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Category E: Developmentally Appropriate Environments Explanation: My sample for Developmentally Appropriate Environments is photos of the environment and descriptions

of how the environment meets the cognitive, social, motor needs of the children. It fits the category beca se it shows the environment areas and how it meets the cognitive, social, motor needs. I choose it as the best example of my wor! beca se it shows my classroom and the social, cognitive, and motor needs in the environment and how the environment is set p. It demonstrates the !nowledge I gained in the Infant"#oddler $ro p Care co rse of the Infant #oddler Credential. I learned abo t the physical and social environments. I learned that the centers that are set p in the classroom help promote the children%s needs and how I can help promote those needs by adding things to the centers. I was able to add shape sorting toys to the fine motor area and I was able to add riding toys and p sh to help promote motor needs. It shows a c lt rally sensitive, anti&bias perspective beca se the environment has m ltic lt ral boo!s and the p sh toys are non&gender and are appropriate for girls and boys. #he dress p clothes is c lt rally sensitive and for both genders and bags"hats that can be sed by both boys and girls.

Michele 'es!e

Category E: Developmentally Appropriate Environments

Block Area:

#his environment meets the motor s!ills along with social s!ills. #his area has bloc!s to b ild with, cars and tr c!s, and people"animals.

Large Motor #his environment meets the motor s!ills by having p sh toys, climber, and balls (not shown). #here is plenty of room for the children to crawl aro nd. #here is also a colored matt with clear plastic poc!ets to place photos in to promote t mmy time.

#his environment meets the cognitive needs of children. #here are boo!s and soft chairs for them to sit on. #here are also st ffed animals for them to c ddle with.

#his environment meets cognitive and fine motor s!ills. #here are sensory bottles, shape sorters, what%s inside the box and a bead toy.

Here is a picture of the walkers we have the classroom.


#his environment meets the social needs of the children. #his is the ho se!eeping area with dress p clothes, hats, bags, stove and sin!, table and chairs. #he children can sit down at the table and chairs and play with friends. #here is also a p ll p bar with a mirror above it.

This is where the childrens coats and their belongs are kept.

ap area The red buggie and the blue stroller come out during afternoon naptime. The infants that take two naps sleep in the cribs on the left so the teachers can still do activities with the other children and still see the sleepers. !e can control the lights over the nap area with the light switch.

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