Networks Basics: C Viven Rajendra

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Networks Basics

C Viven Rajendra

What is a network? How does it work? HUB, Switch, Router. Classifying network. Pro y, !P, Su"net, #NS. Wi$i, net%on, si%&le a&&lications.

Co%&uter Network
' ( co%&uter network is a grou& of interconnected )network ca&a"le de*ices+. ' Co%&onents , Network !nterface Cards, Hu"s, Switches, Routers and gal*anic ca"le.

How does it work?

What is co%%unicated? When is it co%%unicated? How is it co%%unicated? - a%&le , .alking, torch light co%%unication. We need a &rotocol , Set of rules go*erning data co%%unication. .CP/!P is such a &rotocol.

Basic Hardware Co%&onents

' ' ' ' ' Network !nterface Card 0N!C1 Hu" Switch Router Ca"le

Network !nterface Card

' (llows a network ca&a"le de*ice access to a co%&uter network such as the internet. ' .he 2(C address identifies the *endor and the serial nu%"er of the N!C which is uni3ue to the card.

' ( network hu" or re&eater hu" is a de*ice for connecting %ulti&le twisted &air or fi"er o&tic -thernet de*ices together. ' When a &acket arri*es at one &ort, it is co&ied to all the &orts of the hu" for trans%ission

' ( switch is a de*ice that &erfor%s switching. ' !t forwards and filters datagra%s 0chunk of data co%%unication1 "etween &orts "ased on the 2ac4(ddresses in the &ackets.

' $orward data &ackets "etween networks using headers and forwarding ta"les to deter%ine the "est &ath to forward the &ackets. ' Processor, 5S, %e%ory.


' Category 6 ca"le, known as Cat 6 or 7Ca"le and .ele&hone7, is a twisted &air ca"le.0899 2"&s1 ' (n o&tical fi"er is a glass or &lastic fi"er that carries light along its length.0:9 ;"&s1

Classifying Networks
5n the "asis of scale or e tent of reach of network , <(N, 2(N, W(N. 5n the "asis of connection %ethod , hardware technology , 5&tical fi"re, -thernet, Wireless <(N. $unctional relationshi&, Client4Ser*er, Peer4to4&eer. 5n the "asis of network to&ology, Physical layout, 2esh, Star, Bus, Ring, Hy"rid

<ocal (rea Network 0<(N1

' 2ost current <(Ns run on -thernet and use the !--- =9>.? &rotocol for co%%unication. ' !!.B <(N is a *ery good e a%&le.

2etro&olitan (rea Network

<arge co%&uter networks usually s&anning a city.

Wide (rea Network 0W(N1

W(N 0contd..1
' Co*ers a "road area 0i.e., any network whose co%%unications links cross %etro&olitan, regional, or national "oundaries1. ' .he largest and %ost well4known e a%&le of a W(N is ,

Networking "asics
' ' ' ' ' What is a Pro y? What is an !P address? What is su"net %ask? What is #efault gateway? #o%ain Na%e Syste% 0#NS1

Pro y
' !nterface "etween internal and e ternal network0!nternet1 ' Pri%ary ad*antages,
@ Security 0fro% outside1 @ (ccess control 0 sites, *irus1 @ -fficient network utiliAation due to caching

Pro y configuration in "rowsers

' ' ' ' !nstitude wide , net%on.iit" Port =9 for net%on <#(P userna%e B &assword for net%on Pro y not re3uired for
@ C.iit" @

' (uto%atic &ro y configuration UR<,

@ htt&,//" y.&ac

Pro y configuration in "rowsers

Pro y configuration in "rowsers

Pro y configuration in "rowsers

!P address
' (n !nternet Protocol 0!P1 address is a nu%erical identification that is assigned to de*ices &artici&ating in a co%&uter network utiliAing the !nternet Protocol for co%%unication "etween its nodes. ' .he for%at of an !P address is a ?>4"it nu%eric address written as four nu%"ers se&arated "y &eriods. -ach nu%"er can "e Aero to >66. ' 2ine is 89.>.>98.D>

Su"net %ask
' ( &ortion of the networkEs co%&uters and network de*ices that ha*e a co%%on, designated !P address routing &refi . ' ( %ask used to deter%ine what su"net an !P address "elongs to. ' (n !P address has two co%&onents, the network address and the host address ' Hostel4> su"net is >66.>66.9.9, so allowed i&4addresses are 89.>. .

#efault gateway
' ( node 0a router1 on a co%&uter network that ser*es as an access &oint to another network. ' Fiewed si%&ly as an entry &oint and an e it &oint in a network. ' ( default gateway is used "y a host when an !P &acketEs destination address "elongs to so%e&lace outside the local su"net. ' Hostel4> has a co%&uter , 89.>.>69.8

#efault gateway contd..

#o%ain Na%e Syste% 0#NS1

' (ssociates *arious infor%ation with do%ain na%esG ' !t ser*es as the 7&hone "ook7 for the !nternet "y translating hu%an4reada"le co%&uter hostna%es, e.g., into !P addresses, e.g. >9=.DD.8==.8HH, which networking e3ui&%ent needs to deli*er infor%ation

#NS - a%&le

Suggested Material
' Iurose, Ross , Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. ' WikiPedia @ Co%&uter Network , ork ' Su"net %ask ,

' ' ' ' ' SSH Putty Secure shell Pine !!.B newsgrou&

.hank Jou

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