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Sub-Product Education Entrepreneurship Programs Draw Your Path Lead CO

Lead CO
Profile of EP
Available on specific TN JD

Description of Program:
Interns will be creating a conference from beginning to end as part of the Organizing Committee and Conference Manager for a 3-4 day conference. EPs will have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and global mindset. The EPs are free to create the content as they wish, the OCP of the conference will provide the ideas and concepts, the interns can use the ideas to create content as they wish and present it to the OCP and teammates. The event itself will also be managed by the interns. They will go through the process of finding a venue, preparing sessions, making sure there is catering, sponsors, etc. Transportation will be provided to and from work.

Length of Program:
6 weeks (Jan-Feb realization)

Available on specific TN JD

Sub-Product Education Entrepreneurship Programs Draw Your Path Lead CO

Draw Your Path

Profile of EP
Available on TN JD

Description of Program:
Educational program to help youth in grade 12 (high school) understand what is available for them in terms of career possibilities and how to prepare for it. EPs will help provide structure and guidance for the students lives to prepare for life after high school in terms of career possibilities. The first week of the program will involve EP training on the reality of the school, the culture, and how to effectively communicate with the students. The next 5 weeks will involve sessions, presentations, and workshops with the high school students. Transportation will be provided to and from work.

Length of Program:
6 weeks (realizations in Jan March)

Available on TN JD

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