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November 21, 2013 Richard McNally, District Attorney County Court House Second and Con ress Streets

!roy, N" 121#1 Dear District Attorney McNally$ %e &oin the many county residents 'ho are concerned about the (ailure o( your o((ice to )ro)erly )rosecute *ohn Halacy, 'ho initially had been char ed 'ith (elony ra)e resultin (rom alle ed ille al se+ual contact 'ith t'o irls, !he (elony char es 'ere dro))ed due to a (ailure by your o((ice to )rosecute the case a ainst Mr, Halacy in a timely (ashion as re-uired by la', !he (amily members o( the victim 'ere -uoted in numerous media outlets as e+)ressin enuine concern and dis ust over the handlin o( the case by your o((ice, .ur o((ice has also received numerous calls and messa es (rom residents outra ed and concerned by the botched )rosecution, %e 'ould be most a))reciative i( you can )rovide a detailed e+)lanation as to ho' the Halacy case 'as not )rosecuted in a timely (ashion, leadin to (elony ra)e char es bein dismissed, A letter (rom you or a re)resentative o( your o((ice 'ould be use(ul in our revie' o( this issue, %e 'ould also a))reciate any in(ormation you have re ardin e((orts by your o((ice to ensure similar errors that result in serious miscarria es o( &ustice due to (ailures o( timely )rosecution do not occur in the (uture, %e than/ you (or your attention to this corres)ondence, 0( 'e can be o( any assistance, )lease do not hesitate to contact us, Sincerely,

!homas %alsh Sr, 1e islator and Member

Michael Stammel 1e islator and Chairman

*udiciary 2 3ublic Sa(ety Committee Sa(ety Committee

*udiciary 2 3ublic

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