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Notes on How to give Shahadah in 10 minutes

Lecture by

Ustadh Kamal el Mekki

This is a rough transcript of the lecture mentioned above

The full lecture can be found at the following playlist

Created by
Islam Class (for guys) [May Allah (swt) accept this effort]

For the case of dawah; there are no hard and fast rules, there is not just one way to do anything and there are no magic wands. For many cases, there will be many ways to tackle one particular situation. For a particular person/situation, a dawah technique may or may not be successful. A person might disagree with the techniques here but the reply should be based on Quran/Hadeeth or on collective evidences. In most of the Islamic workshop; there are usually two types of people attend them. One type of people will feel good that they have attended an Islamic event and then return home and thats it. The other type basically tries to apply the knowledge what they have learnt from the workshop. There are basically two types of daee, one who is effective and the other one is successful. The one who is effective will get people to take the shahada by convincing them (off course, with Allahs (swt) mercy) and those daee who is able to convince people to take the shahada and also to retain them as well that is to keep the newly reverts to Islam and make them a part of the muslim community and also help them to become practising muslims as much as he/she can, they are the ones who are successful. One of the things which a daee should be aware of is that not to get stuck into the head count and boast about it. The other thing to keep in mind is that, if Allah (swt) blessed us with success in giving dawah, this does not mean that the technique which we have used on a particular person is miraculous rather it is because we believe that we are on the TRUTH. And as Allah (swt) mentions in the Quran, And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish." *Quran, 17:81+ One of the most important things to remember for the daees is that Allah (swt) is the one who give guidance not a person, not a technique etc. Now let us contemplate on the following verses, Verily! You (O Muhammad SAW) guide not whom you like, but Allh guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are the guided [Quran, 28: 56] and in another verse Verily you guide to the straight path. [Quran, 42:52] So how should we understand these verses where one is saying you do not guide whom you love and the other verse says you do guide? The answer to this question is that there are two types of guidance according to the scholars 1) Hidayatul Irshaad 2) Hidayatul Tawfiq

1) Hidayatul Irshaad: This one is our job as a daee where we are supposed to present evidence to people, to tell the people about the truth and the falsehood and the rest is up to Allah (swt). This should encourage us to talk to people and not to get caught in the tricks of shaytaan and dilemma because there is no one who is going to prevent a person from just talking to other people. As long as we are able to communicate that should be enough to push us forward to the right direction. And as a daee we also have to think about our personal lacking to improve them as well and the rest is up to Allah (swt). Even if someone rejects our dawah rudely we should be calm and move on with a smile to other people. Just the fact that we are making an effort to give dawah will be rewarded doesnt matter how many or how less people become convinced by my dawah. As Allah (swt) mentions in the Quran, And who is better in speech than he who *says: "My Lord is Allh (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands firm (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allh's (Islmic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims." [Quran, 41:33] 2) Hidayatul tawfiq: This is from Allaah, this is when Allaah opens a persons heart to Islam. Our duty is to only let people know where the truth is. Allaah puts the hidaya in the heart the da'ee (caller) does not do that. This type of guidance is from Allaah, and when you know that this is true, nothing can stand in your way. In the end direct them and the rest is up to Allaah. Allaah guides whom He wills, and Allaah is the one whom places guidance in the heart. Some of the points which the daees might find useful and feel that these obstacles are preventing him INTERNALLY to give dawah are as follows:

1) Shy to talk: Well if a person is shy to talk to others then one thing can be done is in order to break the ice the person can take a friend with him to give dawah to others and in this way they will encourage each other. It is like a cold swimming pool only the first few minutes will feel awkward and it will be normal. Or go with a more experienced person in dawah so that it becomes easy to work along. 2) Dont expect instant result: A lot of people expect results instantly but we should keep in mind that it is a lengthy process. Nuh (alaihi salam) called his people to Islam for around 950 years but very few became muslim, this does not mean that he got very little reward. We may say something to a person and even after couple of years later that person may decide to become a muslim. 3) Not having enough knowledge: The more we know the more we will be effective, there is no argument in that. But at the same time, we need very basic knowledge of the

