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Wurtenberg Bobby Wurtenberg Dr. Gayle.

English 701 18 November 2013 Radical Revision Schooling in America is a wonderful thing and has many positive things that go along with it. Teach For America is one positive program that comes along with schooling in America. Teach For America often is a big topic of

argument when schooling is talked about. Teach For America gives their recruits more than enough time to be fully prepared as they enter the teaching world. Teach For America is one of the best things to happen to schooling in America in many years. Teach For America is a program that recruits college graduates as soon as they graduate to teach for two years in urban and rural areas throughout the United States. An individual does not have to be a certified teacher or have a degree in teaching to work for Teach For America, but are given enough preparation for working with students in the classroom. According to Casey, After five weeks of training I would be a great teacher, even better than licensed professionals (Casey 2013). Teach For America is one program that is designed to improve the development of students academically from the start of a young age. Teach For America is a program that has absolutely helped students as they progress in the classroom. The recruits for Teach For America deserve full credit for all of this. The training for Teach For America is not very long. It lasts

Wurtenberg only for about seven weeks. There is also a five-week program in the summer that is available for newly graduates that have no background in any type of education. The recruits having no type of background in educational teaching is

an excellent thing. After going through the process with Teach For America, they go on to become terrific educators. After experiencing Teach For America, there are many recruits that say they were fully prepared for what they were faced against, even when they are places in very dangerous areas and it would seem as if no one would know how to handle a situation when they are threatened and cussed at. Students that are fresh out of college and thrown into an environment like that would never do it if they did not feel Teach For America would properly prepare them. Over the years, Teach For America has developed methods they use to prepare the recruits for being in these horrible neighborhoods while teaching. Teach For America teachers often face many scary days while teaching in these tough areas of the country. According to The Los Angeles/OC, I enjoyed my experience and learned a lot (The Los Angeles/OC 2012). Teach For America has its ups and its downs, but the positive things that happen because of Teach For America make it such a wonderful program. Schooling in America is very important and Teach For America is a program that intends on helping the students as they grow and get on better reading levels, do their work, etc. We are going through a crisis in American schooling right now and have been for a very long time. Teach for America has a process where you are locked in with them for two years and cannot be done

Wurtenberg with them until you have fully completed your two years as a teacher for Teach For America. While Teach For America may have some downs, the program is always improving how they go about things each year. According to Villanueva, But for all that we heard about ourselves and our challenges, we are resolved today more than ever about one thing: We are continuously looking to improve, learn and evolve as an organization and stay with the fight because we are not fine with the status quo in public education (Villanueva 2013). Teach For America recruits are often satisfied with how the program runs and how their experiences go when they are done teaching. Recruits that work through Teach For America feel that they do excellent work with the children and that they progress much faster than if a Teach For America member was teaching them. There is no way that Teach For America would put theses freshly graduated

college students in sometimes horrible situations for two years if they did not feel that they were prepared for this. It is understood that students who major in education have a passion for what they want to do in life and that is to become a teacher. Teach For America recruits do not have to have this as their major. People think that Teach For America recruits should have a degree in education in order to be better prepared. Some Teach For America recruits major in Business and a lot of other things that have no relevance to education what so ever. These recruits still feel that they were prepared for the teaching world after going through the beginning processes of Teach For America. A Teach For America recruit was interviews and felt like she made a serious impact on the students when it came to reading.

Wurtenberg She stated, I taught 7th-grade English for two years to students with wildly different needs. Some arrived in my class reading on or above grade level. On

average, they were a two and a half years behind; some were four years behind. Much of my teaching experience was about trying to motivate, convince, and cajole students into buying the idea that paying attention to basic directions about how to think, read, and write was better than chattering away to the person sitting next to you. But whats ultimately more important for middle-schoolers is reading at home, on their own. Here the correlation is strong and stark. Of the 8th-grade students who scored in the top one-quarter on a national reading test 2011, 36 percent read for fun almost every day. Of the students who scored in the bottom one-quarter on the same test, a mere 8 percent read for fun almost every day. To succeed as an English teacher, I had to get my students reading outside of class (What teach For America Taught Me 2012). This recruit member felt like she made a serious impact on the kids that she taught. If you start them at an early age, you can see better results. Teach For America has a very strong message behind what they are aiming to do. That message is to better the students in an academic way. These recruits that Teach For America put in the schools are very well educated and fully prepared for the tough tasks and challenges they will face while being in the classroom. Teach For America recruits leave a huge educational impact on the students that they teach. When the recruits love what they do, it makes them better teachers and both the teacher and the student leave with great satisfaction about their performance. If Teach For America recruits were not given enough

Wurtenberg preparation for the challenges they face each and every day, this would not be such a good program. According to a Teach For America recruit, if you don't have the passion -- don't apply. TFA is not an easy thing. You're not going to be

able to stick it out for two years in tough conditions with little pay if you don't have the innate excitement/passion for this type of work (TFA Corp Member 2013). People who are serious about this must have a passion for teaching. That is why Teach For America is so great; the recruits want to be there. Teach For America recruits are so well prepared for the tough schooling they can be placed in. Some of the recruits thought that they were going to have a tough time with teaching in some tough schools, but research has shown that they are surprised by what they accomplished. Schools also want to have Teach For America recruits placed in their schools. According to Chute, Pittsburgh Public Schools superintendent Linda Lane wants Teach for America -- which has deployed 32,000 college graduates without education degrees to classrooms nationwide for more than two decades -- to help the district fill 15 to 30 teaching vacancies next fall (Chute 2013). If Teach For America recruits are placed in schools, it can do so much better for the students and can really have a positive impact on their futures. Teach For America recruits have the biggest sympathy for the students they are teaching. Most of the students they teach come from terrible homes where the families pay little to no attention to their schooling. Teach For America recruits are always there to help and make sure that their students are always getting the job done and working to the best of their ability. According to Teach

Wurtenberg For Americas website, To provide front-line care and nurturing for children (TFA Website). In closing, there are many issues regarding schooling in America that

needs to be dealt with. Teach For America has the best recruits and teachers out there. Teach For America is one program that helps students along their way through life. In an ideal world, we would not have issues in schooling in America, but Teach For America is that answer now and in many years to come.

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