Matrimonial Functional

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Matrimonial Functional Document www.vivahabandhan.

Author(s): Suraj Kumar Thulluru Contributors(s): Status: draft

Revision History
Name Suraj Kumar Thulluru Date Reason For Changes First draft Version 0.

Table of Contents

!s "er the !gri#old re$uirements for the %atrimonial &roje't here is the fun'tional flo( for the different features offered to this site.

Admin Module
Users: This se'tion manages users and "rovides "rovision to admin to 'reate)edit)delete users at any time. Through this s'reen admin 'an send the "ass(ords for the "ass(ords re$uests and on re$uest 'an 'hange the "ass(ords also. Search: !dmin 'an sear'h mem*ers and site *ased on %em*ershi" Ty"e and different other 'ategories (hi'h is $ui'+ and fast to 'he'+ the user details. Advertising:

!dmin 'an 'reate a !dvertise user and u"load *anner ads using this s'reen. This (ill allo( admin to send notifi'ation to vendor regarding the 'ontra't e,"iry and rene(al offers. !dmin (ill also have features to rene( the a''ount and delete the a''ount. Reports: This se'tion "rovides features to generate re"orts for different modules and "rovides feature to e,"ort the CSV file. !dministrator 'an save the file and use it for future referen'e. E-mail: !dmin mail *o, (ith all -.mail features li+e /n*o,0 1ut*o,0 Com"ose0 Draft and Trash. He (ill *e a*le to send any mail to any user and all mails sent to admin (ill 'ome to his /n*o,. SMS: !dmin 'an send S%S alert notifi'ations through this s'reen and 'he'+ the mem*ers registered for this servi'e. Chat: Can 'he'+ (ho is online and 'an go through the 'onversation they had. !dmin (ill have fle,i*ility to go through the 'hat 'onversation and see dire'tly. Payment Options: !dmin user 'an 'hange the "ayment s'hemes and u"date this (hen ever re$uired. This 'hange (ill affe't the &ayment 1"tions "age and user (ill see the latest s'hemes. Matrimonial Contacts: These are the Vivaha*andhan Conta't offi'es in different "la'es. !dmin user 'an add or edit the e,isting 'onta't list and it (ill refle't in main "ages. Services: !dmin user 'an 'hange the servi'es of any user *ased on their re$uest. Servi'es li+e S%S0 -.mail and !strology 'an *e modified and "rovided if needed.

Login Module
Login: This (ill ena*le the user to login to the system and use the different features "rovided for mem*ers. Forgot Pass ord: 2ser 'an re$uest for "ass(ord in 'ase they forgot it. System (ill send an -.mail to mem*er (ith the ne( "ass(ord. Registration:

Ne( users 'an register (ith Vivaha*andhan *y 'li'+ing on this lin+. 2ser 'an sele't the ty"e of mem*ershi" they (ish to go for0 Free or &remium. !t any given "oint of time user 'an u"grade his)her mem*ershi" after login. Payment Options: /nformation related to different "ayment s'hemes at Vivaha*andhan and any latest offers or "romotion events for e,isting users and ne( users. Change Pass ord: -,isting users 'an 'hange their "ass(ord at any given time and there is no restri'tion for 'hanges0 they 'an ma+e any num*er of 'hanges. For this they must "rovide the old "ass(ord and ty"e the ne( "ass(ord and 'onfirmation "ass(ord.

Search Module
!asic Search: ! Sim"le sear'h (ith standard attri*utes for loo+ing in to the "rofiles. This Sear'h 'onsists of attri*utes li+e #ender0 !ge0 Community and Country0 *ased on the user sele'tion results (ill *e dis"layed on the "age. This is $ui'+ and fast (ay to sear'h for "rofiles (ith standard attri*utes. Advanced Search: /n order to use !dvan'ed Sear'h feature user must *e logged in to the site and it (ill "rovide different o"tions to sele't the 'riteria for sear'h and *ased on the in"ut values results (ill *e dis"layed. !ttri*utes li+e 3ifestyle0 -du'ation0 4ody ty"e0 Com"le,ion are the +ey for this sear'h0 (hi'h give user mu'h more 'han'es to narro( do(n their sear'h and loo+ for e,a't mat'h for their re$uirement. Categorical Search: /n order to user Categori'al Sear'h feature user must me logged in to the site and it has different 'ategories for fast sear'hing. 2ser 'an sear'h "rofiles *ased on standard 'ategories li+e !ge0 %arital Status0 Country0 State0 %other Tongue0 &rofile /D and Key (ord. This is fastest of all sear'hes and "rovides fle,i*ility to user to sear'h for any one 'onstraint0 this (ill not su""ort multi"le value sele'tion for single sear'h. /t 'an su""ort only one value at any given "oint. Save Listing: This is the feature to save the sear'hed list and vie( it in "ersonal "ages. For this user need to *e logged in and 'li'+ the 'he'+ the 'he'+*o, "rovide ne,t to sear'hed "rofile and 'li'+ on the save *utton. %em*ers have "rovided this feature for all the sear'hes 4asi')!dvan'ed and Categori'al. "elete Listing: This is the feature to delete the saved listing from the lin+ to vie( saved listings. 2sers 'an re.loo+ on the saved listings and if they needed 'an delete the un(anted

"rofiles dire'tly. This (ill remove the listing from the saved listing and ne,t time user (ill see only the availa*le saved list.

