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Rank 1 Ranked 1 of 33 Places to Visit in Hyderabad Type: Monument Entry: Paid Charminar is a famous landmark of Hyderabad !t is considered as a fine e"ample of Ca#ia style of architecture and is made of $ranite and lime%mortar &ocated to'ards the heart of the city( Charminar 'as built in 1)*1 by Mohammed +uli +utub ,hah Charminar has four arches( 'hich in Read More Hotels .ear Charminar Holiday!+ /'ard 0110 32 photos
Ramoji Film City

Rank 2 Ranked 0 of 33 Places to Visit in Hyderabad Type: Theme Park Entry: Paid Ramo3i 4ilm City is a famous landmark and a popular destination in the city of Hyderabad Ramo3i 4ilm City is located about 31 km from Hyderabad( on the 'ay to Vi3aya'ada on .H%* Ramo3i 4ilm City is kno'n amon$ the lar$est and $lamorous film studios in the 'orld !t has found its 'ay in Read More Hotels .ear Ramo3i 4ilm City Holiday!+ /'ard 0110
Jama Masjid

Rank 3 Ranked 3 of 33 Places to Visit in Hyderabad Type: Mos5ue 6ama Mas3id is one of the popular landmarks of the city of Hyderabad &ocated nearby Charminar( it is the oldest mos5ue in Hyderabad !t 'as +uli +utub ,hah 'ho built 6ama Mas3id in 17)8 6ama Mas3id encloses an ancient Turkish bath in its premises( 'hich is considered uni5ue amon$ the Read More Hotels .ear 6ama Mas3id Holiday!+ /'ard 0110 31 photos
Golconda Fort

Rank 4 Ranked 2 of 33 Places to Visit in Hyderabad Type: 4ort 9olconda 4ort( a chief attraction of Hyderabad city( is situated to'ards the 'estern outskirts of Hyderabad at a distance of about 11 km from the city centre The 'ord :9olconda; ori$inated from :9olla <onda; 'hich stands for :,hepherd;s Hill; in Read More Hotels .ear 9olconda 4ort Holiday!+ /'ard 0110 3 photos
Nehru Zoological ark

Rank ! Ranked ) of 33 Places to Visit in Hyderabad Type: =oo Entry: Paid .ehru =oolo$ical Park is situated in >ahadurpur area( 'hich is about 1? km from the city of Hyderabad The park 'as established in 1*)* and it 'as opened in 1*?3 !t 'as named after Pandit 6a'aharlal .ehru( the first Prime Minister of !ndia .ehru =oolo$ical Park co@ers about 311 acres

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