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Who is at greatest risk of HIV infection? -People who engage in high risk sexual behaviors.

-People who share needle to inject drug.

How can you protect yourself from HIV? -Use condom -You can protect yourself from HIV by practicing abstinence, avoiding drugs, and avoiding contact with others blood and body fluids.


The Nutrients
Sunsinee T. Anda T. Chayanisa O.

What is AIDS?

How is HIV transmitted?

What causes AIDS? -During Sex

-Sexual contact -Shared needles -contact with blood -Mother to baby can pass from infected mother to her child,, pregnancy, birth and breast feeding.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

-Blood transfusion -Sharing needles -From Mother to Child -HIV attack specific T cells of the immune system disabling the bodys defense against other pathogens.

AIDS is an often fatal disease of the immune system

The Nutrients
Sunsinee T. Anda T. Chayanisa O.

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