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Home Remedies for Chapped Lips Tis the season for sore, chapped lips.

Please feel free to send lip balm in to school. Sign and Symptoms: Chapped lips are characterized by dry, cracked, flaky, red, tender and sore lips that can affect people at this time of year. Occasionally chapped lips can be painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable. They can interfere with many daily acti ities, such as smiling, eating, and talking. Causes: Chapped lips can ha e se eral causes, including dry weather, o ere!posure to e!treme temperatures, dehydration, lip biting, allergies and a "itamin #$% deficiency.

Home Remedies and natural cures for chapped lips Put some honey &raw, local honey is the best' on the sore lips and allow it to dry for a minute. (pply a thin layer of "aseline on top of the honey and lea e on lips for $) to $* minutes. +inally, dip a cotton swab in hot water and remo e honey and "aseline in two strokes. ,o this once a day for about %-* days to get rid of chapped lips. Coconut oil- apply a thin layer se eral times a day ,ehydration is the main cause of dry or chapped lips drink plenty of water. .se a humidifier in the home to keep the air moist.

/ub lips with a slice of cucumber (pply a small amount of Aloe Vera gel to lips daily (pply a thin layer of calendula cream

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