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100 North Apache Rd., !"te D, B!c#e$e, Ar"%o&a '()*+ Te,epho&e -+*). )/01+/00 2 FA3 -+*). )/01+(0+ Always Ready, Professional and Committed to the People We Serve


Buckeye Police arrest suspected burglars / Recover stolen property and stolen vehicle
On 11/19/2013 at approximately 12:51am, Buckeye officers were ispatc!e to t!e 23000 Block of "est #rrow $ri%e, Buckeye #& for a report of a 'e!icle Bur(lary in pro(ress) "!ile Officers were en route, t!ey recei%e information of a possi*le suspect %e!icle, seen lea%in( t!e scene of t!e crime) +espon in( Officers locate a %e!icle, matc!in( t!e escription in t!e near*y area) Officers o*ser%e t!e %e!icle tra%elin( away at a !i(! rate of spee , t!rou(! t!e ,un ance -ommunity) Officers later locate t!e %e!icle in t!e 22.00 *lock of /o!a%e ,treet w!ere two 0ispanic males were seen exitin( t!e %e!icle) "!en t!e Officers initiate contact wit! t!e su*1ects, *ot! su*1ects fle from t!e scene on foot to a%oi contact) #fter a s!ort foot pursuit, one of t!e su*1ects was taken into custo y) 2!e ot!er su*1ect 1umpe a wall to a *ackyar ) Officers set up a permitte an t!e su*1ect was later appre!en e ) 2!e su*1ects were t!en i entifie as 3eremy 4ee 5arcia an 3ustin 2emple of Buckeye) 2!e %e!icle 5arcia an 2emple were tra%elin( in was etermine to *e stolen out of Buckeye) $urin( t!e course of t!e in%esti(ation, e%i ence of t!e crime from t!e 'e!icle Bur(lary was isco%ere alon( wit! a itional items) 2!e reco%ere stolen property was returne to t!e owner) Bot! 5arcia an 2emple were *ooke into t!e /aricopa -ounty ,!eriff6s 7t! #%enue 3ail facility on se%eral 8elony an /is emeanor c!ar(es) 9olice -!ief /ark /ann is prou of t!e :Outstan in( police work; *y our officers urin( t!is inci ent) 0e a e wit! t!eir <uick response an appre!ension of 5arcia an 2emple, it s!ows t!e e ication t!ese officers !a%e to t!e citi=ens of Buckeye to keep t!em safe)

,er(eant 3ason "eeks >31.9 Office ?@23A 379B@77. -ell ?@23A @97B02.C Officer 2amela ,ka((s >303. Office ?@23B379B@700 -ell ?@23A 399B0.75 Buckeye 9olice $epartment 9u*lic Dnformation Office

3eremy 4ee 5arcia

3ustin 2emple

,er(eant 3ason "eeks >31.9 Office ?@23A 379B@77. -ell ?@23A @97B02.C Officer 2amela ,ka((s >303. Office ?@23B379B@700 -ell ?@23A 399B0.75 Buckeye 9olice $epartment 9u*lic Dnformation Office

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