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You are on page 1of 1 Who is the most influential living management thinker? The Thinkers50 2013 provides the answer.

Described as the Oscars of Management Thinking, the global ranking is published every two years and is the essential guide to which thinkers and which ideas matter now and which have been consigned to business history.
Teresa AMABILE, Harvard Business School Julian BIRKINSHAW, London Business School Marcus BUCKINGHAM, Author Henry CHESBROUGH, UC-Berkeley Clayton CHRISTENSEN, Harvard Business School Subir CHOWDHURY, Author & Consultant Jim COLLINS, Author (Built to Last, Good to Great) Richard DAVENI, Dartmouth/Tuck Celia DE ANCA, IE Business School Amy EDMONDSON, Harvard Business School Tammy ERICKSON, Author Sydney FINKELSTEIN, Dartmouth/Tuck Richard FLORIDA, Toronto/Rotman Stewart FRIEDMAN, Wharton Pankaj GHEMAWAT, IESE Marshall GOLDSMITH, Author Daniel GOLEMAN, Author Vijay GOVINDARAJAN, Dartmouth/Tuck Lynda GRATTON, London Business School Anil K. GUPTA, Maryland/Smith Gary HAMEL, Author Morten HANSEN, UC-Berkeley & INSEAD Umair HAQUE, Author & Director-Havas Media Chip HEATH & Dan HEATH, Stanford GSB Sylvia Ann HEWLETT, Author Linda HILL, Harvard Business School Herminia IBARRA, INSEAD Andrew KAKABADSE, Henley Business School Rosabeth KANTER, Harvard Business School W. Chan KIM & Rene MAUBORGNE, INSEAD Rakesh KHURANA, Harvard Business School John KOTTER, Harvard Business School Nirmalya KUMAR, London Business School A.G. LAFLEY, CEO, P&G LIU Chuanzhi, Founder, Lenovo Roger MARTIN, Toronto/Rotman Rita MCGRATH, Columbia Business School Nitin NOHRIA, Harvard Business School Jeffrey PFEFFER, Stanford GSB Daniel PINK, Author Michael PORTER, Harvard Business School Doug READY, MIT/Sloan Richard RUMELT, UCLA/Anderson Sheryl SANDBERG, Author & COO, Facebook Don TAPSCOTT, Toronto/Rotman Fons TROMPENAARS, Author & Consultant David ULRICH, Michigan/Ross WANG Shi , Author & Chinese Billionaire Liz WISEMAN, Author Chris ZOOK, Author & Partner, Bain & Co.

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