religion in order to call someone. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave dawah to Abu Bakr (ra) with the very minimum of knowledge he had at that initial stage of Islam and he took the shahadah. If we are asked questions which we dont have the answer to, just simply I dont know. This simple statement I dont know makes things very easy for the daees and it also makes us humble. 4) We need dawah ourselves: A lot of people think that they themselves need dawah and hence restrain from approaching others for dawah. But it is true that giving dawah also increases the eeman and taqwa. So its not that we have to wait for our eeman to increase and then give dawah rather it will increase when you approach others for dawah. The reality is like having a scarf that you wash, in the end are your hands clean, yes, but the intent in the start was not to wash your hands, it just happened in the process. The scholars say that if a person waits for the points mention in 3 & 4, they say you have to wait for your entire life until you go to the grave. 5) Not flexible in approach: This is an important point to remember because the daee needs to tailor his/her talk based on the audience. Because the approach gets different with varying individuals, who will be getting the dawah and it also depends on the environment as well. So since there are so many scenarios, situations, people and belief systems the daee has to be flexible in his approach. He should be malleable and bendable like metal. A person can be interested in Islam for a year but will not be able to take the shahadah and it can be due to many reasons. It can be that he loves something but it is prohibited in Islam, it can be that he has misconceptions about Islam, or family and social pressure on him regarding this or some other things. So a daee should go directly to the heart of the matter which is stopping that person to embrace Islam. And when it is possible to diagnose the exact issue, the interactions with the person becomes more effective rather providing him with a wealth of info such as scientific miracles of the Quran, rational explanations about Islam etc. hoping something will stick finally. And to get to the heart of the matter directly and quickly; a good question can be that what is stopping you to become a muslim? Now let us focus on some other factors which a daee might encounte r externally which can create an obstacle. They are as follows:

1) People looking for a sign: A lot of times people look for signs from Allah that this is the time to revert to Islam and become a muslim. Because it is actually a giant leap for the non muslims to jump into Islam so they might become nervous and be in a dilemma

whether to move ahead or not. In a predominantly Christian society, there is a lot of emphasis on vision, clear sign from Allah and it can be seen on their sitcoms, cartoons, movies where the character is asking, O Lord, please give me a sign, Tell me what to do? Even in Christian history we will find many focal characters or personalities experienced a vision or got a sign from their lord. So this is the mind set we are dealing with when we are in a predominantly Christian society. On the other hand, Allah (swt) mentions in the Quran in different places that His signs are subtle and for those who contemplate and consider. For example, in verily in these things there are Ayaat [proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.] for those who THINK & REFLECT! [13:3] Sometimes people already have their vision, but they are waiting for the deep voice or a light. The daee should tell them that if they love Islam from studying then become Muslim. Sometimes they may only get one sign from Allaah, so the daees have to let people know the signs of Allaah are subtle. Asking what the person dislikes about Islam, may save the daee a lot of time. So telling them if they are waiting for a sign then would they like a big neon sign to push them towards Islam(to show them how silly this thinking is)? So again, the signs of Allaah are subtle and telling them, If Allaah puts you in a position then take advantage of that. Allaah is choosing you, and putting you in this moment over everyone else would be a good idea to start the proceedings. Then the daee should go over the 5 pillars of Islam, it may take some time but it is worth it, and they may remember what you said for the rest of your life. 2) Misconceptions about Islam/Muslim/Religion: Thinking that problems and misconceptions apply to Islam as well as Muslims, when this is not the case at all. Sometimes people have misunderstandings about Islaam, and religion as a whole. Do away with these misconceptions. 3) Problems are caused by Islam/Religion: Thinking that Religion is the root cause of all the problems since more people had died because of religion. This statement is used by many people but it is in reality a false statement because if we do the math we will find out that more people had actually died because of colonialism and nationalistic issues such as conquering land, money wealth etc. than religion and when religion is brought in the midst it is not because of the religious scriptures rather some other factor on top of it. People might also think that Islam will cause a problem in their life and in their daily dealings. Some people feel that religion causes problems; well this is not correct either, the daee should find the problem and apply the medication.

