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The Illinois Science & Technology Coalition (ISTC) harnesses the power of research and innovation to grow the

states economy. We are a member-driven, non-prot entity that drives public-private partnerships between industry, research universities, federal labs and government to increase research and technology-based investment, talent, awareness and job growth in Illinois.

Our Members
ISTC members are leaders in the Illinois innovation economy. Through membership, these organizations share a voice and develop partnerships that drive Illinois research, development and innovation pipeline. Research Institutions Argonne National Laboratory* DePaul University Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Illinois Institute of Technology Northern Illinois University Northwestern University Southern Illinois University University of Chicago University of Illinois Industry Abbott Laboratories Abbvie* Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Baxter International Comcast* Eaton Corporation* Forest City Science & Technology Group GlaxoSmithKline Google GTL Resources Horizon Pharma Motorola Mobility Northrop Grumman* Takeda Pharmaceuticals* Willdan Group, Inc. Civic/Non-Prot Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce Chicagoland Zoological Society: The Brookeld Zoo Illinois Business Roundtable* Illinois Medical District* John G. Shedd Aquarium

Our Role
The ISTC drives the states innovation economy forward through our role as a convener, catalyst and champion for Illinois businesses, research institutions and government.

We are an impartial intermediary and matchmaker providing a neutral link between public and private entities around areas of common interestincluding uniting diverse groups and expertise around federal funding opportunities, driving sector-driven priorities and managing Governor Quinns Innovation Council to facilitate new ideas and collaborations.

We incubate ideas and implement projects across technology sectors, including energy and sustainability; health innovation; advanced manufacturing; civic innovation, and cross-cutting areas, such as STEM education and links between corporations and the entrepreneurial community.

We celebrate Illinois innovation ecosystem, raising awareness and visibility for Illinois diverse research and technology community, including creating resources for innovators, analyzing growth opportunities and key innovation metrics, and advocating for state and federal policies that enhance our communitys development and success.

Our History
The ISTC was authorized by state statute in 1989 as Illinois technology adviser and economic development partner. With support from the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and our members, we are charged with tapping the states vast research and development community to advance Illinois as a regional, national and global innovation leader. The ISTCformerly known as the Illinois Coalitionis located in 1871, a technology hub in Chicagos Merchandise Mart.

*Denotes Board Member

Our Impact
The ISTC strengthens the Illinois innovation ecosystem by cultivating increased research and investment capital, innovative ideas and partnerships, awareness, sound policies and top talent.

Helping to attract federal research dollars to Illinois and direct state funds, including: $120 million Department of Energy Joint Center on Energy Storage Research (JCESR) Hub at Argonne to advance new breakthroughs in battery technology $72.5 million as part of the 2011 Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act to invest in emerging energy technologies and empower consumers to better access the smart grid $10 million Illinois Manufacturing Laboratory to boost the competitiveness of Illinois manufacturers by lowering barriers to cutting edge technologies

Ideas & Partnerships

Incubating new ideas and implementing projects, including: The Corporate-Startup Challenge, a pilot initiative linking ve leading Illinois corporations with the states entrepreneurs and emerging enterprises for mutual benet Strengthening public access and use of government information through the Illinois Open Technology Challenge, which sparked the creation of civic-minded apps and digital tools in four pilot communities across Illinois Shedd Aquariums Master Energy Plan, a national model for energy efciency in civic institutions, which will allow the Aquarium to reduce its energy use by 50 percent by 2020

Generating visibility, celebrating successes, and providing educational tools and resources for the states research and technology community, including: The Illinois Innovation Network website (, a rst-of-its kind statewide portal for innovation resources and data across Illinoislisting more than 425 tools and resources for innovators The Illinois Innovation Index online publication, which measures and benchmarks Illinois performance across innovation inputs ISTC Catalyst, a monthly publication that highlights the states diverse technology strengths and growth opportunities

Advocating for sound policies and programs at the state and federal level that have a positive impact on the states science and technology development, including: The successful extension of the states R&D Tax Credit and implementation of the Angel Investment Tax Credit Assisting in the reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act, including the Regional Innovation Program Hosting regular events, roundtables and briengs for government leaders and elected ofcials in Springeld and D.C. on key R&D topics

Cultivating a deeper STEM talent pipeline in Illinois: The Illinois Science & Technology Institute (ISTI) is the ISTCs 501(c)(3) afliate focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and discovery The ISTI runs the R&D STEM Learning Exchange, part of the states Illinois Pathways initiative, a public-private effort to better connect students to careers in STEM elds which includes the participation of more than 40 cross-sector partners In its 2013-14 pilot year, the R&D Learning Exchange aims to impact more than 250 students across 15 high schools and engage 300 mentors, which will increase and enhance inquiry-based learning experiences to enable greater career exploration and degree production in R&D elds

Our Partners
Broadband Illinois Chicago Council on Science and Technology Chicago Innovation Awards Chicago Innovation Mentors Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

Building an Alternative Energy Economy

The ISTC has been a catalyst to position Illinois as a national leader in developing next generation energy solutions. Through its support of innovative demonstration projects and the development of strategic partnerships, the ISTC has enabled transformative efforts around energy efciency innovation, grid enhancement, energy storage and sustainable energy innovation. We helped create the Energy Foundry and the Illinois Science & Energy Innovation Foundation (ISEIF) as integral parts of the Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2011. Energy Foundry is making impact venture investments in emerging energy technologies, and ISEIF is providing groundbreaking solutions to empower consumers to better access the smart grid. ISTC has also developed an initiative with Energy Foundry and the Environmental Defense Fund to better connect innovators and entrepreneurs with the states Smart Grid Testbeds to commercialize new ideas. In its Korea-Illinois Smart Buildings Initiative and Smart City USA demonstration projects, the ISTC has led an international public-private partnership with the Republic of Korea that will result in more than $6 million in foreign direct investment. The ISTC has worked with partners like DCEO, Draper & Kramer and the Village of Oak Park to prove that technology can open up access to energy markets for residential consumers, making energy efciency retrots and distributed alternative energy generation more affordable to Illinoisans. We are also working with the Shedd Aquarium to implement their Master Energy Plan, a national model program for energy efciency in civic institutions, which will allow the Aquarium to reduce its energy use by 50 percent by 2020. In connection with this plan and our work with JCESR, ISTC is also working to make Illinois a center for energy storage innovation and commercialization.

Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center Citizens Utility Board Clean Energy Trust Energy Foundry Illinois Biotechnology Industry Organization Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Illinois Science and Energy Innovation Foundation Illinois State Board of Education Illinois Technology Association Illinois Venture Capital Association National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research National Corn to Ethanol Research Center Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Smart Chicago Collaborative TechAmerica World Business Chicago

This is an organization that understands the political, entrepreneurial, R&D, scientic, university and corporate world landscapes. If you are engaged in any of these elds, this is a group you should be engaged with or join. The ISTC is truly a value add. Adam Pollet, Director, Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity Through its support of strong partnerships and innovative programs, the ISTC is helping to build the future of science, technology and innovation in Illinois - serving as an incubator for ideas and methods that can serve as models for industry, universities, government and not-for-prot organizations. Eric Isaacs, Director, Argonne National Laboratory and Chairman, ISTC The ISTC is the go-to trusted resource for information and resources for the Illinois innovation economy. Linda Darragh, Executive Director, Levy Institute for Entrepreneurial Practice 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza Suite 1212 Chicago, Illinois 60654 312.239.0350 @ISTCoalition

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