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Protection and Control for Transmission Networks

IED 670 Selection Guide




More than
just a

Our new Protection & Control Manager (PCM) is an equally powerful and easy-to-use tool for engineering, configuration, setting, monitoring and disturbance evaluation. Finally MicroSCADA has been further developed to MicroSCADA Pro with additional functionality, improved graphics and full IEC 61850 support. Based on our Innovation, Experience and Commitment we are offering you the state-of-the-art IED 670 Protection, Monitoring & Control Solution Provider, Made in ABB. Efficient Reliable Flexible

How to use the most powerful

relayever designed.....
ABB proudly present the first truly open and future proof substation automation product family on the market. This new concept will allow you to design more efficient, reliable and flexible substation automation solutions. This will furthermore give you a more user friendly, informative and future proof installation. IED 670 is the most powerful Intelligent Electronic Device for Substation Automation & Protection available today. It is the first truly hardware independent modular concept for ALL applications in Power Transmission Systems. IED 670 is fully designed for IEC 61850, TCP/IP and high speed Ethernet but also support other protocols. IED 670 is an evolution from our experienced 316 and 500 series and is based on well proven algorithms and our modular I/O concept. Accuracy, speed, functionality, flexibility and information handling has been significantly improved. Protection, monitoring and control can be integrated or distributed in any IED. The possibility to combine cycle fault clearing with typical 0.25 % measuring accuracy and at the same time connect the IED to both protection cores and metering cores of the instrument transformers makes IED 670 unique in its high performance. ONE common Application Function Library, ONE modular and state-of-the-art IED with a 600 MHz CPU give the freedom-of-choice and unique flexibility to design your own optimum solution. This future proof concept allows you to keep your assets forever young. With IED 670 you can migrate with the rapid CPU and communication development while staying with the well proven algorithms in our Application Function Library. further improve the performance and

grid reliability of your power system

IED 670 is available as pre-configured and ready-touse IED and are designated REB, REC, RED, REL and RET depending on each major application. In our Preconfigured Buyers Guides you will find all available variants with basic functionality which are ready-to-use without any additional configuration needed. With the PCM tool it is very easy to re-adjust the links for each input and output with your external circuits and re-adjust the pre-set values according to you selectivity plan. This gives fast installation and commissioning. PCM is furthermore a powerful tool for substation monitoring and disturbance evaluation especially if the fast Ethernet connection can be utilized. User friendly Informative Future proof
+ REL 670 with true full scheme distance function, excellent phase selection and load discrimination for maximum selectivity of HV & EHV lines and cable protection (optional additional algorithms & control functionality) + RED 670 with phase segregated current differential and route switching capability for absolute selectivity of up to 5 lines ends with up to 6 three phase current restrained inputs. (optional additional algorithms & control functionality) + RET 670 with multi differential functions for high speed (1/2 cycle) and selective protection of 2 or 3 winding transformers with up to 6 three phase current restrained inputs. (optional additional algorithms & control functionality) + RET 670 can be configured for auto transformers, phase shifters or composite objects such as generator/transformer blocks, transformers + bus bars + lines.

For even more flexibility you can design your own IED just selecting your preferred functions from the comprehensive Application Function Library and I/O modules in our Buyers Guide. You can either start from a pre-configured variants and just add options or you can start from our open IED variants and tailor the functionality from the options available in the Open Buyers Guides. In both cases you will need the PCM tool with the configuration option according to IEC 61131-3 in order to configure your selected options. As an alternative and on your optional request we can together with you identify the most optimum solution to configure for your specific application and requirements. This customized IED will then be identified with a unique number which can be re-ordered at any time by you.



+ REC 670 with select before execute command for single, double or breaker & half bay control (optional additional algorithms & protection functionality) + REC 670 with multi page HMI (6 single line diagrams) can be configured for multi bay and/or H-station control with optional protection functionality + REB 670 is a further improvement of our well known RADSS/REB100/RED521 bus differential protection for up to 24 feeders and two zones. This provides a unique reliability with ultra high speed fault detection and stability for CT saturation. (optional additional algorithms such as breaker failure)

We are stepping

out of the box.....

Our new concept is an evolution from our well proven RE.316 and REx5xx IED range in a truly global development by ABB. All existing protection, control and monitoring algorithms has been modelled and further improved according to the new IEC 61850 open standard into our Application Function Library. The IED 670 is based on our experienced REx5xx design utilizing the same modular and scalable I/O boards but with increased analogue input capability up to 24 currents/voltages. The state-of-art 600 MHz CPU allows higher functionality and still will process the algorithms from our common library even faster compared to today. All algorithms can be combined in basically any IED exactly according to your desired architecture and redundancy requirement. All IEDs can be provided with full control functionality and the fully graphical multi page / multi bay HMI. This unique functionality and flexibility provides reliable and efficient solutions for basically any protection, control and monitoring application in High Voltage Substations. We may proudly state that our complete and global know-how and experience now is available at the fingertips of the user. ABB has for the last twenty years been leading the development of digital protection and control. Communicating relays via SPA, numerical control via Ethernet and the function library concept in 216/316 series were all introduced in the 80ies and further developed with the 500 series and LON during the 90ies. Now we take the next step in this evolution. IED 670 is the first IED on the market, which is fully designed for the new IEC 61850 standard allowing an open structure with free allocations of functions instead of a locked hard ware box. This allows optimised design from fully integrated to fully decentralized solutions depending on your preferences and application.

ONE powerful and open IED for ALL applications give you

the magic IED!

With IED 670 you have the freedom of choice to design your protection & control solution exactly as you need. Our new range includes all products needed to efficiently design and operate your future proof Substation Automation System. The modular IED, the user friendly PCM and the informative MicroSCADA Pro. What differs ABB from other brands is that we are leaving the box. Instead of a large number of different hardware boxes, software and protocol converters to learn and maintain we are introducing ONE modular and open concept - independent of hardware, which is designed for and fully implement the new IEC 61850 open standard. In addition we fully support the present protocols such as SPA, LON and IEC 870-5-103 within the substation and a large number of additional remote protocols through MicroSCADA Pro or our Remote Terminal Units. We have additionally implemented IEC 61850 in REB 500 as well as COM581. Existing products such as REL 521/531 can be connected to IEC 61850 via a converter. IEC 61850 is also implemented for our distribution range of IEDs. Multiple end remote end data communication for C37.94 and G 703 is furthermore available in IED 670 for sampled values and transfer trip. For full details and continuous update on available products and solutions we refer to You can also order our Product Buyers Guide on CD
(1MRK 002 255-BA)

This gives you a step-by-step approach when you can introduce the new products with the existing protocols and then migrate to IEC 61850 when you are ready. But you can already start today by using the High Speed Ethernet for your Substation Monitoring with remote parameterization and disturbance evaluation. Both IEC 870-5-103 and IEC 61850 allows you to combine different vendors. But with the hardware independent IED 670 you can furthermore move, change and upgrade functions even after installations. This is what we mean with an open and future proof concept to ensure that your investment is forever young.

So it still matters which vendor you choose!

ABB MicroSCADA Pro HSI with optional gateway

Separate Gateway or RTU to NCC

Office/Mobile PC For SMS/PCM

IEC 61850-8-1 TCP/IP LAN/WAN

G37.94 G.703

IED 670 includes two optical Ethernet LAN connections for disturbance free communication within the substation and interface to the Network Control Center via Gateway/RTU and to any location for SMS (Disturbance record, events, settings etc.) via WAN, WWW or modem. Additional SPA, LON and IEC 870-5-103 is available as option in IED 670. IED 670 is furthermore prepared for additional optional connection to IEC 618509-2 process bus.

