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======================================================================== Germany Visa Procedure: This is a student visa procedure of Germany (from Karachi) after getting admission letter

(courtesy - Zeeshan Zia in Munich): (NOTE: This was posted in 2008. If you know of any step in this procedure that h as been updated, please inform us at: 1. Take the admission letter to Deutsche Bank (alongwith National ID card and Passport), Karachi (In Avari Tower building)...and tell them you want to open a student account. Account actually will be opened in Germany (Branch nearest to University)...they just act as a bridge to ease things for students. Their service if free of cost. They will ask you to fill out a form, and will ask you to send it to Germany through courier. 2. After about one week, go again to DB (they will call you). By now, your account will have opened and they will give you your Account No. and Bank Code. 3. Transfer around 7200 Euros to your bankaccount (One way is through Money exchangers...they take Rupees check of amount, including their fees). 4. In around 3 days, automatically a letter from your German bankaccount will arrive (in DB, Karachi - they will call you home - go there and pick it up) verifying that this much money has been transferred (it will be in a sealed envelop - DONT OPEN IT) This has to be given to the visa officer. Meanwhile, you will automatically also receive a scanned copy of this letter in your email (directly from germany and at the same time). 5. Download student visa application form from German Consulate Website in karachi (3 copies - plus three sets of copies of all your documents)... These will have to be taken to the German Consulate (Near 2 Talwar & SZABIST, behind British embassy). They will take visa fees in Pak rupees... Take all original documents and passport with you - they will keep all your documents and conduct interview on same date. 6. The visa process takes around 6-8 weeks max. ========================================================================

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