4) Influences of family and society: Feeling that they will be shunned by the people and get negative feedback because of their new found faith. 5) Problems apply across the board: For instance the actions of the people cannot be used to view Islam; that will be that individual persons, not Islam and His prophet (pbuh). Some people have big problems with Christianity and think this applies to all of the religions or think that the problem with their religion applies to all the other religions. This is not the case, and many people do not know all religions and it is not correct to generalize all the religions. The above 5 are not the only problems faced by a person while becoming a muslim rather there can be a lot more. Now while dealing with a person regarding religion or other matters, sometimes the other person will keep repeating his questions for couple of times because they may think that you are not listening or paying attention to their argument. In order to stop that what we can do is rephrase their question and ask them. In this way they will be assured that we have listen to their argument and they will stop. Some rules of dawah would be 1) Stick to the point, not throw a wealth of info to him thinking something will stick. 2) The rules are to start with tawheed, the essential parts of eeman etc. 3) Send links for further reading 4) Men will communicate with men and women will communicate with women, because we do not want to give an avenue to the shaytaan to mislead us and make us follow our desires. It is important to have a catch phrase in order to get the attention from the people. For example, while distributing pamphlets we can use some of the following catch phrases such as for your salvation, protect yourselves, what do you know about Islam, learn and prosper, know about your lord etc. We also have to keep in mind that not every pamphlet is good and not every good pamphlet is appropriate. Most of the times the daees do not study or do research about the methods o r ways they want to use on the people in calling them to Islam as well. The Various Dawah Methods: 1) Pamphlet Pushing: Setting Areas with heavy traffic. Make sure you bring enough material, you draw attention of as many people as possible and you have enough time as well to reply to their questions.

Pick an area with heavy traffic, have a plan you and another sister/brother on both ends. Get as many pamphlets out as possible. Have a catch phrase, you either take it or you hear it. Catch phrase will make it easier to get the people to stop and listen what you wanted to tell them. 2) Goal is to hand out as much material as possible, get as many coming in and out as possible. 3) Requires a plan for canvassing the area to be more effective. 4) The daee should not be busy among them talking to each other. 5) Cover the entire pathway so you don't miss a single person 6) Have a catch phrase to draw attraction! Take it or hear it. Either the person takes the sheet or they get a long drawn out talk from you. 7) Know what you are handing out. Maybe read the material ahead of time so you can properly facilitate. Do not make Islaam sound like Christianity or Judaism that is not how it works. One on One/Sit down Discussion In case of a detail oriented theological discussion; usually pre-planned then keep the following points in mind 1) Time is of the essence. Be efficient! You will not have much time to get into a long discussion on Islam, so make sure you are clear and concise. Two or three people is good enough, do not make the people or person feel like you are ganging up on them. 2) Travel in groups or pairs; take others with you so that you may all get the point across, as well as in case there is more than one person it will be easier to tackle the crowd. 3) Take security into consideration! 4) Begin with how much the person knows on Islam, diagnose to find a problem 5) Listen, do not interrupt and let them finish 6) If the person has studied Islam: find the core issue that keeping him/her from Islam.

Find out what the sickness is and apply the medication. Find out what bothers them or confuses them about Islaam. Do's/ Dont's 1) Be patient, be prepared to come across people who do not want to hear your da wah. Going to give dawah you have to be patient, all the prophets were rejected denied, before being accepted. Keep going and being patient. 2) Be straight forward, Allaah is straight forward in the Qur'an so do the same, Allaah says; "They ask you about" In his reply, He is direct, "Say". Allaah is direct and to the point so be straight forward with the people. Do not let people think you are trying to trick them. 3) Avoid unnecessary confrontations, arguments simply move on. Some people just like to argue, and they have no intention of having a civil conversation, so go on and focus on Tauhid. Unnecessary talk, unrelated to the dawah end it. Keep your eye on tauhid. This is why having a partner is a good idea, because that person will keep you on track and you will keep him focused on tauhid. One must train themselves to remain on the subject at hand. If they do not get tauhid they will not get the rest. 4) Keep your eyes on the ball and keep the ball rolling; some people like to get off the subject and they will divert you from the main point. If they go into talking about meat animal rights, cut them off that has nothing to do with tauhid. 5) Have a partner with you; if you have another person with you the other person may see something that you missed, and will be able to interject, and add to the missed issues. As well as for a precaution in case people are asking different questions then your partner can move away with the other person replying to his questions while you keep busy with the person you are handling. 6) Use simple language, small words. Do not go into large words the person is un-clear about. Do not speak in another language or use big ambiguous words that they do not understand.

