App Nocat GW

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Appendix NoCat Gateway

###### gateway.conf -- NoCatAuth Gateway Configuration. # # Format of this file is: <Directive> < alue>! one "er # line. #railing an$ lea$ing whites"ace is ignore$. Any # line %eginning with a "unctuation character is assume$ to # %e a comment. er%osity &' GatewayName the NoCat Networ( # we are %ehin$ a NA# so "ut the gateway in "assive mo$e Gateway)o$e *assive Gateway+og ,usr,local,nocat,nocat.log +ogin#imeout -'' ###### ."en *ortal settings. /ome*age htt":,,, Document0oot ,usr,local,nocat,ht$ocs 1"lashForm s"lash.html 1tatusForm status.html ###### Active,*assive *ortal settings. #ruste$Grou"s Any Auth1erviceA$$r &'.&'.&'.&Auth1ervice20+ htt"s:,,3Auth1erviceA$$r,cgi-%in,login +ogout20+ htt"s:,,3Auth1erviceA$$r,logout.html ### Networ( #o"ology 45ternalDevice eth& 6nternalDevice eth' +ocalNetwor( &78.&-9.&.',8: 45clu$e*orts 8; ### Fin<

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