SPA, LON & IEC 870-5-103

A major


In Grid Reliability

The main requirement =

Always operate correctly

Reliable Power Supply No chain is stronger than its weakest link. This truth is valid also for the power system. In order to ensure continuous power transmission each link has to be in operation. This means that the transmission lines and transformers have to be continuous available. Unavailability can be stated as MTTR/MTBF. MTBF = Mean Time Between Failure and MTTR = Mean Time To Repair. In short we need to minimize the probability of a fault and the time to restore operation. Faults will however always occur due to lightning strokes, pollution, ageing and other reasons. Therefore we need reliable and fast protection and control to clear the fault and restore operation. And equally important is not to cause an unnecessary interruption. IED 670 provides fast and reliable protection and control. This is what we mean with Always operate correctly. Reliability = Dependability + Security The IED shall operate correctly with dependable detection of all internal faults but at the same time be secure for external faults and during normal operating conditions without any false operation. In a similar way the IED shall guarantee dependable and secure control including interlocking, auto-re-closing and efficient information handling to minimize the effect of any disturbance. Duplicated protection, local or remote back-up can be used to improve the dependability. What is important is to select and co-ordinate the protection for the overall availability for the complete power system. The fault clearing chain The IED is an integral part of the fault clearing chain. The IED requires information about currents and voltages during load and fault conditions. It should however operate correctly even at distorted signals due to CT transients, CT saturation or extremely low values. If a breaker fail to operate, the IED shall provide reliable breaker failure protection but at the same time be stable for remaining flux current. Finally certain line protection and remote tripping capability as well as substation automation require reliable communication. IED 670 is designed to always operate correctly IED 670 is designed to operate correctly during current transformer saturation and current voltage transformer transients and includes an advanced breaker failure algorithm for multiple breakers. It can furthermore handle multiple sets of three phase current transformers for improved security. Finally the adaptive communication can handle route switching as well as GPS interruption.

Power system know-how

and experience
High Current & Faults with large DC component A ZsA IA p*ZL IL 1-p*ZL IB B ZsB Weak End Infeed Faults SB Rf Z< High Resistance Faults Z< Faults during high load (IL)

For all types of system conditions

Optimizing Dependability and Security In order to optimize dependability AND security for maximum grid reliability it is necessary to design, select, test and verify the protection and control IED for each type of fault, each type of application, all source-to-line ratios, different instrument transformers and operating conditions. The IED is NOT an island. The IED is an integral part of the power system. This means we need to fully know and understand the power system i.e. the complete chain. Dependability = Speed + Sensitivity Dependability requires to optimize speed AND sensitivity for ALL faults. High speed is especially important for busbar and transformer protection to limit damages from high current faults. High sensitivity is important for transmission line protection since the majority of the faults are single phase-to-earth faults with moderate fault current due to high fault resistance and/or weak-end infeed. Built in power system know-how Well proven algorithms State-of-the-art IED Maximum reliability

Security = Selectivity + Stability Security requires to optimize selectivity AND stability for ALL objects. Differential current measurement used for bus, transformer and line differential protection will during ideal conditions provide absolute selectivity. But a false operation can give a big disturbance. High stability for through going currents, CT-saturation and inrush currents is therefore mandatory especially for bus, breaker failure and transformer protection. Phase selectivity and stability for load and power swings is essential for transmission line protection. ABB power system competence ABB is the worlds leading supplier in Power Technology for Transmission and Distribution. This means we have a wide competence with deep knowhow and global experience for all major parts in the power grid from power transformers and circuit breakers to instrument transformers and substation automation. In addition we are the leading supplier of advanced system solutions for HVAC and HVDC. The design of IED 670 is based on this unique competence and further verified in advanced simulator studies and global experience for ALL types of applications and conditions. That is why we proudly state that IED 670 is a major leap in grid reliability.

Evolving faults
2-phase faults 3-phase faults

For all types of faults

1-phase faults

IED 670 = Perfecting

your selectivity plan

With the state-of-the art IED 670 you have a unique solution provider to design and adjust the protection & control solution to exactly meet your application and requirement. All necessary protection, monitoring and control algorithms are available in our common Application Function Library. IED 670 is ensuring both maximum dependability and security. This means to provide fast and sensitive detection of ALL faults independent of type and location but at the same time ensure selectivity and stability for external faults, load, and transients. Accuracy and speed are often contradictory and all design requires a balance between the two requirements. However the IED 670 high performance CPU enables both faster and more accurate execution of the algorithms. As an example REL 670 and RET 670 is faster compared to REL 521 and RET 521. Damaging bus or transformer faults with high fault current can be detected in less than half a cycle with RET 670 and REB 670 with maintained stability for transients and CTsaturation. Constant operating time independent of source to line ratio and for all fault locations together with reliable phase selection independent of load is the main requirement for the line protection. Single phase faults on heavily loaded transmission lines, parallel lines, multi terminal lines, weak end infeed and high fault resistance can be correctly tripped and re-closed by REL 670 and RED 670. Close in line faults can be detected in cycle with the high speed over current function. Our well proven algorithms have been further improved to operate correctly even during CT saturation and CVT transients. With up to 24 analog inputs you can connect the transformer and line protection to both sets of CTs which are used for breaker-and-a-half, ring or double breaker switchgear allowing high sensitivity and stability.

An efficient solution provider for all applications

IED 670 Main functionality and applications Full-scheme distance protection with advanced phase selection & load enchroachment Phase segregated line differential protection with adaptive communication High speed & high sensitivity transformer differential protection with adaptive stabilization High speed phase segregated bus differential protection with extremely low CT requirements High speed summation type bus differential protection with extremely low CT requirements High speed high impedance differential protection High speed and high sensitivity restricted earthfault differential protection High speed instantaneous phase and earth over current protection 4-step phase over current protection 4-step residual over current protection 4-step directional phase and earth over current protection Adaptive breaker failure protection Over/Under frequency Over/Under voltage Rate of change frequency General Voltage/Current Protection Auto reclosing Synchrocheck High performance disturbance recorder (40 analog channels/100 disturbancies) High accuracy fault locator Bay control with interlocking and select before execute Measuring and event recording Programmable logic Maximum number of breakers/bays

20 20 10 10 10 10 20 10 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 24 2 2 6 6 n.a. n.a.

24 analog input channels

Op. Time ms

RED 670

REC 670

REB 670

RET 670

REL 670

For maximum

grid reliability
Perfecting the Kirchhoff Law The well known Kirchhoff law is the base for all differential protection and has many advantages. The well proven algorithms in RET 316/RET 521 and REB 100/RED 521 have been further improved to ensure both high speed operation, typically to cycle and full stability for CT saturation and inrush currents. This unique dependability and security of RET 670 and REB 670 will give you a valuable insurance of your substation. We dare to state that this is the most high performing and reliable IED for busbars and transformers available today. In addition you can add other functions such as breaker failure protection from the library. RET 670 can handle 6 sets of three phase current restraint, e.g. a three winding power transformer with double breaker arrangement for each winding. RET 670 can be further extended with additional high impedance and restricted earth fault differential protection to give even faster and more sensitive protection of auto transformers, reactors and primary windings. RET 670 can cover several objects and several functions integrated in the same IED, e.g. line, bus, transformer and feeders. This makes RET 670 ideal for small substation applications since also the control functionality can be integrated. RED 670 is the further development of REL 551/561 line differential protection extended to 6 sets of three phase current restraint, e.g. up to five line ends and two breaker application in one end. It operate correctly for route switching and shorter GPS interruptions. Additional back up functions e.g. over current protection or distance protection can be added. Perfecting Ohms Law All impedance measuring relays are based on Ohms Law by measuring Z = U/I. Accurate impedance measurement depends both on the CT and VT response as well as the source to line ratio. Capacitive Voltage Transformers are common in High Voltage systems and can generate errors. REL 670 has further developed the full scheme distance measurement from the REL 5xx series. This has resulted in even shorter and constant operating time including CVT applications and high source-to-line ratios. The phase selection has been further improved with an advanced load enchroachment characteristic. This unique dependability and security of REL 670 can be further improved with additional functions such as a four step directional phase and earth protection as well as the General Function (current/voltage) protection which can be customized for rapid single phase detection of very high resistance earth faults. The high speed overcurrent function can be applied for close in and heavy current faults and a four step overcurrent protection can be used as backup during at a fuse failure or loss of measuring voltage.

