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WELCOME TO TC CAMPUS! An internship program only for you!

TC Campus is an application dedicated for all graduates post!graduates and M"A students interested in #inal Placement or Summer Placement in our company$ We offer internships from di%erse &ac'grounds( Mar'eting Communication #inance )uman *esources +nformation Technology La, and pro-ects for "MM Students$ Wor'ing ,ith talent Corner ,ill &e a good ,ay for students ,ho ,ant to get in touch ,ith the professional ,orld and complete or finali.e their schools$ An opportunity to de%elop your potential to &e e/posed to an emerging sector$ )uman *esources and to gain significant e/periences from a dynamic company$ Whate%er your pro-ects you ,ill ta'e &enefits from your internship &ecause ,e ,ant to help enthusiastic and hard,or'ing students for the professional life$ To %ie, the pro-ect topics and apply for internship %isit our ,e&site ,,,$tccampus$in

Location of Project : Choice of your geographical Area across the World. Period of Project :- 8/16 week start from January 2 1 till !ecem"er 2 1 Selection Process: #nterested students need to go through pro$ect which we had mention on our we" site to %iew the pro$ect topic and apply for the same. &tudent can also contact us 's. (omal on ))6*++ 62) / )8,,+*,*6) or -ankim on )821 1+*)6

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