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ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE: -Decreased platelet count 32 -weak -Warm to touch

DIAGNOSIS Risk for Bleeding related to decrease blood clotting factors

PLANNING After 2 hours of nursing intervention, the patients platelet will increase.

Temp.: 36.5 C Cardiac Rate: 132 RR: 36

INTERVENTION Instructed patient to bed rest Advised patient to increased oral fluid intake. Advised to avoid dark colored foods Encouraged to use soft bristle toothbrush Monitored for any untoward sign and symptoms

RATIONALE R:Patient activity can lead to uncontrolled bleeding. R: to replace fluid loss R: blood in the feces may indicate internal bleeding R: to prevent further bleeding. R:to help early treatment if theres bleeding

EVALUATION After 2 hours of nursing intervention, the patient showed no signs of bleeding noted. -the goal was completely met.

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