Netherhall Risk Assessment Form

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Risk Assessment Form Part A

[enter reference number]]

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Sign-off status

[planning/approved etc]

Assessment summary details

Assessment title * (Simple name for reference purposes) Di ision:* Series! Prod!"nit: Responsi#le $anager: Address/Tel

Delilah Run!

n/a n/a Brendan Sheppard

Department:* Programme!Area: %ontact office: Address/Tel

Media, Netherhall sixth form n/a Brendan Sheppard

The Netherhall School and Sixth Form, Queen Ediths Way, cb1 8nn

The Netherhall School and Sixth Form, Queen Ediths Way, cb1 8nn
'(S!)* +delete as applica#le,

Date assessment created

%onfidential risk assessment&

Assessment *utline (Summar& of 'hat is proposed)

A woman walking down a street after saying goodbye to her friend. As she walks down a dark road she gets harassed by 4 men. She shoots one of them (shot is edited in) and they run away. She smirks and walks away. As she walks, a stranger grabs her and she says I was wondering when you would show up. !th "o#ember !$%
Re ie- ! (nd date !th "o#ember !$%

Assessment start date %ountry location

&nited 'ingdom

.ostile ! tra el ad isory&


/ocation details

2 wheeler st, ambrid!e cb2 "#b 1$% corn exchan!e street

)B: 0f t1e country location selected is 2.ostile3 you are re4uired to: complete t1e BB% * erseas .ig1 Risk Assessment Form

%re- ! team (Roles, responsi(ilities, competencies) Attac1ments (Detail supportin+ documents) Assessor+s,

)llie *arrin+ton Director, )ditin+, ,amera 'oman and production mana+er ,iarra -raham Director, ,amera 'oman, Sound )ditor and .ocation mana+er/ Tom Martin, .i((& ,ross, 0ate Buntin+, 1oe s'ift, 2al 3oodhouse n/a

)llie *arrington +iarra ,raham

(4erson draftin+ ris5 assessment) Aut1oriser+s, * (4erson responsi(le for si+n6off) Distri#ution (3ho +ets a cop& of the assessment)

Assessor safety competence

Date signed-off *

Data 4rotection Act 4ersonal information collected for the purposes of ris5 assessment 'ill (e used to identif& those at ris5, and those in7ol7ed in controllin+ ris5, from this or similar acti7ities and to fulfil the BB,8s o(li+ations under 2ealth and Safet& polic& and le+islation/ 9t 'ill (e retained for up to : &ears after the expir& of the acti7it&/ 9t ma& (e shared 'ith other or+anisations, includin+ our a+ents and contractors, 'ith 'hom the ris5 or the control of ris5 is shared/

Acti ity and .a5ard Summary

Acti ity

6T1is is a summary of t1e acti ities listed in part B of t1e risk assessment /7 81o (9posed .a5ards:1a5ard titles Acti ity Risk Rating

%omments log
81o #y Date ! time recei ed %omments Assessor response Date! time responded

6* mandatory fields7


Risk Assessment Form Part A

Blank Template

6* mandatory fields7


Risk Assessment Form Part B

[enter reference number]]

Acti ity Title:*

Sign-off status

[planning/approved etc]

Delilah Run! A woman walking down a street after saying goodbye to her friend. As she walks down a dark road she gets harassed by 4 men. She shoots one of them (shot is edited in) and they run away. She smirks and walks away. As she walks, a stranger grabs her and she says I was wondering when you would show up.

Acti ity Description:

/ist t1ose managing t1is Acti ity and t1eir competence: 81o ; 1o- many are at risk from t1is Acti ity& (llie< %iarra< =oe< >ate< Tom< .al and /i##y

.a5ards 2o' could someone (ecome hurt or made ill ,re' mem(er could (e hit (& a car

%ontrol measures 2o' are &ou +oin+ to pre7ent this from happenin+; 0eep off the roads, put si+ns and cones out and loo5 (oth 'a&s (efore crossin+ an& roads/

A (i5e could hit a cre' mem(er

0eep off the roads, put si+ns and cones out and loo5 (oth 'a&s (efore crossin+ an& roads/

Risk /e el*: After &our controls ha7e (een applied 'hat is &our assessment of the ris5 le7el of this acti7it&;


6* mandatory fields7

Risk Assessment Form Part B


Blank Template


[enter reference number]]

Sign-off status

[planning/approved etc]

A%T0?0T0(S: 3hat are &ou doin+, 'here, for ho' lon+ and 'ho 'ill (e in7ol7ed; ,omplete the fields in the form (elo')/ Acti ity Title:* Acti ity Description: <acti7it& # title=

.A@ARDS ; %*)TR*/S: 2o' could someone (ecome hurt or made ill and ho' are &ou +oin+ to pre7ent this from happenin+;

/ist t1ose managing t1is Acti ity and t1eir competence: 81o ; 1o- many are at risk from t1is Acti ity& .a5ards 2o' could someone (ecome hurt or made ill <2a>ard ! title and description= %ontrol measures 2o' are &ou +oin+ to pre7ent this from happenin+; <Details of control measures=

<2a>ard # title and description= -add additional rows as re.uired/

<Details of control measures=

Risk /e el*: After &our controls ha7e (een applied 'hat is &our assessment of the ris5 le7el of this acti7it&;


+delete as applica#le,

Add additional activities as required by copying this section and pasting below

6* mandatory fields7

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