The perfect differential protection The perfect distance protection

3-winding Transformer cycle

Bus cycle

Multi terminal line 1 cycle (Single pole)

Bus cycle

Parallel Line/Cable 1 cycle

Transformer cycle

Breaker-and-half Station cycle

Long transmission line 1 cycle (Single pole) cycle (High speed O/C)

Current Transformer Location Circuit Breaker Location




and 160 BI). Please consult the table below or our Buyers Guide for exact number of different modules depending of size. All IED 670 can be equipped with none or several Combitest test switches depending on requirements.

Modular and scalable IED

IED 670 is available in three different sizes for rack or flush mounting but all with 259,9 mm height (6U) and 201,1 mm depth. There are three alternative width: 19 (205.7 mm) , 19 ( 318.0 mm) and 1/1 19 ( 430.3 mm) IED 670 can be equipped with maximum two analog input modules (Maximum 24 analog inputs) and maximum 14 I/O modules. (Maximum 224 BI or 96 BO

Design your own perfect IED

Maximum quantity of I/O boards per type

Basic quantity defined in application table for available products.
Case (TRM= Transformer module) 1/2 19" case 3/4 19" case with 1TRM 3/4 19" case with 2 TRMs 1/1 19" case with 1 TRM 1/1 19" case with 2 TRMs BIM/BIMp 3 8 5 14 11 IOM 3 6 5 6 6 BOM 3 3 3 4 4 MIM 0 1 1 4 4 GSM 1 1 1 1 1 Total max in case 3 8 5 14 11 BOM+MIM max 4 BOM+MIM max 4 Restriction

BIM Binary Input Module BIMp Binary Input Module with enhanced pulse counting capabilities IOM Binary In/Output Module BOM Binary Output Module MIM mA Input Module GSM GPS Synchronization Module

16 binary inputs, 24-30, 48-60, 110-125 or 220-250 VDC 16 binary inputs, 24-30, 48-60, 110-125 or 220-250 VDC, 40 pulses/s 8 binary inputs, 24-30, 48-60, 110-125 or 220-250 VDC, 10 trip + 2 fast signal output relays 24 trip and signal output relays 6 channels, 5, 10, 20 mA, 0-5, 0-10, 0-20 or 4-20 mA Provides accuracy better than 1 microsecond


Exactly what you want

IED 670 can be configured to exactly fit to your application and requirements. In most cases you will find the best alternative in our pre-configured Buyers Guides (BG) which are divided depending on application. All basic functionality is pre-configured with de-fault setting which gives you a ready-to-use IED. You may still add options according to the BG and configure the IED using PCM600. We additionally can provide customized variants allowing you to configure an equal to an existing 316/500 IED as seen from the table below. Finally you have the freedom of choice to tailor your own IED by selecting from the options in the Open Configuration BG.

= Basic Application Arrangement Sub-arrangement Busbar

REB 670-A20 REB 670-A31 REB 670-B20 REB 670-B21 REB 670-B31

= Basic, 1-of Line Differential

RED 670 RED 670-A31 RED 670-A32 RED 670-B31 RED 670-B32

= Optional Line Distance

3 = Number of modules Transformer

REC 670 REC 670-A10 REC 670-A20 REC 670-A30 REC 670-B30 REC 670-C30


4 bays/2 zones 8 bays/2 zones 12 bays/2 zones 12 bays/2 zones 24 bays/2 zones 12 bays/2 zones 12 bays/2 zones 24 bays/2 zones

3 phase 3 phase 1 phase 1 phase 1 phase 3 phase Summation 3 phase Summation 3 phase Summation To be customized Breaker Protection Bay Control Control & Protection Control & Protection Control & Protection To be customized Back up 3 phase trip 1 phase trip 3 phase trip 1 phase trip To be customized Back up Load shedding 1 Circuit Breaker 2 Circuit Breakers/W 1 Circuit Breaker 1 Circuit Breaker 1 Circuit Breaker 2 Circuit Breakers/W

Bay control

Open options 1 Circuit Breaker 1 Circuit Breaker 1 Circuit Breaker 2 Circuit Breakers 1 Circuit Breaker

Transmission Line

Open options Station 1 Circuit Breaker 1 Circuit Breaker 2 Circuit Breakers 2 Circuit Breakers


Open options (24 AI) Station (12AI) Station (12 AI) 2 winding (12/24 AI) 2 winding (24 AI) 3 winding (12I) 3 winding (9I+3U) 3 winding (24 AI) 3 winding (24 AI)


1/2 19" 3/4 19" 1/1 19"


Text only Large graphic display 15 object /page

Analog inputs

6 Analog inputs 12 Analog inputs 24 Analog inputs

Input/output modules

BIM 16 inputs BOM 24 output relays See other table

basic basic optional

1 1

1 1

1 1

2 1

2 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

Buyers Guide Buyers Guide Customized Preconfigured Preconfigured

Pre-configured Open configurations Available Q1 2006 Available Q1 2006 Available Q2 2006 Earlier on request Earlier on request Earlier on request

1MRK 505172-BEN

1MRK 511176-BEN 1MRK 511154-BEN

1MRK 505164-BEN 1MRK 505137-BEN

1MRK 505164-BEN 1MRK 505137-BEN

RET 670 RET 670-A10 RET 670-A11 RET 670-A20 RET 670-A30 RET 670-A31 RET 670-A40 RET 670-B30 RET 670-B40
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1MRK 504080-BEN 1MRK 504953-BEN

REL 670 REL 670-A10 REL 670-A31 REL 670-A32 REL 670-B31 REL 670-B32


protection functions
The IED 670 Application Function Library includes the advanced and well proven protection algorithms from the 500-series. The further improved A/D conversion, CPU capacity and increased number of analog inputs has resulted in even higher speed, accuracy and reliability. In addition the increased functionality allows the integration of parallel algorithms with advanced logic and communication. It is even possible to integrate several different differential protection functions with parallel distance protection functions in RET or RED. In addition back-up phase-and-earth overcurrent protection can be included giving an efficient back-up protection for communication or voltage circuit failure. Select the perfect protection

