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Opening: Start with picture o SU Lacro!!e Tea" #a$ie: After an exceptional 2013 season, Salisbury University Womens Lacrosse team looks to continue buil in! t"eir reputation as one of t"e most successful pro!rams in #ivision $$$% &"e !ulls are currently in t"e secon 'eek of t"eir fall ball practices an are alrea y focuse on t"eir 201( season !oals% Vi%eo on practice an% coach $ecture &IRST S'EA(ER: Me$i!!a We)!ter* !opho"ore )ur !oals for t"is season are to come out stron!, like 'e i last year an "ave t"e same rive an pus" t"at 'e i last year% An to maybe !et some more blin! a!ain% #a$ie: After 'innin! t"e 2013 national c"ampions"ip in *ay 'it" an un efeate recor , t"e !ulls "ave t"eir c"ampions"ip rin!s custom esi!ne an 'ere a'ar e t"ese rin!s last 'eeken urin! a ceremony "el in +ollo'ay "all% 'hoto ro" the )ig win an% o the cu!to" %e!igne% ring+ We cau!"t up 'it" ,atelyn &albert an s"e tol us '"at s"e likes about "er rin!% SECON, S'EA(ER: (ate$-n Ta$)ert $ t"ink t"ey are very cool an bi! an s"iny an t"ey are custom ma e 'it" our numbers on t"em% &"eyll efinitely be motivation to !et anot"er one next year% #a$ie: &"e 2013 seasons success can be attribute to t"e "ar 'ork t"e team put in urin! bot" t"e re!ular an off season% Suc" motivations certainly stemme from t"e "eartbreakin! -./ loss in t"e 2012 national c"ampions"ip to trinity colle!e of 0onnecticut, '"o t"ey once a!ain 'oul face in t"e 2013 c"ampions"ip% Vi%eo o practice an% !hooting . photo ro" the %e/a!tating $o!!+ $t 'as a perfect rematc" of t"e 2012 contest, 'it" bot" teams comin! in 'it" an un efeate recor % +o'ever t"is time t"e Sea!ulls 'oul come out on top, 'innin! 12.1% 'hoto! o the tea" ce$e)rating together+ CONCLUSION: #a$ie As fall ball practices continue an preseason be!ins in 2anuary, lets "ope t"e Sea!ulls use 'innin! last seasons national title an t"e esire for a repeat as po'erful motivation, t"e 'ay losin! a title an re emption 'as t"e year before% &"is is +allie, 0ece, ,elly, an Lauren for Salisbury 3e's%

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