Abortion Paper 2

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Alexis Hawley Ms. Patroni English 111 1 November 2013 Is abortion the answer? What if you never existed? What if your mother had made the decision to have you aborted? You would have never became the person you are today because of one life changing decision your mother had made, one that Im sure she will regret for the rest of her life. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Can you believe that such a thing is legal in the United States? Nearly half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about four in ten of these are terminated by an abortion (Facts about induced abortion in the United States). Abortion is the killing of a living human being, no matter if it has been born or not, it is still a child. Only three weeks and one day after fertilization a babies heart will begin beating (The making of an earth suit). This goes to show that the child in the mothers stomach is alive, the heart is beating and the child's blood is flowing through the little ones body! Why kill a little helpless child that has done no wrong to anybody? Abortion is not the answer to an unwanted or an unplanned pregnancy, the child is alive, there are dangers to an abortion and there is other options for the mother other than an abortion. Abortion after five or six weeks was considered a homicide, punishable by hanging, in the early thirteenth century (Abortion: An Overview). Before abortion was considered legal due to the Roe v. Wade case, people saw it was wrong. They felt that killing a child in the womb is the same as walking down the road and stabbing some random person. So they went for an eye

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for an eye concept, although I do not feel that we need to go that extreme as to say that every woman who gets an abortion must be killed, I do understand where they are coming from. Just 30 days after conception a child's brain has human proportions and has blood running through its veins (Know, Learn and Share the facts about life). This proves that the child is alive, it had a heart that is beating, that allows the blood to move through the veins and it has a brain that tells all the organs what to do. Twenty-eight days after conception a baby has eyes, ears and even a tongue (Know, Learn and Share the facts about life). The child grows more and more every day, it is becoming bigger and stronger by the second. Eighty-nine percent of all abortions in the United States are performed in the first trimester of the pregnancy, while eleven percent of all abortions are performed in the second and third trimester of the pregnancy (Abortion Facts). Many people are uninformed of what is happening inside them during their pregnancy, how fast the child is growing. By the twelfth week of pregnancy a baby can smile (Know, learn and share facts). Can you believe that? A baby can smile with only being twelve weeks old, how could you kill something so innocent and sweet? Why would you want to end such a miracle of life? Most women are killing their child while it is growing facial features just like they have. It is becoming a little human being, one that has a face, heart and brain! I cannot find any reason to kill something so innocent and sweet. Not only is abortion a tragic and unnecessary thing to do to a child, but it is also dangerous for the mother. More than four hundred women have died from legal abortions since 1973 (More than 400 women). It may seem like a little number compared to how many women are in the population, but the major fact is that people are dying from these abortions. Women most often experience severe or intense pain during an abortion (Statistics). They are not one hundred percent safe, there are life threatening risks. The risks do not only involve death but

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abortions can also lead to psychological problems for the mother as well. Some psychological effects from an abortion can include depression and mental trauma, to divorce and suicide (Statistics). Psychologists have grouped these women together under one name: post abortion syndrome (PAS), the symptoms may appear the night after but often PAS manifests itself months or years after the abortion (Statistics). The effects of an abortion, as you can see, dont always have to involve bodily harm, it can lead to mental problems as well. Those effects are never ending. You cant forget you had a child growing inside of you, and decided to abort the child for any number of reasons. You may always wonder what the child would have looked like, if it was a boy or a girl, and if the child would love you. It is so easy to avoid these questions, have the child that you conceived. There are other options if the mother does not want to go through with her pregnancy. She can have the child and put it up for adoption. There is always an open adoption where the mother can still see the child, just not have to take full care of the child. The mother can set up visitation visits with the new family of the child, so she will never have to worry if her child is being taken care of. Over two million couples waiting to adopt, and that includes children of all races and those with special needs (Know, Learn and Share). Some people try for years to have children and cant so why not give them your child? Make their life by giving them the one thing they have wanted for so long but havent been able to have. These people want a child so bad they dont care what color the child is, if it has any mental illnesses or anything else that could detour others away from the child. If someone is willing to care for your child in ways that you arent capable of doing, then why not go against an abortion and give your child the life it deserves.

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Some say that abortion should remain legal because it is the mothers right to decide whether to get an abortion but abortion is wrong because it is the killing of a human being, therefore abortion should not remain legal. There is certain situations when some people might feel that the only thing to do is to get an abortion but there is other choices as I have stated before. Ninety-four percent of women regret their decision to abort (Know, Learn and Share). They have to live with their decision to kill their child, to never know what their child would look like or be like if they hadnt made the choice to abort their child. Abortion is not the answer to an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion should not remain legal in the United States because it is the murder. Abortion is not okay, if there is other options for the mother than why not go with one of those and save a life. These kids that women are killing are our future. They should be given the gift of a full and beautiful life just as the rest of us have. Abortion is the killing of a human being, it is dangerous for the mother and there are other choices for the mother, so in my eyes abortion is wrong and should be made illegal.

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Works Cited "Abortion Facts and Statistics." Abortion Facts and Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. "Baby Developmental Facts." Prolife Across America. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. "LifeNews.com." LifeNews.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. "Prenatal Form and Function The Making of an Earth Suit." 3 to 4 Weeks. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

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