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Mara Fernanda Del Pozo Gonzlez No Trinidad Marcos The movie presents different situations that can pass

in a moment of cancer in a family. But sometimes the sick person only wants to rest and dont feel more pain, in the case of this movie Kate doesnt want doctors and hospitals and she asked for help to her sister Anna, who was genetically designed just to support Kate. Cancer is a terrible disease that does not only affect the sick person but also the family. In the movie, Kate didnt want more suffering for her own and her family, and she is agreed that she ask Because at the end the only thing that Kate wants is to die, just not to feel more pain, her family got happy again. Sometimes, people only think in that the person that have cancer, fight for recuperate the health, to the end, even if the disease is advanced, only to have the person continues to live because death is a fact that most people would hard to accept. But the only important thing is what the sick person wants. In the movie everybody was worried about Kate and her survival, but at the end Kate wanted to rest, and the only person that helped her was her sister Anna. Both needed to rest and both wanted her family to be fine well again. No more hospitals, medicines, just being together during moments of Kate and she pass away in peace. Anna did something really good to help her sister and for the family because the important is what the sick person wants. This person is who decides to fight or just wait for the end, and the family just has to be with the sick person, love them , care for them, support them and give them the best of us.

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