English ST: "Tess Durbeyfield at This Time of Her Life Was A Mere Vessel of Emotion Untinctured by Experience"

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English ST A young member of the band turned her head at the exclamation.

She was a fine and handsome girl--not handsomer than some others, possibly--but her mobile peony mouth and large innocent eyes added eloquence to colour and shape. She wore a red ribbon in her hair, and was the only one of the white company who could boast of such a pronounced adornment. As she looked round Durbeyfield was seen moving along the road in a chaise belonging to he !ure Drop, driven by a fri""le-headed brawny damsel with her gown-sleeves rolled above her elbows. his was the cheerful servant of that establishment, who, in her part of factotum, turned groom and ostler at times. Durbeyfield, leaning back, and with his eyes closed luxuriously, was waving his hand above his head, and singing in a slow recitative-- #$% ess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience. homas &ardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, p.'-()

A. Source Text Analysis (. ,ead and specify the text type. -. .ind archaic words in the text and provide modern equivalents. /. 0xplain the meanings of chaise and ostler using 0nglish dictionaries. 1. .ind antonyms for innocent, cheerful, slow. B. Source Text Translation (. 2hoose the most appropriate variant for the S sentence* Tess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience a. 3a acest moment din viata ei, ess Durbeyfield cunostea pentru prima data adevaratele sentimente si emotii. b. !e vremea aceea, ess Durbeyfield vibra ca un cristal, datorita unei sensibilitati nealterate de experienta. c. 3a varsta ei, ess Durbeyfield stralucea asemenea unei comori nepretuite de sensibilitati nealterate de experienta vietii. -. ranslate the text into ,omanian. C. Translation Awareness a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved. b. ,ank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty. c. Account for the use of dictionaries.

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