= Basic IEC ANSI Application Arrangement Subarrangement Busbar

REB 670-A20 REB 670-A31 REB 670-B20 REB 670-B21 REB 670-B31

= Basic, 1-of Line Differential

RED 670 RED 670-A31 RED 670-A32 RED 670-B31 RED 670-B32

= Optional Line Distance

REL 670 REL 670-A10 REL 670-A31 REL 670-A32 REL 670-B31 REL 670-B32

3 = Maximum no. of options Transformer

REC 670 REC 670-A10 REC 670-A20 REC 670-A30 REC 670-B30 REC 670-C30

Main Protection Function

B4 PDIF B8 PDIF B12 PDIF B24 PDIF B12 PDIF B24 PDIF L3C PDIF L3C PDIF L6C PDIF L6C PDIF T2W PDIF T3W PDIF REF PDIF HZ PDIF ZMQ PDIS ZMQ PDIS ZMQ PDIS FDPS PDIS ZM RPSB Z PSOF 87B 87B 87B 87B 87B 87B 87L 87L 87L 87L 87T 87T 87N 87 21 21 21 21 78 Bus differential protection Bus differential protection Bus differential protection Bus differential protection Bus differential protection Bus differential protection Line differential protection Line differential protection Line differential protection Line differential protection Transformer differential protection Transformer differential protection Low impedance differential protection High impedance differential protection Distance protection zones Distance protection zones Distance protection zones Phase selection with load enchroachment Power swing detection Automatic switch onto fault 4 bays, 2 zones 8 bays, 2 zones 12 bays, 2 zones 24 bays, 2 zones 12 bays, 2 zones 24 bays, 2 zones 3x3 CT inputs 3x3 CT inputs 6x3 CT inputs 6x3 CT inputs 2 winding 3 winding Earth fault Single phase Full scheme 5 zones Full scheme 4 zones Full scheme 3 zones 3 phase 3 phase 1 phase 1 phase 3 phase Summation 3 phase Summation 2- 3 line ends Transformer in zone 3- 5 line ends Transformer in zone 1 set 1 set 2 sets 3 sets Phase-phase and phase-earth Phase-phase and phase-earth Phase-phase and phase-earth


RET 670 RET 670-A10 RET 670-A11 RET 670-A20 RET 670-A30 RET 670-A31 RET 670-A40 RET 670-B30 RET 670-B40

protection functions
A number of current and voltage based back-up functions can be integrated. This includes one (or several) four step directional earth fault protection schemes with a permissive overreaching transfer trip (POTT) for directional comparison of high resistance earth faults. In a similar way it is possible to integrate one (or several) four step directional or un-directional over current protection. Furthermore high speed phase and earth over current protection can be added for close-in heavy current faults. Adaptive breaker failure protection for one, two or six breakers can be added depending on IED. Several over/under voltage and over/under frequency functions can be used for load shedding and other functions. Over excitation and rate-of-change frequency protection makes IED 670 the complete solution provider for ALL your applications. Finally a unique Customizer consisting of a flexible general current and voltage protection for symmetrical components be tailored for special functions and specific applications.

= Basic IEC ANSI Application Arrangement Subarrangement Busbar

REB 670-A20 REB 670-A31 REB 670-B20 REB 670-B21 REB 670-B31

= Basic, 1-of Line Differential

RED 670 RED 670-A31 RED 670-A32 RED 670-B31 RED 670-B32

= Optional Line Distance

3 = Maximum no. of options Transformer

REC 670 REC 670-A10 REC 670-A20 REC 670-A30 REC 670-B30 REC 670-C30

Main Protection Function

PH PIOC PH4 POCM PH4 POCM EF PIOC EF4 PEFM L PTTR CC RBRF CC RBRF STB PTOC CC RPLD POVM POVM POVM PVPH PTUF PTOF PFRC PGPF 50 51/67 51 50N 51N/67N 26 50BF 50BF 50STB 52PD 27 59 59N 24 81 81 81 Overcurrent protection Overcurrent protection Overcurrent protection Overcurrent protection Overcurrent protection Thermal overload protection Breaker failure protection Breaker failure protection Stub protection Pole discordance protection Two step undervoltage protection Two step overvoltage protection Two step residual overvoltage protection Overexcitation protection Underfrequency protection overfrequency protection Rate-of-change frequency protection General current and voltage protection 3 phase 1 phase Undir/High speed Dir/Undir. Undir. Undir/High speed Dir/Undir. Instant/3 phase 4-step/3 phase 4-step/1 phase Instant/residual 4-step/residual

3 2

6 6 6 9

2 2 2 4

2 2 2 4

6 6 6 12

RET 670 RET 670-A10 RET 670-A11 RET 670-A20 RET 670-A30 RET 670-A31 RET 670-A40 RET 670-B30 RET 670-B40

REL 670 REL 670-A10 REL 670-A31 REL 670-A32 REL 670-B31 REL 670-B32


Designed to

Control & Monitoring functions
The complete IED 670 family has an outstanding functionality for monitoring, measurement, event and disturbance recording for up to 30+10 externaly and internaly derived analog channels per IED. The same IED can be connected to the protection and measuring cores of the instrument transformers at the same time. REC 670 is available as bay control for different switchgear arrangements including breaker-and-a-half stations. Control functionality is however available as option for the complete IED 670 range except REB 670. This allows either a distributed approach with a dedicated REC 670 controller for one or several bays or an integrated approach with combined control and back-up protection up to a fully integrated protection and control IED.
REC 670 for six bays with phase-and-earth protection ( 4-step), auto-reclosing, bay control and breaker failure.

= Basic Application Arrangement Busbar

REB 670-A20 REB 670-A31 REB 670-B20 REB 670-B21 REB 670-B31

= Basic, 1-of Line Differential

RED 670 RED 670-A31 RED 670-A32 RED 670-B31 RED 670-B32

= Optional Line Distance

REL 670 REL 670-A10 REL 670-A31 REL 670-A32 REL 670-B31 REL 670-B32

3 = Maximum no. of options Transformer

REC 670 REC 670-A10 REC 670-A20 REC 670-A30 REC 670-B30 REC 670-C30

Control & Supervision

Current circuit supervision Fuse failure supervision Synchrocheck and energizing check Autorecloser Apparatus control for single bay Apparatus control for single bay Apparatus control for up to 6 bays Logic rotating switch for function selection and LMHI presentation Tripping logic Trip matrix logic Configurable logic blocks Fixed signal function blocks Event counter Fault locator Measurements Event function Disturbance report Logic signal status report Pulse counter logic max. 8 apparatuses max 15 apparatuses max 30 apparatuses

5 4 6 2 6

2 3 2 2

2 3 2 2

5 4 6


RET 670 RET 670-A10 RET 670-A11 RET 670-A20 RET 670-A30 RET 670-A31 RET 670-A40 RET 670-B30 RET 670-B40

Communication functions
IED 670 is designed to communicate. This includes the necessary remote communication for the protection schemes and the bay/station level communication for control and interlocking as well as remote communication to SMS and/or SCADA. IED 670 is designed for IEC 61850 open communication and TCP/IP but can also support SPA, LON and IEC 80870-5-103 in up to 4 parallel channels as shown in the below table. Communication is essential for the overall reliability. And communication signals can be distorted when exposed to the severe disturbance environment in a substation. This is why disturbance free OPTICAL communication is built into the design of IED 670 minimizing the risk for communication errors. IED 670 is verified for IEC 61850. But in addition IED 670 together with other ABB and non-ABB IEDs has been comprehensively tested in our unique ABB IEC 61850 System Verification Center.
= Basic Application Arrangement Subarrangement Busbar
REB 670-A20 REB 670-A31 REB 670-B20 REB 670-B21 REB 670-B31

The current differential function in RED 670 is utilizing the sampled current values from up to four remote ends in addition to one/two local ends in order to perform the 6x3 current differential evaluation. This means that all analog sampled current values are continuous communicated to all line ends together with the possible trip signals in each phase. Since the disturbance recorder in each IED 670 can handle 40 analog channels and 96 digital channels it is possible to analyze information from all line ends in one IED. You can create your own disturbance report the way you want and send your file as an e-mail. In addition a binary signal transfer to each remote end of eight signals is possible. E.g for transfer trip from a breaker failure protection or other binary signals. If no analog values are needed it is possible to transfer 6x32 binary signals to the the remote ends. The right information to the right person at the right time.
= Basic, 1-of Bay
REC 670 REC 670-A10 REC 670-A20 REC 670-A30 REC 670-B30 REC 670-C30

