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A Fine, Fine School Story Structure/Story Elements

%ationale: Students 2ill complete a

graphic organi'er to enhance their ability to ind story elements and describe the story structure(

Submitted by: Andrea Ross Grade Level: 3rd Subject/Topic: Reading

+aterials/E,ui#ment: =ourneys

boo5# colored construction paper# 2hite printer paper

B(8) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, ma e inferences and dra! conc"usions a#out the structure and e"ements of fiction and pro$ide e$idence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to% (&) se'uence and summari(e the p"ot)s main e$ents and exp"ain their inf"uence on future e$ents* (+) descri#e the interaction of characters inc"uding their re"ationships and the changes they undergo* and

TEKS Achieved:

TSW be able to correctly describe each part o the story structure !"eginning# $iddle# %nd& through a graphic organi'er( TSW be able e)plain the di erent story elements !*haracters# +roblem# Setting# and Solution& through a graphic organi'er( TSW be able to give a short summary o the story ,A -ine# -ine School through a graphic organi'er(

Lesson Plan:

.ntroduction /( As a class# read the story ,A -ine# -ine School(0 1( Students 2ill be give a sheet on construction paper and a s3uare o 2hite paper( They 2ill then old their 2hite paper into a diamond share and paste it vertically onto their construction paper( 3( Students 2ill label their graphic organi'er 2ith characters# setting# problem# and solution in the our corners on the construction paper( They 2ill then label the laps o the 2hite paper 2ith beginning# middle# middle# and end( Summary 2ill be 2ritten in the middle o the diamond(
( C ) i d e n

)i!!erentiated Learnin":
Auditory 9erbal/Linguistic .nterpersonal

9isual/Spatial .ntrapersonal

&loom's (axonomy:

4( Students must complete graphic organi'er correctly(

7no2ledge/Remember Analysis *omprehension/8nderstand %valuate Application *reate

/( 1( Students 2ho are %LLs 2ill 2or5 2ith a partner to aid them in completing their
graphic organi'er( Students 2ith special needs 2ith 2or5 2ith a partner to put together their graphic organi'er and complete the tabs(

*lassroom Strate"ies:
:ands;<n Technology .ndependent Activities +roblem Solving Whole;group +eer tutoring

*urriculum -nte"ration:
Reading Writing Art

Enrichment/Extension: -Students ho !inish early ill be able to rite an alternate endin" here they solve the #roblem o! the story in their o n ay$ Assessment/Evaluation:
/( %valuation 2ill be given through the student6s ability to complete the graphic organi'er correctly(

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