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Christian Listoe Professor Raymond English 1101 November 18, 2013 WPI0 Project Talk

Listoe 1

I held my conversation with my friends while we were eating dinner at Crown Commons. The conversation started with me describing the project we were d . g, the purpose, and the research I have conducted. I then started asking questions bas on their experiences in high

school. All of the people that I talked to are all engineeri g majors and came from different high schools. All of my buddies felt that in high school th were not prepared well enough for the

transition to college. Personally, the transition to c llege was tremendously difficult and a complete 180 from what I was expecting. Some ing that surprised me about the conversation is

one of my friends that felt he was unprepared f r college attended an early college. He went to Howard Health and Life Sciences high s

I feel that since he attended an early college, that r of courses and homework. Through this

they would have prepared him more for the ri

conversation my eyes were opened to new avenues I could research. Before the conversation I was researching the test scores in North Carolina and relate it to the money spent on education. We have a high monetary value given to improve education in North Carolina, but our test scores are declining. This is a concern because the more money added to education, is not improving the education or test scores. This conversation was very helpful and made my project better.

Listoe 2

Overall, this conversation was well worth the time and eye opening. It helped prove that not being prepared for college is more common than not.

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