= Optional

3 = Number of modules/Maximum no. of options Line Distance

REL 670 REL 670-A10 REL 670-A31 REL 670-A32 REL 670-B31 REL 670-B32

Line Differential
RED 670 RED 670-A31 RED 670-A32 RED 670-B31 RED 670-B32


Control & Supervision

SPA communication protocol LON communication protocol IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functions, parameter setting Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking FTP access with password Single command Multiple command and transmit SPA/IEC 60870-5-103 and LON (SLM) communication ports IEC 61850-8-1 (OEM) communication ports Binary signal transfer Analog data transfer Scheme communication logic Scheme communication logic Line data communcation module C37.94 Distance DEF 3/65/130 km basic optional 2 channels 1 channel or 2 channels plastic, plastic/ glass or glass glass

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3

1 3

2 2

1 3

2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

RET 670 RET 670-A10 RET 670-A11 RET 670-A20 RET 670-A30 RET 670-A31 RET 670-A40 RET 670-B30 RET 670-B40


Easy to handle
Built in HMI Direct interaction without any tools
The local HMI of the IEDs gives you a quick yet detailed overview of the process with setting and control capabilities in any situation. The user-friendly navigation structure of the HMI allows you to access desired function or important data, such as event and disturbance information as well as settings fast and easy. With the large HMI you can control and visualize locally up to 30 primary apparatuses. Measured service values are displayed and fault values from the two latest disturbances will be shown. You can easily draw the single line diagram to be displayed on the the HMI corresponding to your switchgear arrangement by using the Graphical Display Editor of the PCM600 tool. The symbols needed are available in a library according to both IEC and ANSI standards. Up to six different pages for up to six switchgear bays are available. This mean that the built in HMI can replace the need for a substation computer.

PCM 600 Engineering Pro 1MRK003395-CA

PCM 600 IED Manager 1MRK003395-AA

PCM 600 Engineering 1MRK003395-BA

HMI (Large display)

HMI (Text display)

Function Read on-line measuring values Read stored events (1000) Read stored fault locator values Read stored disturbance recorder values Upload stored disturbance recorder values (Manual) Upload stored disturbance recorder values (Automatic) Disturbance report generation (Automatic) Read setting groups parameters (6) Change setting groups Write setting group parameters Change lock (Block via BI) Test mode selection (Block/Activate functions) IED diagnostics (Internal events) Object status (closed, open, value) Object control (close, open) Authorization (Password for Local/Remote) Bay graphical display Multi page (6) bay graphical display Multi page (6) bay graphical display editor Signal matrix tool (Link I/O) IEC 61850-8 communication configuration (CCT) IEC 61131-3 graphical configuration

IED 670 includes a unique feature to simplify the setting procedure and to facilitate the commissioning. The pre-configured variants of IED 670 includes de-fault settings. The shown settings is filtered out depending on selected options. In addition the setting is divided in two user groups. One for normal users which only includes typical application settings and for expert users which includes all settings. It is furthermore possible to store six different setting groups.


Protection and Control IED Manager

PCM 600 the optimum user tool

The easy-to-use software tool, Protection and Control IED Manager PCM 600, provides all required functionality throughout the life cycle of the IED670 as well as selected older products. This includes parameter setting, configuration, on-line monitoring and event viewing during engineering, commissioning, operation, testing and maintenance. It also provides you with an efficient tool for disturbance evaluation and function analysis after primary system faults. With PCM 600 you can easily create application specific configurations by combining function blocks, logical elements, timers, etc. in the IED. The new tool also includes graphical display editor for creating single line diagrams for the local HMI. The built in Signal Matrix Tool supports efficient configuration of the analog and digital I/O signals for fast adaptation to your primary circuits. The advanced PCM 600 tool paves the way for a new era of disturbance handling. Through automatic detection and reporting of disturbances it allows fast and efficient analysis of complex disturbances analysis instead of data manipulation. Up to 40 analog channels and 96 digital can be included per IED. As an example this makes it possible to analyze all line ends simultaneously from a multiterminal application in each location of RED 670. PCM 600 fully supports the new IEC 61850 standard in terms of GOOSE messaging, engineering and information management. PCM 600 includes both the CAP IEC 611313 and the CCT IEC 61850-8 functionality which means a complete IED Capability Description (ICD) and Substation Configuration Description (SCD) will be generated. PCM 600 can be run from a standard PC connected to the front or via fast and reliable TCP/IP communication on LAN or WAN, which enables quick up- and downloading of settings and configurations to the IEDs, and upload of dozens of disturbance files from the IEDs in just a few seconds. PCM 600 can also be used together with CAP540 for modem or PC to PC connections for remote communication to IED 670 and older products via SPA.



Lines & Cables

REL & RED 670 Line IED
REL 670 Line distance protection
REL 670 is used for the protection, control and monitoring of overhead lines and cables in transmission and sub-transmission networks. Its excellent phase selection and load enchroachment makes it ideal for heavily loaded and/or parallel lines where the requirement for tripping is one, two-, and/or three pole. Autoreclosing, synchrocheck , breaker failure protection and bay control can be included for 1 or 2 breakers. The IED is also suitable as back-up protection of power transformers, reactors etc. The well proven full scheme distance protection with quadrilateral characteristics provides the main protection function in REL 670. The five zones have fully independent measuring and setting for phase-to-earth as well phase-to-phase loops which allows optimized protection for all types of lines and applications. Speed and accuracy has been significantly improved compared to REL 316 and REL 5xx series. Additional high speed instantaneous phase and earth overcurrent can be used for close in faults and a separate four step phase and earth over current protection can be used as back up. Complete scheme communication logic is available both for distance and directional earth fault as well as transfer trip. Remote communication based on the IEEE C37.94 standard can be redundant when required for important installations. Route switching and short GPS failure will be compensated. Charging current compensation allows high sensitivity also on long overhead lines and cables. A four step overcurrent or full scheme distance protection is optional in RED 670 as back-up for remote end or communication failures. The following 64 kbit communication alternatives are available:
1. Telecommunication systems with specified route switching using echo timing. Typical distances < 200 km (< 300 km state of the art) Telecommunication systems with unspecified route switching using GPS satellite timing (Echo timing as fall back system) Typical distances < 200 km (< 300 km state of the art) Back- to back communication, typical distances < 2 or 3 km multimode, < 80 or 150 km single mode (According to the optical budget)



Redundant Line Protection

The possibility to include redundant algorithms in one IED (e.g. differential and distance or distance and directional phase and earth over current) will improve the performance both for single (with remote back-up) and duplicated protection arrangement (Local back-up). Still the combination REL 670 and RED 670 will give an optimum redundant scheme. If totally separate hardware is required for the two redundant schemes REL 670 or RED 670 can be combined with REL521 or REL531. Finally the IED 670 concept makes it possible to include a back-up line distance protection in RET 670. By utilization of the 24 analog inputs it is possible to include the protection for two objects in one IED but with separate test switches. This give the possibility to reduce the number of IEDs but with remaining functionality and redundancy.

