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Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist #1 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: %b!&t.c!m : '&sic Careers (R):

*ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es

I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #1

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: ,eather -c.onalds /ame of the 0ebsite: ) ; -usic (areers 1ast .ate Updated: 2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: 5/26/2! # U71:

8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: I believe a music degree program is very important in the industry because if u<r not musically inclined% musically educated&= even if your experience is rock solid= there are some issues u can<t handle.

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: I strongly believe that in the pursuit of music= to get the excessive cash= u need education and experience. If u can get these #9s %9ducation= 9xperience= and 9xcessive cash&= you<r definitely a pro musician.

Rhet. 404/406

Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist #3 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: ed&cati!n#"!rtral.c!m (R): http://education'>for>singing.html *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #3

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: 9ducation ?ortal /ame of the 0ebsite: 9ducation' 1ast .ate Updated: 2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: : !/5/2! #

U71: http://education'>for>singing.html 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: .egrees awarded in voice and vocal performance include the *achelor of -usic %*.-.&= -aster of -usic %-.-.&= .octor of -usic )rts %.-)& and .octor of ?hilosophy %?h...&. ) student should choose a program based on his or her existing educational background and career ambitions. )dvanced degrees in music prepare students for careers as performers and= in some cases= music educators.

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: )nother important consideration for students selecting singing colleges is the si"e and reputation of the school.

Rhet. 404/406

Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist #$ Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #$

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: 1aura 1ewis *rown /ame of the 0ebsite: 0ww.?* 1ast .ate Updated: 2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: 5/2$/2! # U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other
subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&:

A music-rich experience for children of singing, listening and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning, says Mary Luehrisen,

Rhet. 404/406

Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist #4 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: 4!ice )ess!n t! g! (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #4

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: )riella Aaccario /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: 2! 2 .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: 5/2$/2! # U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: 3ou get to do what you love everyday' you may never
have that opportunity again in life so you might want to lavish in it for your studying years.

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: 3ou can use college contacts to help you get into
your local symphonies= choirs= +pera houses= and recording studios.

Rhet. 404/406

Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist #5 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: 000.(//.com (R):! /4,+0*IB/-usic/!C/# /

*ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es

I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #5

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: Aince .ifiore /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: 2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: !/#/2! # U71:! /4,+0*IB/-usic/!C/# /

8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: Paulo Baldi testifies that! "#arching band in particular is the
savior for people who ma$ or ma$ not be athletic. #arching band is music! memori%ation! e$e-hand coordination and good for $our posture

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: &dditionall$! students who learn to pla$ an instrument develop a
greater language capacit$ and a greater abilit$ to learn a new language. 'n another conte(t! it is invaluable to gain a wider perspective on cultural histor$ b$ being e(posed to centuries of our rich cultural heritage.

Rhet. 404/406

Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist #6 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: Ra" 1eni&s (R): C25'The'importance'of'music'education *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #6

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: ;-1T4 /ame of the 0ebsite: 7ap Denius 1ast .ate Updated: 2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: !/#/2! # U71: C25'The'importance'of'music'education 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: +ne thing that music education provides for students is creativity. -usic provides an outlet of expression that cannot be found in other subEects= such as mathematics= chemistry= or 9nglish.

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: Through music= students are able to vent in a manner that is harmless to other students= while emotionally reassuring to those with the same feelings. The broad range of topics that can be discussed deliver an unmatchable form of expression. +utside of the wide range of topics= there are other reasons why music enhances creativity

Rhet. 404/406

Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist # Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: WWW.6!s!mething.!rg (R): htt"://+++.d!s!mething.!rg/ti"sandt!!ls/11#,acts#ab!&t#m&sic# ed&cati!n# *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: .o /ame of the 0ebsite: .o 4omething 1ast .ate Updated: 2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: !/#/2! # U71:
. 8U+T9/:)(T ;


%copy and paste&: 7esearch shows that music is to the brain

as physical exercise is to the human body. -usic tones the brain for auditory fitness and allows it to decipher between tone and pitch.

. 8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: 7egardless of socioeconomic status or school district= students who participate in high'Fuality music programs score 22 percent better on 9nglish and 2! percent better on -ath standardi"ed exams.

Rhet. 404/406

Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist #7 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: P!timacPatch.c!m (R): htt"://"!t!mac."atch.c!m/gr!&"s/sch!!ls/"/5#reas!ns#m&sic# ed&cati!n#is#im"!rtant *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #7

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: 4u"ana *asaric'Ilic /ame of the 0ebsite: ? 1ast .ate Updated: 2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: !/#/2! # U71:'reasons'music'education'is'important 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: -usic is not an isolated area of study. It is always connected to many other subEect areas. Through exploring music students can find natural connections to social studies= mathematics= science= reading= writing= visual and other performing arts.

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: (hildren have many different learning styles. -usic provides a way for them to express themselves in a uniFue way= which motivates their learning and helps build their self'confidence.