7) Understand needs, obstacles and issues 8) Listen with your eyes and your ears 70-80% of communication is non-verbal. Listen for the needs and concerns of the questioner. Find out what they are lacking in understanding about Islam. Our job is not to corner them nor to try and refute each point they make. Do not argue with them. Tell them that only they (meaning themselves) are the ones that can convert them, the daee will not be able to convert them. The decision has to be made by themselves, no one is going to force them. 9) Try to coin statements into a positive manner, highlight words like "good" & "yes" 10) Be neat and clean in appearance. 11) Get your prospect to listen: Nod, say I hear you and understand your point that way they feel you are listening to them as well, so that they may give you the same respect. Remain eye contact. It is important that you get them to listen, by doing so you must listen to them. 12) Use open gestures: Smile, Laugh, lean into them, maintain eye contact but do not stare. 13) Find points to agree upon: Present them with concepts that will get you a "yes" , They may think that you are laughing at them but keep a smile on your face, that way they feel easy with you. If you have 99 differences with a person and you find one to agree upon, then you build on that one point. 14) Acknowledge their questions as intelligent: Ask this person in simple terms that is it possible that Allaah not send messengers, then ask is it logically possible that Allaah could have sent many messengers, they will say yes, if Allaah wants He can send whom he wills. Do not ask if they believe it; ask them if it is possible? If the person does not have a problem with that then ask him for his/her shahadah. Go in order establish the Oneness of God, and that He sent messengers one after the other. Ask this person is it logical that someone like Jim Jones whom instructed many people to commit mass suicide a prophet, they will for sure say no. Ask the person is it logically possible that Isa was not the last Prophet and God had sent

another? Do not ask them if they believe it, but if it is logical. In reply to their questions, you may use the following: "Thats a good question" "I'm actually glad you brought that point up" "I can see why you understood it that way" 15) You may explain something to someone and you ask them to become Muslim, and they still say no. They need to know what they are getting into so explain the five pillars of Islam. Sometimes the major things are ok, but the lesser points will push them away. Other small things related to Islaam may keep them away from Islaam, so look for the disease and then apply the medications. 16) Ask for a name: Be personable, get to know the person, address him by his first name. This will make it appear that you do care. The advice would be first ask for the name, then remember it and after that use the name to be more interactive. 17) Find out the focal points of their beliefs. Do not just assume that this person believes in the trinity; educate them about the oneness of Allaah, and His tauhid. As well as how He sent messengers (pbuh). 18) Avoid human obstacles (partner), do not let other distract you from the prospective muslim who is interested. If someone calls you away do not let them interfere, tell them one moment, do not let anyone get between you and the prospective shahada. Often another Muslim will interrupt you giving the shahada to a non-Muslim, do not let human obstacles get in the way. Let your partner if you are a pair deal with the obstacles. Remove obstacles away from you and your prospective shahada! 19) GOLDEN RULE: Ask for the SHAHADA. Focus the talk on what their misconceptions are. Close the deal, do not let the person get away with out that shahada (if you can help it, and without being pushy), the person can die after they leave your company. Doing this is like a sales, be the salesman who care as well. Go for the closing and ask for the business. Tell the person you are not asking them to change their entire life, but rather asking them to believe in what they already know. The person will be a bit hesitant in the beginning. Do not think the person will change right away, let the Imaan to sink in. One must ask for the shahada, otherwise it does not work! 95% of All sales that do not go through, it's because the salesman did not ask for the sale (i.e, the shahada) Ask for the shahada, go for the goal. Even when you think the person is not ready. They will know that one of their obligations is to accept Islaam!

20) Aggressive Dawah! Annoying Approaches Should be abstained from! Dont start by attacking or being aggressive; because this approach will make the people defensive and put a mental block. Being aggressive is a bad idea, because the people will become upset as well. This person may never become Muslim after being insulted. Do not be the reason why someone never becomes Muslim until they die. Don't use an approach that may annoy people. Like using a mega-phone, do not annoy and aggravate people. You might get attacked too. 21) Don't be evasive: The prospective muslim might feel that Islam is a bad religion and that he has cornered the daee. This will lead them to have a bad impression about Isalm and not responding to the daee. Do not give people hardcore dawah, so much so that the person feels almost like they were forced and had to submit. 22) Never use the 'lets not push him' technique: Saying oh let's give him 10mins. Making the person, feel like they cannot leave without taking shahada, almost so much so that you put fear in their heart. The person has to have knowledge of what they are saying. Do not tell them to repeat behind you in arabic, and they do not know what they are saying then tell them that they have just taken shahada. Allaah (swt) says: "They wish that you would compromise with them so that they can compromise with you." Make sure the daee removes this type of persons. 23) In case of giving dawah in pairs, never interrupt a person giving dawah unless VERY GOOD reason or you have a good point your partner overlooked. If it is an experienced person, do not interrupt unless it is dire need. If you see your partner having a hard time, then you can step in and affirm his words, or pick up where that person (your partner) left off. 24) Don't Begin a sentence with "No" or "What you need to understand." 25) Don't use "but" it erases all that was said before it. Instead use "I agree", people erase everything before the "but" Do not negotiate! When the non muslims came to Rasulallah (saw) and said worship our god for one day I will worship your God for one Year! Allaah revealed in Surah Qalam, "They wish that you would compromise with them so that they can compromise with you." Also keep in mind that when something in Islaam is haraam, all the avenues that lead to it are forbidden as well, so not to budge if someone wants to negotiate in a thing which is haraam in Islam. 26) Give up if the person seems uninterested or makes fun of you. If the person seems to be making fun or laughing that you then you may want to give up but keep trying. They may try to make fun of you but keep going. Be patient with these types of people be firm and do not

