Meiram S Oral History

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Wonderful school years, xv!

W"th fr"endsh"p, w"th a boo#, w"th the son$, %ow &u"c#ly they are fly"n$' (hey w"ll not return bac#. )"d they fly w"thout a trace? *o, no one w"ll ever for$et +chool years. %ello' We are now "n one of the ,ed"cal-+oc"al !nst"tut"ons for the -lderly and )"sabled of .stana. We/ve come here to ta#e a short "nterv"ew w"th the older $enerat"on "n the framewor# of the *a0arbayev 1n"vers"ty pro2ect 3-ducat"on "n the 4ast3. - %ello, than# you for a$ree"n$ to th"s short "nterv"ew. 4lease "ntroduce yourself. What/s your name? - 5um"r6 %ab"brahmanovna. ! have l"ved here for 7 years and !/m 89 old years. - (he top"c of our conversat"on "s educat"on "n the past and let/s start w"th the most "nterest"n$ th"n$: what d"d you dream of becom"n$? = ,y school l"fe was assoc"ated w"th the %ouse of 4"oneers. (here ! v"s"ted a lot of clubs: puppet, dance, cho"r, and my profess"on was determ"ned by the "nfluence of the %ouse of 4"oneers. ! started my career there as an art cr"t"c. :6 ;. - Wh"ch sub2ects d"d you teach? - ! tau$ht the art of conduct"n$. - (he art of conduct"n$' <ur school days were very memorable, they were tou$h. (he fact "s "n those years we had to l"ve very hard. We were wear"n$ old rubbers, handba$s were made w"th ra$s - "n the m"ddle was a lar$e button, an "n#-pot w"th a handle and a feather. We went to school at a d"ff"cult t"me. .t that t"me, all people were s"mpler, there was no d"v"s"on between people. - )o you mean to say that all people were e&ual? - -xactly, e&ual. We were all then brou$ht up "n the d"ff"cult years, and now ! remember, my $randdau$hter stud"ed once at school and there were 7 classes: the r"ch, the poor, and the m"ddle class. - )"d "t feel clearly, r"$ht? - !t feels very clearly, maybe because "t "s very d"ff"cult for our students and teachers "n the"r wor#, these "nc"dents that have occurred at school. - *evertheless, ch"ldren at that t"me were "nterested "n study"n$, they had the"r favor"te sub2ects? - <f course, you can not even "ma$"ne that, for example, they put on =today/s ch"ldren> someth"n$ l"#e clothes for *ew ?ears. We sewed ra$s "nto dresses, crowns were made from cartons... - ?es... - We used wool for our cloths. We found p"eces of $lass from bro#en toys. We covered and $lued them to the wool. (hat/s what we had for costumes' Was "t your favor"te hol"day? ?es, of course, our best hol"day. - *ow ! would l"#e to ment"on.. . - ,m... - !/m sorry. !n order. ! may for$et some of my thou$hts. We had a 4"oneer @r"$ade and we were "nv"teded to all of the schools. (roops would $ather on the s&uare "n front of the modern Aon$ress %all, and as cha"rman of the $uards there ! had to say: 3@r"$ade' Eyes left! Attent"on!3 !t "s very memorable B at f"rst, they were all dressed "n wh"te tops, blac# bottoms, and everyone wore red t"es, and the slo$an was "n those days: 3!n the stru$$le to reach the $oal of the Aommun"st 4arty, you are ready.C - (he ent"re @r"$ade on the s&uare would reply: 3We/re ready always'3,- !t was certa"nly memorable. - ?our dream has come true.

- <h, yes. !/m sorry that now "t does not ex"st, maybe "t w"ll come bac# a$a"n someday. .nd ! also remember Ael"na =V"r$"nland "s the name of a campa"$n "n the +ov"et 1n"on "n the DE Fs> !t was throu$hout my school years. We had 2ust been "nv"ted to the %ouse of 4"oneers, and there were lar$e bas"ns, made of "ron, not l"#e today/s Ah"nese ones. We poured water there, and put bou&uets of flowers. .nd when the f"rst tra"n arr"ved w"th the f"rst V"r$"nland people, we met them at 9 o/cloc# at n"$ht at the stat"on. - !t/s very "nterest"n$, and can you st"ll recall some "nterest"n$ moments? - ! remember everyth"n$ from my school l"fe: performances, concerts, part"c"pat"on "n the 4"oneer %ouse. - .nd please tell me a l"ttle about your school teachers? - ! remember a teacher +habroshen#o, ! do not #now... she was already elderly then. ! remember the %"story teacher Guts"yanova, then she wor#ed at the "nst"tute where she was the cha"rman of the Veterans Aomm"ttee. What has become of her nowadays... ! do not #now how. - .nd what do you remember about your f"rst teacher ? - ?es, of course, .nna )em"dovna and her last name ! do not remember, "t was a lon$ t"me a$o. ! $raduated from school "n DEHF, and after that ! entered the !nst"tute from wh"ch ! $raduated w"th honors. - !t "s all very "nterest"n$, and the last &uest"on, maybe you can $"ve some adv"ce... - ! would 2ust adv"se that... .ctually, educat"on of all ch"ldren be$"ns at home, w"th the fam"ly. .ll people are an$ry now' (here "s a need to educate "n the fam"ly. *ow we have all of these problems "n our schools, where there are problems of corrupt"on and everyth"n$ else. Ior example,yesterday a$a"n the second case of a beat"n$ of a student by a 4- teacher. - )"d you see "t on (V? - ?es, "t "s second t"me already "n 4avlodar. <f course, people are an$ry today, but we need to be #"nder. ! bel"eve that. - ! a$ree w"th you. ?ou/re r"$ht. (hat all starts w"th the bas"cs of the fam"ly. - ?es, than# you for a very "nterest"n$ and fasc"nat"n$ conversat"on. ! w"sh you health. -very success. (han# you' - *ot at all' - 5ood-bye' - 5ood-bye'

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