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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: }aieu Ciaigheau
Thuisuay, Novembei, 21 2u1S S12-S22-S1u6

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A0STIN - Baiiy Smitheiman, Chaiiman of the Railioau Commission anu
conseivative canuiuate foi Attoiney ueneial, announceu touay the enuoisement of
twenty well-iespecteu business anu community leaueis fiom acioss the state,
uemonstiating his continueu momentum in the iace to become the next Attoiney

"These leaueis woik tiielessly to make Texas the gieatest state in the nation anu I'm
honoieu they suppoit my canuiuacy foi Attoiney ueneial," saiu Smitheiman. "They
have enuoiseu me because they know Texas neeus a pioven leauei as oui next
Attoiney ueneial. As a foimei piosecutoi anu effective leauei of laige state
agencies, I have the expeiience anu tiack iecoiu of success Texans want in theii
next Attoiney ueneial," Smitheiman concluueu.

The following business anu community leaueis have enuoiseu Baiiy Smitheiman
foi Attoiney ueneial:

Phil Auams, Biyan Nancy Neal, Lubbock
Spencei Aimoui, III, Niulanu uene Powell, San Antonio
}ohn Espaiza, Austin Biint Ryan, Ballas
Bi. }aime uaiza, San Antonio Chailes Schwaitz, Bouston
}aivis Bollingswoith, Bouston }im Schweitnei, Schweitnei
Tim Lancastei, Abilene Bill Scott, Beaumont
Nickey Long, Niulanu }ohn Steinmetz, Lubbock
Paula Nenuoza, Bouston Cliff Thomas, victoiia
}acob Nonty, Bouston }ohn Walkei, Bouston
}uuy Noigan, Texaikana }ohn White, Bouston

Noie infoimation about the Smitheiman Campaign is available at


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