BeD Time sTorY

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a brOwn bear

Long time ago, there lived a young bear named Beru. Beru was a young bear that has occupation as a fruits salesman in the jungle. Every day he woke up in the morning and used clothes. Actually in the law of bear religion, a bear got jobs for free live, could not to use clothes and live with the way to find fish in the river or lake. And she-bear must used clothes, sold something and given birth. That was a nature of shebear. And this condition made Beru felt strange and that condition made every cub girl kept away from him. But he remembered, he did this job for completed his necessity and also his mother.

One day, an old man was catching his fishing rod while Beru was walking at a hedge of bushes in the edge of blue lake. That old man felt sleepy. But he saw a strange view. A view that made the old man confused with his eyes. He saw a brown bear that used clothes like human and brought a fruits basket. At that moment, Beru was feeling dizzy. He just came from sold a bunch of bananas to chimpanzee family. He decided to go to blue lake before he was going to his house. Beru felt disappointed with his conditions that made him has not marriage yet. He was lost in his own sad without realized someone looked at him until their eyes met each other.

Beru shocked and tremble because consider of bear religion, when bear was seen used clothes by human, they must killed that human. But Beru didnt want to do that. He wanted that old man kill him but the old man ran away from Beru because he was very afraid. Beru chased that old man and without realized anything his claw has already upright and scratched that old man until the old died.

Beru was growling when he knew his act. This was the first time. His growled make all the member of jungle angered what happened. The ants stopped move, the birds slowed their speed. All member of the jungle silent until the field mouse turned up and helped Beru to bury the old man. When Beru wanted to go to home, he saw fishes that were fished by the old man. Beru bit some fish. Then his tusk became length and his clothes torn. Beru went to home and brought fish to his mother and to she-bear that wanted to marry with him.

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