429 Introduction To Earths Land and Water

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Spring Arbor University School of Education Lesson Plan Guide

Title of Lesson: Earths Land and Water

Teacher Candidate: Tiana Hayward & Elizabeth Lahrman

Subjects: Science, Math, & Language Arts

Grade Level: 2nd rade

Ti e Allotted: ! class "eri#ds

!aterials "e#uired: Assessment w#r$sheets %ractice w#r$sheets M#&ie tic$ets '#l#red "encils (##$ bin )isney*ature+ Earth ,ide# htt"+..www/y#utube/c#m.m#&ie0 &123e45"#67ss&8eature1m&9sr

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Co on Core Standards:

Science: %&' Standard E()E: Develop an understanding that Earth is a planet nearly covered with water and that water #n Earth can be 8#und in three states, s#lid, li3uid, and gas/ 2nderstand h#w water #n Earth m#&es in "redictable "atterns/ 2nderstand Earths atm#s"here as a mi6ture #8 gases and water &a"#r/ Language Arts: CCSS(ELA&Literacy(*(+(, Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. !ath: CCSS(+(G(-: Partition circles and rectangles int# tw#, three, #r four equal shares, describe the shares using the words hal&es, thirds, hal8 #8, a third #8, etc., and describe the whole as tw#

hal&es, three thirds, four fourths/ :ec#gnize that e3ual shares #8 identical wh#les need n#t ha&e the same sha"e/ .bjectives: ;/ The students will rec#gnize that the Earth is a "lanet nearly c#&ered with water/ o <=n#wledge> <=-? Standard E/4E>

2/ The students will recall in8#rmati#n 8r#m the &ide# t# answer a 3uesti#n/ o <=n#wledge> <''SS/ELA-Literacy/W/2/@>

!/ The students will describe a "artiti#ned and shaded circle using the w#rds #ne-8#urth, tw#8#urths, three-8#urths, #r 8#ur-8#urths/ o <'#m"rehensi#n> <''SS/2/ /!>

5/ The students will s$etch a "artiti#n #8 a circle #8 8#ur e3ual shares and shade the c#rrect number #8 "arts/ o <A""licati#n> <''SS/2/ /!>

Learning Targets: ;/ A will $n#w that the Earth is alm#st t#tally c#&ered with water/ 2/ A will remember 8acts 8r#m the &ide# and be able t# answer 3uesti#ns ab#ut it/ !/ A will describe a shaded circle that is s"lit int# 8#ur e3ual "arts as being #ne-8#urths, tw#-8#urths, three-8#urths, #r 8#ur-8#urths/ 5/ A will draw lines t# ma$e a circle int# 8#ur "arts that are the same size/

Purpose of the lesson: The "ur"#se #8 this less#n is 8#r students t# understand that Earth is made u" #8 land and water/

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Ti e Allotted B minutes Essential Ele ents /( Anticipatory Set:

%ass #ut m#&ie tic$ets t# students as they enter the classr##m and in&ite them t# enC#y a m#&ie ab#ut the EarthD

EWe ha&e learned ab#ut the ma" #8 the w#rld already this year///F <systematic>

E///n#w, we are g#ing t# learn ab#ut the land and water that the Earth is made #8/F

(e8#re starting the less#n, A will begin by leading a =-W-L chart #n the b#ard/ <The E=F and the EWF c#lumns will be addressed be8#re the &ide#, and we will c#m"lete the ELF c#lumn thr#ugh a discussi#n a8ter they ha&e &iewed the &ide#/> A will as$ students t# raise their hand and tell me what they already $n#w ab#ut the Earths land and water/ A will rec#rd their answers/ Then, A will as$ the students what they want t# $n#w.h#"e t# learn 8r#m the &ide#/ A will be "re"ared with statements and 3uesti#ns t# "r#m"t and assist with class discussi#n/

; minute

+( State Purpose and .bjectives of Lesson: o EAn class t#day, A want y#u t# learn 8acts 8r#m the &ide# ab#ut the Earth/ S"eci8ically, A w#uld li$e y#u all t# learn that three-8#urths #8 the Earths sur8ace is water, and #ne-8#urth is land/ (y the end #8 this less#n, A want y#u t# be able t# re"resent this in8#rmati#n by shading "arts #8 a circle/F <direct> o EThis in8#rmati#n is im"#rtant t# all #8 us because we li&e #n the Earth and need t# $n#w all ab#ut #ur "lanetDF <e6"licit> -( 0nstructional 0nput Plan: o Modeling:

5B minutes

i/ A will "lay the 8irst 8#rty-8i&e minutes #8 the )isney*ature+ Earth m#&ie/

7 minutes

ii/ A8ter st#""ing the m#&ie, A will share s#mething new that A learned with the class, and then as$ a 8ew students t# d# the same/ A will rec#rd the res"#nses in the ELF c#lumn #8 the =-W-L chart/ 1A2 T*.

