% 'e acc#rate) "i9e not #sing a (#nnel to po#r oil in the car$ it 2a9es a 2ess) : /0SSO- :: Four-9aw Chuc4 -) Intro%#ction: Using a 0 =a& ch#c9 so2eti2es is li9e trying to p#t a s8#are peg into a ro#n% hole) Yo# 2ay thin9 it &ill ne5er 'e center) So2eti2es yo# ha5e to stop$ re2o5e the part$ an% start o5er) /) "esson: On a (o#r =a& ch#c9$ each =a& operates in%epen%ently) This allo&s (or cla2ping irreg#lar shapes an% o((set t#rning) These =a&s can 'e re2o5e% (ro2 their slots an% 'e re5erse% easily) Centering the &or9 is achie5e% 'y a%=#sting each =a& in%epen%ently &hile #sing an in%icator to chec9 center) When one =a& is 2o5e%$ the opposite =a& is a((ecte%) ItGs li9e a ga2e o( pin!pong) Each =a& nee%s to slightly a%=#st #ntil the part is r#nning tr#e) S8#are stoc9 is centere% 2#ch the sa2e &ay) The in%icator ro% nee%s to 'e p#lle% 'ac9 'e(ore rotating to the ne*t si%e) Beep note to the in%icator )-.. rea%ing 2ar9s$ so the part &ant 'e o(( 'y incre2ents o( )-..) A) Acti5ity: Ha5e the st#%ents practice #sing a %ial in%icator to: o Centering ro#n% stoc9 &ithin )../ o Centering s8#are stoc9 &ithin )../ 0) S#22ary: Patience an% persistence is the 9ey) I( yo# ha5e (inally centere% the part in the 0 =a& ch#c9$ 'e pro#% o( yo#rsel() Yo# 2ight e5en choose to ha5e a contest to see &ho can center a part the 8#ic9est) : /0SSO- !: Drillin% O#erations -) Intro%#ction: 1rilling on the lathe is li9e t#rning a %rill press on its si%e$ cla2ping the %rill 'it in the 5ise$ 2o#nting the part in the ch#c9$ then %rilling the hole) ThatGs ho& &eir% it is %rilling &ith a lathe) "esson: 1rilling on the lathe is si2ilar to %rilling on a %rill press) The 2a=or %i((erence is the part spins instea% o( the %rill) "athe %rilling ta9e 2ore ti2e than %rill press %rilling) The RPM is calc#late% the sa2e as &ith other %rilling) CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9 Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit Page M o( -.



To %rill in the center o( the part$ start &ith a center %rill) The proper %ept is a'o#t /EA #p the tapere% sho#l%er) I( %rille% #p to the (lat$ the ne*t %rill &ill not center as &ell) This locates the center line o( the 2achine) The RPM nee% to 'e higher an% c#tting (l#i% nee%s to 'e #se% (or this operation) Acti5ity: 1e2onstrate an% then ha5e st#%ents practice: o Set #p a part to center %rill an% %rill) Use coolant an% %rill &ith center %rill) o 1rill &ith a O@ %rill) ;o #p to P@ %rill in the sa2e hole) ;o #p to -@ %rill in the sa2e hole) o When the %rill starts to go thro#gh the en% o( the part$ re%#ce the press#re on the %rill) o Notice the RPM %i((erence 'et&een each %rill si6e) S#22ary: A(ter %rilling (or a &hile &ith the lathe$ itGs not so &eir% a(ter all) It is 9in% o( li9e &atching TL lying %o&n instea% o( sitting #p)


: ATTAC8M0-TS FO; /0SSO- P/A-S: /athe O#erations PowerPoint /athe Part denti$ication Sheet /athe Part denti$ication Sheet Answer 3e) Calculatin% Feeds and S#eeds 6or4sheet Sa$et) Chec4list 8andout Turnin% and Facin% O#erations 6or4sheet : -OT0S < ;0F/0CT O-: Use so(ter 2aterials s#ch as &oo%$ al#2in#2$ an% plastic to help re%#ce tool %a2age) With the Sa$et) Chec4list 8andout an% the Turnin% and Facin% O#eration Practice 6or4sheet$ chec9ing st#%ents &or9 an% signing their na2e to a list a(ter they ha5e co2plete% their &or9 &ill help re%#ce later co2plications later in the #nit) It &ill ens#re the st#%ent 9no&s &hat heEshe is %oing)

Culminatin% 1nit Per$ormance Tas4 Title:

Teach < 1e2onstrate S9ill

Culminatin% 1nit Per$ormance Tas4 Descri#tion.Directions.Di$$erentiated nstruction:

Teachers sho#l% &rite tas9s learne% on slips o( paper an% p#t into hat) St#%ents sho#l% %ra& a tas9 an% ?teach < %e2onstrate@ s9ill) Use the S4ill ;ubric to gra%e st#%ents)

Attachments $or Culminatin% Per$ormance Tas4:

S4ill ;ubric

CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9

Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit

Page + o( -.

6eb ;esources:
7asic Woo% "athe Operations "athe Parts !"t# "athe Sa(ety$%eo_&9&'9()_*athe+,a"ety.htm*

Materials < 0=ui#ment:

Pro=ection E8#ip2ent Co2p#ter &ith Internet access "athe Machining oil Han% tools Calc#lators

5'st Centur) Technolo%) 1sed:

* Sli%e Sho& So(t&are Interacti5e White'oar% St#%ent Response Syste2 We' 1esign So(t&are Ani2ation So(t&are E2ail * ;raphing So(t&are Calc#lator 1es9top P#'lishing 7log Wi9i * We'site * A#%io 3ileIsJ ;raphic Organi6er I2age 3ileIsJ Li%eo Electronic ;a2e or P#66le Ma9er

CTAE Reso#rce Net&or9

Machining Operations - : ;ra%es -.!-/ : Unit

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