Rhet. 404/406

Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist #8 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: /ym"!si&m.m&sic.!rg (R): htt"://sym"!si&m.m&sic.!rg/inde9."h": !"ti!n;c!m<k3=0ie+;item=id;$338:the#im"!rtance#!,#m&sic#ed&cati!n# in#a#&ni0ersity#c!llegiate#setting=>temid;136 *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service ' ' ' ! ! !

This site has no external links ,inal t!tal: G


1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #8

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: -argret -. Helly /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: //) .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: !/#/2! # U71: optionJcom>k2KviewJitemKidJ#225:the'importance'of'music'education'in'a' university'collegiate'settingKItemidJ 2$ 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: )nd so we return to the original Fuestion: 0hy is music education important in a university/collegiate settingI I have suggested that music education in its broad sense is what all music faculty do in higher education.

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: )ll of us involved in the education of musicians are music educators. This is a simple yet profound insight= particularly since many college and uni versity music faculty would never describe themselves as music educators and since there exist institutions of higher learning where the more narrow definition of music education relegates its professional status to that of the Llesser sibling.L

Rhet. 404/406

Name: Essence Chatman

Web Page Credibility Checklist #10 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: namm,!&ndati!n.!rg (R): htt"://+++.namm,!&ndati!n.!rg/s&""!rt#m&sic/m&sic#ed&cati!n# c!re#!rchestrating#s&ccess *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #10

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: The -usic 9ducation ?olicy 7oundtable /ame of the 0ebsite: namm,!&ndati!n.!rg 1ast .ate Updated: 2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: !/#/2! # U71:'music/music'education'core' orchestrating'success

8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: The intellectual and technical skills developed through music education lead to more comprehensive brain development= which contributes to academic achievement in other areas= such as math and reading;

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: The Mhollowing outN of school music programs and declining access to music education for our neediest students poses a serious threat to the )merican education experience

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #11 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: ed&cati!n#"!rtal.c!m (R): htt"://ed&cati!n# "!rtal.c!m/articles//inging<6egree<and<C!&rse<>n,!rmati!n.html *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #11

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: 9ducation ?ortal /ame of the 0ebsite: 9ducation'? 1ast .ate Updated:2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: !/5/2! # U71: http://education'>.egree>and>(ourse>Information.html 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: Ed&cati!n Prere-&isites -aster<s degree candidates generally must hold a bachelor<s degree in music or a similar field. 4ome schools may reFuire candidates to complete evaluations in ear training and music. 4chools may also reFuire candidates to complete an audition.

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: C!ntin&ing Ed&cati!n -aster<s degree graduates may choose to pursue a .octor of '&sical %rts in Aoice ?erformance. .octoral degree program reFuirements may include participating in multiple presentations and completing a dissertation

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #13 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: W++.4h1sa0ethem&sic.!rg (R): http://www.vh*enefitsof-usic9d
O2!O2@ O25> .pdf

*ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es

I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #13

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: 0e 4ave The -usic :oundation /ame of the 0ebsite: 0ww.A, 1ast .ate Updated: 2! # .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: !/ !/2! # U71: http://www.vh*enefitsof-usic9d O2!O2@ O25> .pdf 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&: )dults who receive formal music instruction as children have more robust brainstem responses to sound than peers who never participate in music lessons and that the magnitude of the response correlates with how recently training ceased. These results suggest that neural changes accompanying musical training during childhood are retained in adulthood.

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&: The musician is constantly adEusting decisions on tempo= tone= style= rhythm= phrasing= and feeling P training the brain to become incredibly good at organi"ing and conducting numerous activities at once. .edicated practice of this orchestration can have a great payoff for lifelong attention skills= intelligence= and an ability for self'knowledge and expression.

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #1$ Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #1$

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&:

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&:

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #14 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #14

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&:

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&:

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #15 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #15

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&:

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&:

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #16 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #16

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&:

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&:

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #1 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #1

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&:

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&:

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #17 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #17

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&:

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&:

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #18 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #18

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&:

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&:

Rhet. 404/406


Web Page Credibility Checklist #30 Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. !r m!re "!ints: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it. 4#6 "!ints: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it. $ !r less: This is probably not worth including in your sources. Website Name: (R): *ighlight the best ans+er ,!r each !, the -&esti!ns. P!siti0es
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the content on this site. This site is maintained by a person or organi"ation that I know is credible outside of the Internet This site has been updated in the past # to $ months This site has external links to other credible websites I know of other credible websites that link to this website This site has a .gov .org or .edu suffix This site provides a phone number or mailing address that I could use for contacting the person or organi"ation for more information The main purpose of this site is to provide facts %not opinions& I have verified the information on this site using other reliable resources


N!/N!t /&re

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point of view This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service This site has no external links ' ' ' ' ! ! ! !

,inal t!tal:

1athering 2&!tati!ns ,r!m Re"&table /!&rces #30

(opy and paste the following information from the website you evaluated above. This information will be necessary when developing your )nnotated *ibliography.

)uthor/+rgani"ation: /ame of the 0ebsite: 1ast .ate Updated: .ate 3ou Used the 4ite: U71: 8U+T9/:)(T ; %copy and paste&:

8U+T9/:)(T ;2 %copy and paste&:

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