5B minutes

iii/ %lay the sec#nd hal8 #8 the Earth m#&ie/ i&/ E*#w, lets use math t# tal$ ab#ut what we learned ab#ut the Earth/F

5 minutes

;/ EThree-3uarters #8 the Earths sur8ace is made u" #8 waterD We can dem#nstrate this in8#rmati#n by s"litting a circle int# 8#ur e&en "arts and then shading three #8 them/ F 2/ EWatch me while A shade a circle t# sh#w that the Earths sur8ace is three "arts water and #ne "art land///F

; minute

!/ 'hec$ing 8#r understanding G E%lease stand u" and h#ld u" y#ur 8ingers cl#se t# y#ur chest t# sh#w me h#w c#m8#rtable y#u w#uld 8eel e6"laining t# a "artner h#w t# s"lit a circle int# 8#ur "arts and shading three #8 them t# sh#w that the Earths sur8ace is made u" #8 three-8#urths water/ ; 8inger is n#t c#m8#rtable at all/ 2 8ingers means n#t &ery c#m8#rtable/ ! 8ingers means A 8eel s#rt #8 c#m8#rtable/ 5 8ingers means A 8eel c#m8#rtable/ B 8ingers means A 8eel &ery c#n8ident ab#ut e6"laining this c#nce"t/ 30nfor al )or ative4 o Guided Practice: i/ H%ass #ut w#r$sheetsI E*#w, w#r$ing with y#ur neighb#r, 8#ll#w

7 minutes

al#ng with me #n y#ur #wn "a"ers/F )em#nstrate drawing tw# lines t# s"lit the circle int# 8#ur "arts/ Then, shade three #8 the "arts with blue c#l#red "encil and the remaining "art with green c#l#red "encil/ Anstruct the students t# d# the same/ ii/ Wal$ ar#und t# ma$e sure that the students are d#ing it c#rrectly/ A8 they are n#t, inter&ene and guide them t# d#ing it the c#rrect way/ ; minute iii/ 'hec$ing 8#r understanding G E%lease stand u" and h#ld u" y#ur 8ingers cl#se t# y#ur chest t# sh#w me h#w c#m8#rtable y#u w#uld 8eel s"litting a circle int# 8#ur "arts and shading three #8 them t# sh#w that the Earths sur8ace is made u" #8 three-8#urths water #n y#ur #wn/ ; 8inger is n#t c#m8#rtable at all/ 2 8ingers means n#t &ery c#m8#rtable/ ! 8ingers means A 8eel s#rt #8 c#m8#rtable/ 5 8ingers means A 8eel c#m8#rtable/ B 8ingers means A 8eel &ery c#n8ident ab#ut d#ing this #n my #wn/ 30nfor al )or ative4 1A2 T5"EE B minutes o o Review: :e&iew =-W-L chart be8#re beginning test/ Independent Practice+ i/ Assessment w#r$sheet+ Students will w#r$ inde"endently #n the attached assessment/ <See bel#w> 3)or al Su J minutes 6( 1ifferentiation Considerations 7acco o odations8: ative4

A8 students need e6tra hel", A will assist them/ A8 they need m#re time t# 8inish the assessment, they may ha&e e6tra time/

4#r th#se wh# 8inish 3uic$ly, they may draw a "icture #8 the Earth #r a s$etch that re"resents s#mething that they learned 8r#m the &ide#/

M#di8icati#ns 8#r students wh#se AE% indicates that they are meeting the

''S G A will all#w these students t# w#r$ with a teacher aid #r "ara"r#8essi#nal t# ma$e sure that they are meeting the necessary re3uirements #8 their AE%/ 9( Assess ent: 2 minutes ;B minutes o o E6"lain the directi#ns #n the test and h#w they will be sc#red <#ne "#int "er 3uesti#n #r "art #8 a 3uesti#n/ Students will answer true #r 8alse 3uesti#ns regarding the c#m"#siti#n #8 the Earths sur8aceK they will recall in8#rmati#n t# answer 3uesti#ns 8r#m the &ide#K and, they will 8ill in circle charts t# sh#w the am#unts #8 water and land #n the Earths sur8ace/ 3)or al Su o ative4

When students are 8inished, they may ch##se a b##$ 8r#m the b##$ bin created 8#r this unit and read silently/

5 minutes

:( Closure: a/ Tic$et-#ut-the-)##r G Ln the bac$ #8 the m#&ie tic$ets, students will answer the 3uesti#n EWhat else w#uld y#u li$e t# $n#w ab#ut the Earths land and water0F 3)or al )or ative4

;a e: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Earths Land and Water Worksheet

Directions: Work with a partner to shade in the correct number of parts of the circle with colored pencils. Shade with blue to represent water and green to represent land.

;a e: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Earths Land and Water

Directions for Learning Target #1: Read each sentence carefully. Write the word true if you think that it is correct or the word false if you think that it is incorrect. !. "rue or #alse$ "he Earths surface is made up of only water. %%%%%%%%%%%%%% &. "rue or #alse$ "he Earths surface is made up of only land. %%%%%%%%%%%%%% '. "rue or #alse$ "he Earth is mostly made up of water. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Directions for Learning Target #2: Read each (uestion from the )ideo carefully and write the answer on the line in a complete sentence. *. +ow many continents are there on the Earth,

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

-. +ow many oceans are there on the Earth,

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

.. /oes the humpback whale family li)e on the land or in water,

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Directions for Targets #3 & #4: Read each (uestion carefully. "he circle below is like the Earth.

0. a1 /raw lines in the circle at the bottom of this page to di)ide the circle into four e(ual parts.

b1 +ow many fourths does the circle contain, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

2. a1 3e4t shade in the correct number of parts to show how much of the Earths surface is made up of water.

b1 +ow many fourths of the Earths surface is water, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Ticket out the Door

What else would you like to know about Earths land and water?

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