make up things. 27) Do not falsify nor exaggerate information. Do not make things look false, like saying oh it is just your average American life, tell them that there is a difference. Do not feel sorry about Islam, do not do this trying to make Islaam comfortable for them. 28) Misrepresent Islam's position regarding the other party such as "Don't make the kafir comfortable with his Kufr"! If you do this they do not feel the need to become Muslim. If you dumb down the religion then they do not feel the need to become Muslim. Do not misrepresent Islaam, if you go to a Jew or Christian and they ask what does Islaam say about them, tell it to them plainly. "You are going to Hell", tell them what Allaah says regarding a non muslim who dies on kufr. 29) Make a Judgment based on looks to ease out the task in hand. If the person seems or appears to be off mentally, or seems to be not wanting Islam, then leave them alone. However, looks may be deceiving someone may be interested and you miss out due to first looks, so the daee should be careful regarding this point. 30) If there are 10 groups of people who are going to spend 1 hour in calling people to Islam, then it is important that the daees after their 1 hour of dawah should sit down with the other groups and share their experiences with others. For example, how they dealt with a particular question or type of people etc. and the other groups can also give inputs on the same issues as well. This will increase the experience of the daees and if 10 groups share their own 1 hour experience this will make as if the daees have 10 hours of experience . Methods and Techniques: 1) Avoiding Handshakes with the opposite gender: There is no need to shake the hands, { even if coughing and sneezing in your hand does not work}. Simply say I do not shake hands for religious reasons. Not freeing your hand or occupying your hands so much so that you do not have room to shake the persons hand. 2) Do not be afraid in using the name "Allaah": Use the name Allaah (swt), this sets you apart from the other deviant sects out there. You have to submit to God, this sounds like all the other religions out there, Allaah is just the name of Allaha in Arabic. That is all it is, they are the same God, using Allaah set you apart. Make it a disclaimer. 3) Clothing, thobe vs. pants: The only difference is that the people think you are clergy and as well it brings you dawah. As well as making yourself stand out from the non-Muslim and seeming to be a minister for the religion is keen.

4) Using aggression appropriately: Rasul Allaah (pbuh) was this way as well, because you have to wake people up, they must know the reality. Let the person have it. Let them know that all their money and everything their good deeds and their family going to leave them. Let them know of the punishment of Allaah, because they, the interested nonmuslim tend to joke. You want to take them away from the laughter, and get to the seriousness. Rasul Allaah (pbuh) sometimes he would say something harsh even though he was gentle. In different ethnic groups some people can take harsh dawah. However, the daees should keep in mind that he/she is giving dawah because they care about the people. So the daee should have an attitude with openness and caring towards his/her own people. Aggressive dawah might be needed for one or two specific cases but in general the attitude should be a caring one. 5) In case the people are argumentative too much that is they are arguing for every single sentences/statements, then the best way to stop them from arguing would be simply saying Im not here to argue with you. Because arguing for the sake of argument will not serve any purpose. The senseless Evasion of the Muhammad (pbuh) Equation 1. By analysing the life of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) we can say that there are only 2 possibilities regarding Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). And they are as follows: a) He was a genuine prophet of Allah (swt) or b) He was not genuine (i.e. he was an imposter, made it up from the devil, copied from other religion etc.) Now, imagine if a person comes up to a group of people and claiming to be a prophet (setting aside the Islamic belief that there will be no other prophet coming after Muhammad (pbuh)) then it will not take long to figure out whether he is a genuine prophet or not by just asking some simple and basic questions such as (Who brought you the revelation? What kind of message you have brought? Can you perform a miracle? What is your view on the other religions and prophets? What is your view of God?) Now by using the teachings, sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) we can definitely come to a conclusion that whether he was genuine or not genuine. 2. Now, we will describe the environment where Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) showed up in (i.e. pre-islamic arabia). The customs, the wars, the fighting, the tribalism, what are the things they held very dear to them, etc. In such scenario, a person is going to pretend as a prophet where he is going to challenge the existing customs of the people, their idols, their