RED 670 Line differential protection

RED 670 is used for the protection, control and monitoring of overhead lines and cables in in transmission and sub-transmission networks. It is suitable for the protection of heavily loaded lines and multiterminal lines where the requirement for tripping is one-, two-, and/or three pole. RED 670 is also suitable for protection of cable feeders to generator block transformers. The phase segregated current differential protection provides an excellent sensitivity for high resistive faults and gives a secure phase selection. The availability of six stabilized current inputs allows use on multi-breaker arrangements in three terminal applications or up to five line ends applications with single breaker arrangements and one double breaker.


For all line protection

45 40 35 30 25 20 15

Load compensation
Forward operation

Load enchroachment

x ohm/ph

10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -40

Reverse operation






Up to five zones with separate setting for R, X and direction allows optimum setting from short lines to very long lines.

Adaptive mesurement for heavy load: - Load compensation of Zone 1 - Load enchroachment compensation for zones and phase selection - Power swing detection

+ 2, 3, 4 or 5 line ends

+ Segregated phase differential protection + Full-scheme distance protection available to cater for communication failure and/or back-up protection + Single or redundant channels + Route switching + Single, Breaker-and-a-half or two breaker + With or without transformer + Distance protection back-up + Charging current compensation included + GPS and / or Echo synchronization + Protection, Monitoring & Control

+ With a transformer in the zone:

+ Negative sequence fault discriminator + 2nd and 5th harmonic restrain as in normal transformer differential protection

+ RED 670 with 24 analog inputs

+ Enables internal summation + Enables control/breaker function + Parallel line application functions

+ Communication interfaces
+ + + +

+ C37.94 multimode, optical budget; 9 dB for 50/125 mm, 13 dB for 62,5/125 mm

Back-to back C37.94 directly to PCM/MUX G703 64 kbit; transceiver Fibersystem type 21-216 G 703 E1 2 Mbit; transceiver Fibersystem type 21 - 219

+ C37.94 single mode (9/125 mm), optical budget ; 26 dB (1310 nm), 30 dB (1550 nm) + Galvanic communication interfaces with X21/X27, V36/V11, RS530/RS 422
+ Maximum distance 100 m + Back-to back


Transformer and

RET 670 Transformer IED
RET 670 provides fast and selective protection, monitoring and control for two- and three-winding transformers, autotransformers, generator-transformer units, phase shifting transformers, special railway transformers and shunt reactors. RET 670 is designed to operate correctly over a wide frequency range in order to accommodate power system frequency variations during disturbances and generator start-up and shut-down. A very fast differential protection function, with automatic CT ratio matching and vector group compensation, makes this IED the ideal solution even for the most demanding applications. RET 670 has very low requirements on the main CTs, no interposing CTs are required. It is suitable for differential applications with multi-breaker arrangements due to up to six restraint CT inputs which gives increased through fault stability. The differential protection function is provided with 2nd harmonic and wave-block restraint features to avoid tripping for magnetizing inrush, and 5th harmonic restraint to avoid tripping for over excitation. The differential function offers a high sensitivity for lowlevel internal faults. RET 670's unique and innovative sensitive differential protection feature, based on wellknown theory of symmetrical components provide best possible coverage for winding internal turn-to-turn faults. A low impedance restricted earth-fault protection function is available as complimentary sensitive and fast main protection at earth faults. This function includes a directional zero-sequence current criterion for additional security. Alternatively a high impedance differential function is available. It can be used as restricted earth fault or, as three functions are included, also as differential protection on autotransformers, as differential protection for a tertiary connected reactor, as T-differential protection for the transformer feeder in a mesh-corner or ring arrangement, as tertiary bus protection etc. Distance protection functionality for phase to phase and/or phase to earth faults is available as back-up protection for faults within the transformer and in the connected power system. Versatile phase, earth, positive,

negative and zero sequence over current functions, which can optionally be made directional and/or voltage controlled, provide further alternative backup protection. Thermal overload, volts per hertz, over/under voltage and over/under frequency protection functions are also available. RET 670 Substation IED RET 670 can include both protection, monitoring and control for several objects. This includes transformer differential protection, high impedance differential protection, distance protection and up to 3 pcs phase & earth overcurrent protection. Control with 6 separate HMI pages and 6 breaker failure protection can furthermore be included. REC 670 can handle up to 6 breakers with control, breaker failure protection and phase & earth overcurrent protection. This means that smaller substations can be designed with one IED per breaker but with full n-1 redundancy meaning that one IED may fail and the station is still fully protected by the other IEDs.

For all


Generator and transformer block

+ RET 670 provides restrained, un restrained, high impedance and restricted earth fault differential protection. This gives both high speed (1/2 cycle) , high sensitivity (earth faults) and full stability and selectivity. Other functions such as distance, over current, over load, over excitation, over/under voltage and over/under frequency as well as control can be included. + RET 670 provides fast and selective protection, monitoring and control for two- and threewinding transformer, autotransformers, generator-transformer units, railway transformers, capacitor banks and shunt reactors. + RET 670 as a single IED can protect both the transformer and the MV switchgear protection in a H-station. + RET 670 has a wide application area in power stations for generator and block transformer. A number of different functions are available within the same IED.

Substation with autotransformer and reactor bank

+ RET 670 for protection of 2 and 3 winding transformers with up to 6 restraint inputs with optional control functionality. Two bias differential protection functions of low and several high impedance protection functions can be included in one single IED. + RET 670 has accurate voltage protection with excellent returning ratio for shunt reactor applications. + RET 670 has voltage control for single and up to eight parallel transformers, line drop compensation and load shedding based on voltage reduction are included.

Substation of H-type

+ RET 670 can together with other products from the 600 series be combined with existing 500 product range for Transmission and Distribution securing future proof migration for Substation Automation applications.

Examples of two winding and three winding power transformers with up to 6 breakers and three phase restraint inputs which can be protected by RET 670.

Example of generator/transformer/auxilary transformer block which can be protected by RET 670.

Small substation A (N-1 redundancy with 3 IED)

REL 670 is used as main line protection including autoreclosing + syncrocheck as well as back up O/C and EF for the transformer.One RET 670 includes two differential protection functions for transformer and bus as well as back up O/C and EF for the two lines.One RET 670 includes BFR and bay control for for the three breakers.

Small substation B (N-1 redundancy with 3 IED)

One RET 670 is used as main protection for one transformer, busbar section and one line. One REC 670 is used as O/C and EF back up protection for two lines (with AR and SC) and two transformers as well as BFR and bay control for three breakers.


