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The Two Standards

Life is warfare; warfare between two standards; the standard of Christ and the standard of Satan. It is older than the world, for it began with revolt of the angels. It is warfare wide as the world: it rages in every nation, every city, in the hearts of every man. Satan desires all men to come under his standard, and to this end, lures them with riches, honors, power, all that minister to the lust and pride of man; Christ on the contrary invites all to fight under His standard. But He offers no worldly allurement, only Himself. Only Jesus, the Son of Man, born an outcast, raised in poverty, rejected as a teacher, betrayed by His friends, crucified as a criminal. And therefore His followers must be ready to suffer what He suffered; poverty, persecution, betrayal, at times even death. But Jesus, the Son of Man, is also Jesus, the Son of God. And therefore His followers shall not be confounded forever, they are certain ultimate for victory, againts them, the gates of Hell cannot prevail. The power of Darkness shall splinter before their splendid battalions. Battle-scarred but resplendent, they shall enter into glory with Christ, their King. Two armies, two standards, two generals... and for evey man there comes the imperious cry of command; Choose! Christ or Satan? Choose! Sanctity or Sin? Choose! Heaven or Hell? and in the choice he makes, is summed up the life of

every man. -Fr. Horacio Dela Costa SJ

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