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1.Get a Handle on Background Noise There are those rare occasions when background noise will compliment a video, however, most of the time it's your enemy. These nasty noises come from everywhere - traffic, machinery, air conditioning and even nature all contribute to the level of background noise in your video. Even if you can't control them, knowing the source can help with your setup and even microphone position. W en using a la!el or ot er o"ni#directional "icro! one$ tr% to &lock so"e o' t e noise (it t e su&)ect*s &od% or si"!l% get t e "icro! one closer to %our su&)ect*s "out + 2. Listen U! se of headphones will help you get the best sound possible, not only by allowing you to hear the effects of your microphone choices and placement, but also by helping spot potential audio problems before you hit the record button. The rule of thumb when booming is to get as close as possible to the sub!ect, which is !ust outside the camera frame line. The further the mic is away from sub!ect, the greater the background noise and echo, so every inch closer improves sound "uality. T e "ic is nor"all% &e se,eral inc es to a 'oot o,er t e actors ead+ U! to t(o 'eet "a% &e acce!ta&le de!ending on t e situation. #.Senn eiser -D ./ DYN0-I1 -I1RO2HONE3 $igh-"uality hand-held microphone with omni-directional pick-up pattern.%esigned for rugged use in radio and T& reporting. Easy to handle ' the special design minimi(es wind and handling noise. )n omnidirectional microphone *hears* e"ually well in all directions. +t does not re!ect any sound as it is insensitive to the direction of the passing sound wave. ,.Take B%te audio in c annel 4 5 a"&ient audio in c annel / -.S(itc o'' 01 or 'an ( ere,er !ossi&le to a,oid audio noise +6 1an inti"ate t e sa"e to t e re!orter 'or coo!eration7 ..I' t ere is an% uncontrolled audio noise tr% to !lace t e &oo" or t e !erson to a !lace ( ere one can "ini"i8e t e audio noise+ /.S(itc o'' 9 .: ,olt 6 2 anto" 2o(er7 ( ene,er using Senn eiser -D ./ DYN0-I1 -I1RO2HONE in ca"corder 0.Take t e el! o' Re!orter 5 inti"ate t e sa"e ( ere e,er t ere is uncontrolled audio noise so t at it can &e ad)usted during editing+

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