Profile Module
Pro#ile Add: 1n'e user finishes the normal registration "ro'ess0 he (ill "rom"ted to add the "rofile details and furnish all the re$uired values. This (ill *e save in D4 and used for %at'hes for this "rofile and system (ill generate automati' mailer and S%S notify if they have sele'ted this feature. Pro#ile Edit: 2ser to needs to login and 'an edit the "rofile (ith the latest or 'hanged values. 1nly "remium users 'an modify all the fields in the "rofile dire'tly0 all other free mem*ers (ill *e allo(ed to edit only sele'ted fields and they 'an5t modify the remaining fields on'e they entered in "rofile D4. Pre#erred Partner Settings: 2ser 'an set the "referred "artner attri*utes and 'he'+ the feature li+e 6%y %at'hes7 and 6&rofiles 3oo+ing for %e7. This setting 'onsists of some standard attri*utes values li+e !ge0 Height0 -du'ation0 1''u"ation0 Country0 Caste0 4ody Ty"e and Com"le,ion. 4ased on these values system (ill generate mat'h ma+ing "rofiles and *ased on "riority (ill dis"layed on the user5s "age. My Matches: 2ser needs to log in and should add the entries in &referred &artner Settings0 *ased on the attri*ute values this lin+ (ith sho( the a""ro"riate mat'hes and re'ommend the user. /f user didn5t added any "referred "artner settings he 'an add it dire'tly *y 'li'+ing the lin+ and vie( this "age. Pro#iles Loo$ing For Me: 2ser needs to log in to vie( this "age and this "age (ill dis"lay the "rofile details that are loo+ing for attri*utes mat'hing similar to this user. He 'an sho( his interest or 'ommuni'ate (ith the user if he is interested. This is system generated mat'h "rofile0 and user needs to "ersonally 'ommuni'ate and e,"ress their interest. % o &ay Match: This feature (ill dis"lay the "rofiles (here *oth the "arties5 attri*utes mat'hes *ased on their "rofiles details and "referred "artner settings. This is $uite useful (here users 'ome to +no( that other "erson is also having similar taste and it is easy to esta*lish relation in this 'ase. My Mem'ership: Free mem*ers as (ell as &remium mem*ers 'an 'he'+ their 'urrent mem*ershi" s'heme and *ased on the latest offers 'an u"grade to any mem*ershi" ty"e (ithout

ma+ing any 'hanges. System (ill move the details of this user to &remium 8uality if a free user is u"grading to "aid s'hemes and 'an utili9e all the *enefits "rovided. My Filters: Vivaha*andhan mem*ers 'an set their filters for sear'hing0 *ased on (hi'h system (ith 'he'+ the mat'hes and ta+e the filter values as the default 'onditions for all the sear'h results. This is *est (ay to handle (hen you don5t (ant to "rovide sear'h 'riteria every time you do ne( sear'h. Photo()ideo Upload: %em*ers 'an u"load &hoto and Video to the site (ith this o"tion0 due to se'urity reasons the &hoto and Video u"loaded (ill *e vie(ed only after :; Hrs of u"load. Due to s"a'e 'onstraint system (ill allo( only Five &hotogra"hs and Five Video Cli""ings "er "erson. -a'h video should not e,'eed more than .< %inutes duration. Photo()ideo Edit: %em*ers 'an -dit &hoto and Video (hen ever they (ant0 *ut only need to understand that if they ma+e any 'hange in the &hoto)Video system (ill *y default ta+e :; Hrs and every 'onse'utive 'hange it (ill ta+e another :; Hrs. Al'*m )ie : System "rovides a feature to vie( the 'ontents of the "age in !l*um vie( (ith ne,t and "revious lin+s0 it (ill ma+e user easy to 'he'+ all the "hotogra"hs or videos u"loaded. This is uni$ue loo+ and feel to vie( the "ersonal al*um and go through different +ind of images and re'orded messages. My Messages: Vivaha*andhan users have "rovided (ith -.mail +ind of servi'es to send)vie( and store the messages (ithin the Vivaha*andhan net(or+. 2sers 'an use this as their "ersonal %ail 4o, and information on this is highly se'ured and (ill not *e shared (ith any user at 'ir'umstan'es. This "rovides features li+e Com"ose0 /n*o,0 1ut*o,0 Draft and Trash. Upgrade Mem'ership: 2sers 'an u"grade their mem*ershi" to any s'heme *ased on their 'hoi'e and system (ill *e 'onne'ted to &ayment #ate(ay (hi'h "rovides :=.*it en'ry"tion and "rovide se'ure transa'tion. System (on5t "rovide any feature to 'an'el the mem*ershi" *ut allo(s user to introdu'e the other user and 'an use the same servi'es.