gods, their status etc. despite having the risks of being killed, assassinated, fought against by the people etc. This shows that the person must have a strong motive behind him. The probable motives can be as follows (from the perspective of him [Muhammad (pbuh)] not being a true prophet): a) Money b) Power c) Women d) Fame e) Retribution f) Mad g) Envy/Pure Evil h) Outer space Alien connection i) Possessed j) Regain lost legacy/heritage k) Divide the people l) Make things better in the society m) someone else was behind him n) manipulate people o) political power So we start with the motives one by one based on whatever info we know from the prophets seerah. a) Money: He was actually offered by the Quraish during the early stage of the Islamic propagation where they asked him if he was after money, women, power then they would give him all of these and in return he has to stop preaching Islam. He had 7 Dirhams when he died and that is not an indication of a person who wants money to spread a new religion. His wife Aishah (ra)s house was made of mud, 7 arms in length, branches used to cover the roof. This shows the simplistic lifestyle Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to have. And important argument for this point would be that before prophet hood, Muhammad (pbuh) was already wealthy by doing business from Khadija (ra)s wealth and he became poor after he claimed prophet hood, this goes totally against the false allegation that he was after money/wealth. At the end of his life, while being the head of State he mortgaged his armour to get food for his family. For 2 months there was no fire lit in the house of the prophet and he and his family survived only by eating dates and water. These are some of the arguments against the alleged motive being money. Since we are looking from the perspective of him being not genuine we can easily refute this argument by going through the Quran. If he was after money and also wrote his own divine book then there would have clear verses indicating that everyones wealth goes to the prophet. Now, with this particular point some might argue that what about the verses in the Quran which deals with the 1/5 of the spoils of wars which the prophet has been given, well in reply we can easily see that how the prophet used to handle that wealth which he earned through spoils of war and that is by giving charity to the poor from that wealth. Finally, we can say that after this explanation and discussion we can easily axed out money from the probable motives. b) Power/status/fame: He once said that if the Quraish put the sun in one hand and the moon on his other hand still he will not give up propagating the religion of Islam. He was also offered leadership but still he didnt give up. Once a Bedouin came to the Prophets mosque and he couldnt differentiate Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) from the rest of the people because of his simple looking, humbleness and no showing off the status etc. In todays world if any of us walk into any religious room or someone who is very important

politically, it would be very easy to figure out who the big shot is because of the way people dress, speak, behave with others etc. On the contrary, we would see that the prophet used to behave just like a very simple person. He used to talk like the other general sahabas, he used to dress like the other general sahabas etc. He himself used to take part in digging up the trench while having a stone attached in his stomach with the other sahabas. O top of that he used to consult with other sahabas with any important matter which is the opposite attitude of those who are in authority today. Even his successors (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan & Ali) had lived a very casual and simple life. So he cannot be a person who is after fame, power and status. c) Women: The accusation that Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) was not a genuine prophet because he invented his religion to get women for himself is again baseless because he got married at the age of 25 to a women who was 40 and he didnt get married again until she died when he was over 50. This is not the way of a womanizer, because they go towards younger women and also disloyal to their wives. Another point would be that Khadeeja (ra) was the one who sent the marriage proposal to Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam). The Quraish did ask Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) during the early stage of prophethood that if he wants to get the most beautiful woman then they would certainly marry him off with her in order to stop the propagation of Islam but he refused. On top of that Khadeeja (ra) was widowed twice before getting married to Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), a womanizer would not like to get married to a woman who was widowed twice and also he didnt abuse her wealth or manipulate her to get more woman for himself. After the death of Khadeeja (ra) he got married to Sauda (ra) who was at the age of 50-65 years old, who was also widowed and not known for her beauty. If he was a womanizer and invented the Quran then he would have married unlimited number of women rather we find that it is mentioned in the Quran that he couldnt get married after his marriages to 11 wives. All of his wives were either widowed or divorced except Aishah (ra). If he were a womanizer then his motive would have reflected in his teachings but we cannot see such teachings. On the contrary we would rather find that men are told to take care of the women (a womanizer would not want to take care of women), zina is haraam (a womanizer would like to do zina), hijab is mandotary (a womanizer would not want the women to be covered up) etc. On top of that, the existing social custom regarding the women was very degrading and disrespectful towards women and Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) stopped those evil practises through Islam not the other way around. d) Madman/Possessed/Imposter: If he were to be a madman, possessed, schizophrenic or epileptic how on earth would it be possible for such person to come up with this phenomenal book Al Quran in which there is no errors, flaws, mistakes, contradictions etc. Probably there came millions of people since the time of Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) and before him who were mad, possessed, schizophrenic or epileptic but none of them have produced such religion which deals with human lives comprehensively. The

