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Foundation Portfolio !

Completing your research tasks creatively! Developing your script and planning!

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In production teams! Use creative techniques to complete research tasks.! Set objectives for last weeks of term and schedule for production!

Starter !

List creative techniques used by groups last year to show, research, planning, evaluations.! Which were most effective and why?! List the best three your found!

Lighting research Task !


Using creative lm making skills to demonstrate research.! Focus question: how is lm lighting used in the vampire sub-genre?! Tips: research lighting and analyse rst - plan your lm use task to develop your skills in using light !

HW1 !

How does the vampire genre comment on the society of the time it was made?! Prepare a presentation for next Thursday in pairs/ individual! Use creative lm making up techniques!

Group Blog !

Your have 20 minutes to draw together a your team and be prepared to present your blog, team and initial work to the class.!

Target Audience !

Who is your ideal target audience member? Visual representation with detail! How will you research this?! How will you make this research visual?! How will you use video or audio to improve your grade?!

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