Bus and

REB 670 Bus and breaker failure protection
REB 670 is based on the well proven ultra high speed algorithm from RADSS, REB 100 and RED 521. This ensures both speed, sensitivity and reliability. REB 670 is designed for the selective, reliable and fast differential protection of busbars, T-connections, meshed corners, generators and autotransformers. REB 670 can be used for different switchgear layouts, including single and double busbar with or without transfer bus, double circuit breaker or one-and-half circuit breaker stations. The IED can detect all types of internal phase-to-phase and phaseto-earth faults in solidly earthed or low impedance earthed power systems, as well as all internal multi-phase faults in isolated or high-impedance earthed power systems. REB 670 has very low requirements on the main current transformers and no interposing current transformers are necessary. For all applications, it is possible to include and mix main CTs with 1A and 5A rated secondary current within the same protection zone. Typically, CTs with up to 10:1 ratio difference can be used within the same differential protection zone. Adjustment for different main CT ratios is achieved numerically by a parameter setting. The numerical, low-impedance differential protection function is designed for fast and selective protection for faults within protected zone. All connected CT inputs are provided with a restraint feature. The fast tripping time of the low-impedance differential protection function is especially advantages for power system networks with high fault levels or where fast fault clearance is required for power system stability. The advanced open CT detection algorithm detects instantly the open CT secondary circuits and prevents differential protection operation without a need of an additional check zone. Integrated overall check zone feature, independent from any disconnector position, is however available. It can be used in double busbar stations to secure stability of the busbar differential protection in case of entirely wrong status indication of busbar disconnector in any of the feeder bays. Advanced Zone Selection logic accompanied by optionally available end-fault and/or circuit breaker failure protections ensure minimum possible tripping time and selectivity for faults within the blind spot or the end zone between main CT and affiliated circuit breaker. Therefore REB 670 offers best possible coverage for such faults in feeder and bussection/bus-coupler bays. It is normal practice to have just one set of busbar protection relays per busbar. Nevertheless some utilities do apply two independent busbar protection relays per zone of protection. REB 670 fits both solutions. A simplified bus differential protection for multi-phase faults and earth faults can be obtained by using a single, one-phase REB 670 terminal with external auxiliary summation current transformers. Co-ordination with other objects RET 670 includes both low impedance and high impedance differential functions which can be applied to protect transformers, reactors, generators, T applications and Hstations. For certain applications this means that either REB 670 or RET 670 can be used. REB 670 can furthermore include four step overcurrent protections and breaker failure protections for up to eight bays. This means that REB 670 can be used as back up protection for outgoing feeders. Finally the breaker failure function (BFR) can be integrated in REB, RET, RED, REL or REC according to customer preference. REB 500 Distributed Busbar Protection If a distributed busbar protection is preferred ABB can offer the well proven REB 500 together with the IED 670 family. REB 500 can handle up to 60 feeders and a total of 32 busbar zones. REB 500 has been further developed to support IEC 61850 and can be delivered with two Ethernet ports, one for 61850 to a Substation Automation System and one TCP/IP port for connection to LAN/WAN for remote comm-unication. As an alternative REB 500 can support LON and IEC 870-5-103.


For all


Single busbar protection up to 4/8 bays (3-phase) or up to 12/24 bays (3 pcs 1-phase IEDs) with O/C and BFR

H type station with bus-section CB or sectionalizing disconnector

Generator Motor Capacitor Reactor





1 Breaker Stations up to 4 diameters (3-phase) or up to 12 diameters (3 pcs 1-phase IEDs)

1 Breaker Stations up to 8 diameters (3-phase) or up to 24 diameters (6 pcs 1-phase IEDs)


ZB Transfer Bay Transfer Bus

Double Busbars with bus coupler CB and Transfer Bus up to 22/23 feeder bays

Main 1

Main 2

Reserve 1

Reserve 2

Four Zone Double Bus with two bus-coupler CBs and two bus-section CBs and up to 20/21 feeder bays on each side


Future proof
REC 670 Bay control
REC 670 is used for the control, protection and monitoring of different types of bays in power networks. REC 670 is especially suitable for applications in distributed control systems with high demands on reliability. REC 670 can be calibrated to typical 0.25 % measuring accuracy and can be connected to both measuring cores and protection cores. REC 670 is fully designed for IEC 61850 but also supports LON. The control is performed from remote (SCADA/Station) through the communication bus or locally from a graphical HMI on the front of the IED showing the single line diagram. Up to six HMI pages for different bays can be used. Different control configurations can be implemented e.g. one control IED can be used per bay or one IED can be common for several bays. Interlocking modules are available for all common types of switchgear arrangements. The control is based on the select-before execute principle to give highest possible reliability. A synchrocheck function is available to interlock breaker closing. A number of protection functions are available for flexibility in use for different station types and busbar arrangements. This includes phase-and-earth overcurrent protection, breaker failure protection and autoreclosing for a complete breaker and-a-half diameter or for up to six separate feeders. Integrated Protection and Control IED 670 is designed and mapped for the open IEC 61850 standard as a hard ware independent concept. The IED 670 family therefore allows the distribution of protection functionality to REC 670 and of control functionality to REL, RED and RET. This gives a unique flexibility to design optimized solutions. But it also give the possibility to reconfigure, update and even move functionality between different IEDs at a later stage when the substation is extended or modified. Migration into the future IED 670 is designed for IEC 61850 and is prepared for the full functionality from process bus to stations bus. IED 670 provides free allocation of functions to any IED. This offers a unique opportunity to invest in an open and future proof solution. Instead of raw data flow of Megabites IEC 61850 offers an Integrated Information Management. IEC 61850 has besides interoperability and self description a much higher functionality compared conventional SCADA protocols. It can therefore be foreseen that IEC 61850 is the first step to a seamless architecture from the process bus all the way up to the Network Control Center. Finally IED 670 is prepared for the next step in the evolution with the possibility with additional ports for IEC 61850-9-2 process bus. That is why IED 670 is fully designed for IEC 61850 and NOT an after thought with only protocol conversion.

= Basic

= Available as option with process bus

IEC 60870-5-101

IEC 60870-5-103

IEC 60870-5-104

IED 670 implementation

IEC 61850

DNP 3.0


Information management Basic real time values Protection Control Real time sampled values Real time bay-to-bay commands Fixed functionality Free allocation of functions to any IED Data modelling Self description Vendor independent data interoperability Vendor independent application interoperability Parameter group setting Parameter setting Disturbance recorder upploading IEC open standard Future proof


For all substation automation

+ Apparatus control for up to 6 bays and 30 apparatuses + Control and protection of a full breaker-and-a-half diameter with three breakers + Pre-configured, type tested and ready to use interlocking modules for different switchgear arrangements + Counter for number of switching operations + Automatic control sequences + Autoreclosing and synchrocheck + Breaker failure protection and complementary protection functions + Data acquisition, e.g. status of the apparatuses and measured values + Event handling and powerful disturbance recording + U, I, P, Q, S, f, and cos measurement + Class 1.0 or 0.5 accuracy + Input for mA measuring + Pulse counting for energy metering
REC 670
3l 3U 3l 1U 1U 3l 3U

Single circuit breaker, several bays

Double circuit breaker

1U 1U

1U 1U

REC 670

3l 3U

REC 670

3l 3l


1 circuit breaker

New Substations IED 670 together with MicroSCADA Pro and/or gateway for IEC 61850 is the natural choice. If LAN or WAN is available in the station it is also possible to connect the PCM SMS functionality directly to the office. ABB can supply the complete Substation Automation System or supply products separately for integration into a user built or third party substation.

Retrofit and extension of an old substations IED 670 can be supplied with SPA, LON and IEC 80870-5103 for integration into an existing installation with for example MicroSCADA 8.4.4. Or 4.4.5. An other alternative is to upgrade to MicroSCADA Pro which handles both LON and IEC 61850. Selected 500 series products are available for IEC 61850 via an optional converter.

Third party HSI

ABB MicroSCADA Pro with optional gateway

ABB Gateway or RTU


Each IED has 2 + 2 Ethernet ports for IEC 61850 station and process bus or TCP/IP Optional LON, SPA, IEC 60870-5-103, (DNP 3.0)* Selected REx5xx IEDs is available with IEC 61850 adapter on request Detailed ABB IEC 61850 configuration depending on application & system verification

IEC 61850-8-1


IEC 61850 or TCP/IP

*) Available end 2006

SPA or IEC 60870-5-103


Migration to

Line Trf Bay Bus

REL 316

REL 670

REL 511,512,521,531

REL 670

REL 551, 561

RED 670

RET 316

RET 670

RET 521

RET 670

REC 316

REC 670

REC 561/580/REB551

REC 670

RED 521

REB 670

Any missing product?