Chat Module
Chat Server(Client: This is the feature (here mem*ers 'an 'ommuni'ate (ith the users (ho are online and share the information. This is 'ommuni'ation and 'onsidering se'urity system is not "roviding multi.'hat fa'ility through *road'asting.

Toolbar Module
%ool'ar: This is the do(nloada*le Tool*ar for /nternet -,"lorer and su""orts all other *ro(sers li+e Fire fo, and 1"era. This is the free tool*ar and "rovides features li+e 'he'+ing the messages dire'tly and sear'hing. This also sho(s the mem*ers (ho are 'urrently online.

Other Features
Report A'*se: 2ser 'an send mail to Site !dministrator re"orting the misuse of the site. /t (ill "rovide the different o"tions to sele't *y user and send mail. !dministrator (ill then loo+s into this and ta+e ne'essary a'tion against it. %ell a Friend: %em*ers 'an dire'tly inform their friends a*out the site and its features0 System (ill "rovide ma,imum five user names and -.mail addresses to send to their friends and system (ill generate an automati' message and inform them the same. Save as !oo$mar$: 2ser 'an save the site "age as *oo+mar+ and 'an vie( dire'tly from favorite5s folder from /nternet -,"lorer and %o9illa Fire fo,. Save as +omepage: 2ser 'an save the site "age as home"age and ne,t time (henever *ro(ser loads and 'onne'ts to internet 'an see the home "age of the site dire'tly. Remem'er Me: Cli'+ing on this lin+ during login0 user details (ill *e saved in Ca'he and (ill hel" user to dire'tly login (ith out need to enter the values again. 2ser 'an 'lear Ca'he from *ro(ser and (ill not see this 'oming u" again. SMS Alerts: %em*ers (ho are su*s'ri*ed for this servi'e (ill re'eive the messages on their mo*ile "hones for the latest ne(s0 !strology and any 'hanges made on "rofiles. This is automati' s'heduled "rogram and user need to send mail to administrator if he (ants to unsu*s'ri*e the servi'e. E-mail ,oti#ication: %em*ers (ho are su*s'ri*ed for this servi'e (ill re'eive different -.mails and 3in+s on servi'es li+e !strology and 3atest Vivaha*andhan u"dates. First time user registration re$uires -.mail 'onfirmation to a'tivate the a''ount.


"aily -*ote: Vivaha*andhan mem*ers (ill get the free matrimonial $uote daily. This is dynami'ally sele'ted $uote and (ill sho( different $uote on ea'h day. Astrology: Vivaha*andhan mem*ers 'an register free for !strology servi'e (here system (ill send free lin+s and details *ased on their signs and na+shatra. System (ill also "rovide additional information on s"e'ial re$uest li+e "an'hanga and sign mat'hes.

Success Stories
S*'mit S*ccess Story: %em*ers 'an su*mit their su''ess story and "rovide the details li+e their e,"erien'e (ith the site and feed*a'+. They 'an re'ommend or refer other friends to join the site and get *enefited (ith. Edit S*ccess Story: %em*ers 'an edit the story (ith ne( details and save the 'hanges. This feature is useful in 'ase mem*ers (ant to (rite something more a*out the site and if they (ish to inform some more friends. Upload Photographs: %em*ers 'an u"load their family "hotogra"hs (ith the site and share it (ith the other users. This (ill *e ar'hived and +e"t in for 'om"any history. %a,imum Five "hotogra"hs are allo(ed for this and they edit if they (ant later. S*ccess Story )ie : 2"on 'li'+ing on this lin+ users 'an vie( the su''ess story "u*lished *y mem*ers and 'an get feel of the site. This is the 'ustomer feed*a'+ and tells a*out the site (hi'h "rovided them features to 'ommuni'ate (ith their "artners. Al'*m )ie : %em*ers 'an see the al*um vie( of the su''ess stories and *y 'li'+ing ne,t and "revious *uttons they 'an navigate easily. S*ccess Story Archive: System (ill automati'ally 'reate an !r'hive for stories *ased on >ear and %onth and users (ho (ish to see this 'an 'li'+ on the lin+ and vie( this.

Other Links
Contact Us: 3in+ "rovides details a*out the Site %anagement and information to rea'h them. This is $uite handy in order to register or 'larify any $ueries from !dministration. A'o*t Us:

3in+ "rovides the *usiness details a*out the Site %anagement and their other u"'oming "roje'ts and features. Privacy %erms and Conditions: This "age "rovides the different terms and 'onditions for users using Vivaha*andhan site for their use. !ll the rules a""ly stri'tly and it a""lies to every mem*er and user of the site.

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