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How to write an essay after watching a film. Answer the questions: 1) Is it easy to write an essay for you?

2) What is the most difficult in it? 3) Have you got an idea about essay plan? ssay plan. 1) I want to tell you about the film I!ve watched recently. 2) "he title of the film is## 3) "he genre of the film is ##.. $) I li%e&I don!t li%e the plot of the film 'ome words about the plan. a) the main characters are#.. b) the film is about#..(ost of all I li%e the episode#.. c) your impressions of the film)e*ample+ It was a real pleasure to watch the film. I really en,oyed it##&It was a waste of time. I didn!t li%e it much because ) give your argument). -efore you watch the film. Read the opinion about this film
A Fable About the Magic of Free Parking

.n ama/ing and inspiring short film about the importance of ac%nowledging and validating people. "his film is much needed pic%0me0up that will inspire you during the holiday season and afterward. "his 11 minute short film shows the magic of loo%ing for the best in people. 2alidation the short movie has played at 3$ film festivals worldwide and won 13 awards. 2ocabulary of the film 42alidation! Guess the meaning of the words or consult the dictionary. .wesome .ma/ing face 5ou are great 6hee%0bones "hey have come to see him It really flatters you "o wor% hard 7antastic moustache 2alidator) par%ing attendant) It!s not aloud 8uipment "hey match your eyes 5ou have every reason to smile 5ou are gorgeous 'incere smiles -eautiful couple 9river license 2ery sic% I didn!t smile for years

.fter you watch the film Complete the sentence. 1)"he name of the main character is ## 2) He is a ###. 3) Hugh has changed the world because he gave people free ## and free ##.. . $)2ictoria wor%ed for ####.. :)2ictoria didn!t smile for years because###.. Now write an essay about this wonderful short film. Good luck. Link to the film !alidation" http+&&;6b%<=>,23.o

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