Future proof migration

The well-known Moors law which predicts a fast development of micro processor capacity is still valid. The technical and economical life for a CPU or a PC as well as the available communication speed is in the range of 5 years while the algorithms and I/O has a much longer life. So how can a utility then standardize without the costly and time consuming procedure to verify, engineer and maintain different product generations? The CPU in IED 670 has a higher functionality compared to existing equivalent IEDs from the 316 or 500 series for transmission applications. Since 670 is based on the same well proven algorithms and the same modular I/O as the 500-series, IED 670 we can therefore provide a direct migration for most applications. The same instrument transformers, the same I/O interface, the same algorithms and the same protection schemes can be used as before. But at the same time IED 670 gives a state-ofthe-art CPU and communication. This is the first step in a future proof migration since the hard ware independent functional library of IED 670 together with IEC 61850 will allow future step-by-step modifications, up-grades and extensions.

Pre-configured & customized IED 670 The first option is to chose a pre-configured variant specified in the Buyers Guide. If an identical functionality and I/O to a specified 316 or 500 series IED variant is required it is possible to create a customized IED from the open options of REL, RET, RED and REC. Since IED 670 has a higher functionality compared to other vendor products on the market it is naturally also possible to configure a one-to-one replacement of third party products. When to use 670/316/500 series Since IED 670 can provide a number of different protection algorithms and also distribute functions to different IEDs it is possible to optimize both reliability and cost. IED 670 therefore can provide both main and back-up protection but with different algorithms. If a completely different hardware and software design is required between main and back-up protection we can still offer our present ABB IED range. Selected products are available with IEC 61850 converter. Specific applications such as distributed busbar protection (REB 500), High Speed Bus Transfer (REC 316), railway protection (REO 517) and Phasor Measurement Units (RES 521) as well as generator protection (REG 216 and REG 316) are not covered in this release of IED 670.

Support and

Application and new Solutions
The IED 670 future proof concept offers many new possibilities to design more efficient protection and control systems. As an example we use a breaker-and-ahalf substation. This requires line, transformer, bus, Tconnection and breaker failure protection as well as autoreclosing, synchro check, disturbance recorder and bay control. With a conventional box approach we need up to fifteen boxes. With a functional approach we can achieve the same performance with only five IED 670. Other examples is protection and control of up to six bays with one IED and integrated solutions for a complete Hstations. Our experienced application engineers are available to discuss suitable migration strategies and propose efficient solutions. With our advanced RTDS simulator and EMTP models as well as COMTRADE recordings we can together with our customers evaluate and verify different applications. Commissioning and Maintenance The pre-configured and pre-set variants of IED 670 provides easy and fast commissioning. The advanced self supervision, disturbance recording and communication minimize the need for secondary injection testing. Still each IED 670 can be equipped for the well proven Combitest. The test switch RTXP 24 is used to make it possible to test a IED in a fail-safe way. It is even possible to include two separate test switches for a multifunction IED 670. Inserting the test-plug handle RTXH 24 into the test switch automatically makes all preparations for a secure secondary injection test in proper sequence. One example of test set is OMICRON which can communicate with IED 670 over IEC 61850 GOOSE messages. Training and Support Please consult where you can find our training program as well as your local ABB contact. You can from this web page also access and down load technical information and access relevant update and links for IEC 61850. With the introduction of IED 670 we have expanded our training to include configuration and integration into IEC 61850 applications utilizing our powerful PCM600 tool and MicroSCADA Pro.

Box approach

Functional approach





RED 670

RET 670






REL Main and back-up line protection RET Main and back-up transformer protection RET T- protection (1 or 2) REB Busbar protection (2) REB Breaker failure protection (3) REC Bay control (3) TFR Transient Fault Recorder (1)

Optional separate control

REC 670


This is ABB in Substation Automation

ABB supplies products, services and systems for the protection, monitoring and control of transmission & distribution networks and plants. Through more than 100 years of experience our relays have evolved to todays Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) and Substation Automation System (SAS). Now we take the next step in this evolution to help utilities and industries to ensure an efficient and reliable power supply. Based on our well proven 316 and 500 series, ABB introduces the future proof IED 670 series as the first Protection AND Control concept for transmission applications fully designed for IEC 61850 open standard with free allocation of functions to any IED. ONE state-of-the-art and modular IED ONE common Application Function Library ONE open IEC 61850 standard fully implemented ONE user friendly and interactive IED tool ONE informative MicroSCADA Pro ONE powerful solution provider for ALL applications

The IED 670 ensures grid reliability through innovation,

experience and commitment Made in ABB.

670 Features
A major leap in grid reliability: Unique high performance & world class concept for ALL transmission applications in ONE IED More than just a device: Unique modular solution provider with ONE extensive function library & ONE expandable I/O for protection and control Exactly what you need: Unique open system which can be configured for integrated or distributed protection & control architecture Designed to communicate: Unique information management of data, disturbances & events with seamless integration to TCP/IP, MicroSCADA Pro and via ABB powerful gateway concept Easy to handle: Unique, simple and fast interaction via built in multi page HMI, fast PC Ethernet connection on the front & LAN TCP/IP with different access for each user Future proof concept: A unique & OPEN concept with ONE common IED, ONE common library, ONE common MicroSCADA Pro and ONE common tool designed for IEC 61850

Customer Benefit Customer Benefit

Reliable: Ensures grid reliability through innovation, experience and commitment, Made in ABB

REL 670
for subtransmission and transmission lines & cables
Buyer's Guide 1MRK 506 264-BEN

Efficient: Provides efficient substation automation solutions for any high voltage application

RED 670
for multi terminal circuits
Buyer's Guide 1MRK 505 164-BEN

Flexible: You can tailor the protection & control of your substation for the performance, redundancy and cost you want to have. Informative: Improved availability and asset management through right information, in right time, to the right user, for right decisions

RET 670
for transformers & composite objects
Buyer's Guide 1MRK 504 080-BEN

REC 670
User friendly: Simple to select, set, operate and maintain through preconfigured IEDs with built in multi page HMI and advanced PCM tool

for single and multi bay control

Buyer's Guide 1MRK 511 176-BEN

Sample specification
The IED shall be of modular 19 design with up to 24 analog inputs, 75 BO and 100 BI (simultaneously). The CPU capacity shall be minimum 600 MHz and capable to execute multiple high speed algorithms in parallel. The common application function library shall include all protection, control and monitoring functions required. The IED shall be fully designed for IEC 61850 with free allocation of functions to any IED and it shall be possible to modify and add functionality from the library after installation. Two optical Ethernet interfaces for IEC 61850-8-1 and TCP/IP, one front port and one separate IEC 870-5-101 port shall be included. The IED shall be prepared for an additional port for IEC 61850-9-2. The IED shall have a large HMI with capacity of 6 different single line diagrams and six setting groups. Each IED shall have a build in disturbance recorder for up to 40 channels and 100 disturbances. A tool for configuration, setting, event and disturbance uploading shall be included for local or remote connection via TCP/IP.

ABB Power Technologies AB Substation Automation Products SE-721 59 Vsters, Sweden Tel. +46 21 342 000 Fax +46 21 32 42 23

ABB Limited Plot No. 5 & 6, II Phase, Peenya Industrial Estate Bangalore - 560 058, INDIA Tel. +91 80 22 949 429 / 22 949 430 Fax +91 80 28 396 121

1MRK 500 078-SEN 2006/02

Subject to change without notice. Please consult the Buyers Guide for detailed data.

Forever young: Adds value to your investment for the total life cycle through simple re-configuration, evergreen upgrades and interoperability

REB 670
for bus and breakers
Buyer's Guide 1MRK 505 172-BEN

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