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IELTS Speaking test in the UAE September 2012 Posted: 12 Sep 2012 04:16 A P!

"#r kind $riend S remembered and shared these Speaking %#estions a$ter his IELTS e&am in the UAE' Speaking testIELTS test in the UAE Inter(ie) * * * * +hat is ,o#r $#-- name. Te-- me abo#t the to)n ,o# -i(e in' /an ,o# te-- me abo#t ,o#r re-ati(es and 0o#sins. +ho did ,o# -ike the most $rom ,o#r re-ati(es as a 0hi-d.

/#e /ard !es0ribe the 1o#rne, ,o# )ere on as a 0hi-d' P-ease sa,: * * * * +here did ,o# go. +ho )as there )ith ,o#. 2o) )as that 1o#rne,. +h, do ,o# sti-- remember that 1o#rne,.

!is0#ssion * +hat bene$its 0an a person get )hen the, tra(e-. * +hat are the )a,s o$ tra(e-ing in ,o#r 0o#ntr,. * !o ,o# think tra(e- )i-- 0hange in the ne&t 30 ,ears.

IELTS test in

a-a,sia September 2012 4A0ademi0 P!T


Posted: 10 Sep 2012 04:36 A

"#r kind $riend P shared the $o--o)ing in$ormation abo#t a re0ent IELTS e&am in a-a,sia: Listening testIELTS test in a-a,sia

Se0tion 1' /on(ersation o$ a man and a )oman regarding a tra(e- booking to A#stra-ia' Se0tion 2' 6indergarten ann#a- open da, brie$ing $or parents' Se0tion 7' A diagram o$ a 0ondenser' 8#estions: diagram -abe-ing' Se0tion 4' A -e0t#re abo#t $ood prod#0ts sa$et,' 9eading test Passage 1' en (ers#s 9obots'

Passage 2' Arti0-e abo#t g-oba- $ossi-:s database' Passage 7' +hat do babies kno). +riting test +riting task 1 4a report5 +e )ere gi(en a -ine graph 0omparing the amo#nt o$ energ, generated b, )ind in 4 0o#ntries US; !enmark; <erman, and India bet)een 1=>3 and 2000' +riting task 2 4an essa,5 an, 0o#ntries spend -arge amo#nts o$ mone, on )or-d sporting e(ents s#0h as the "-,mpi0 <ames and $ootba-- +or-d /#p' Instead these monies 0an be spent on en0o#raging ,o#ng 0hi-dren to take #p sports at a ,o#ng age' !o ,o# agree or disagree )ith this statement.

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