Quraan has numerous scientific-historical facts which were not possible for a person to relate in his book who was mad or similar in nature. On top of that the quraan was revealed over a period of 23 years yet it is consistent and it has challenged humanity to produce a similar book or even a small surah of the Quran and yet no one has been successful to that challenge. Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) was illiterate himself and yet there are too many information related to the previous nations and all of which were proven to be true. There are too many future predictions too such as the romans victory over the Persians, the pharaohs body will be recovered, abu lahab died as a non muslim [it was mentioned in a mekkan surah but abu lahab died only after the hijrah], the victory over makkah was foretold in the Quran during the treaty of hudaibiyah and all of these have been proven to be true. Again, the Quran reproaches the prophet himself and also showed some flaws in the prophets character, an imposter would never do such thing to himself. There are verses in the Quran which says that Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) is nothing more than a human being, he didnt know about the unseen etc. How about the names of the prophet eesa and musa (alaihi salam) is mentioned more than that of Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam)! A false prophet would never do such thing rather he would have elevated himself to higher level, made up things about the unseen (ie herefafter). The name Muhammad is mentioned 4 times on the other hand the name Eesa is mentioned 23 times and Musa more than hundred times. This does not fit the mould of an imposter. Another interesting point would be that the Prophet (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) used to recite Suratul Qamr in which the moon splitting is mentioned durinq the Eid prayer and during Eid, people from different tribes, different areas new and old muslim, they all used to come and pray with the prophet and none had ever objected to the splitting of the moon because they all knew that it happened. The Quraish hated the prophet the most and they would have been the first to object the prophets recitation of suratul Qamr but the fact that they didnt object prove that the splitting of the moon was indeed a true event. Same goes with suratul fil which deals with the elephant army crushed down by the ababeel birds, the quraish didnt object to them because they knew it happened. Another point would be that an imposter does not need to practise what he preaches but we would see that Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) used to practise what he preached. His life is very well documented in great detail. If he were to divide people we would have found the reflection in his teachings but on the contrary we see that there are verses in the Quran which says not to be divded and hold fast to the rope of Allah (swt). So we can axe out the motive of the prophet being a madman, possessed, schizophrenic, imposter, dividing the people etc. Why would a non muslim object to the Islamic sources such as the Quran and the hadeeth while analysing the life story of Prophet Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam)? They can say that these are our sources and we could have manipulated them to fit our own argument and claims.

If a non muslim says that he doesnt believe in the Islamic sources because he never heard about them before then the reply should be that does a person require to hear about everything in this world? This is not a good excuse from the non-muslims point of view. We can refute them by saying that there is only one version of the Quran which has been the same for centuries contrary to the bible and according to a study 9-11 million people have memorised the entire Quran. If someone had manipulated the Quran to fit their own agenda then others would have for sure heard about it and came across to it. Even if only 1 letter was changed it would have been to the others and the proof is in the taraweeh prayers, where if the imam makes a slight mistake everyone jumps up to correct him. If someone brings the argument that what about different translations of one verses then we can say that the translation is basically the translation of the meaning of the Quran and there are no big differences in the translation which effects the Quran in a way similar to the different versions of the bible it does not even comes closer to that in a little bit. Basically it just the translators differed with the minor issues and it had to be like that because of the language of the Quran. Now at this point if someone raises the question about the hadeeth where there are many hadeeth which are fabricated then we can again have to tell them about the way the hadeeths were compiled and authenticated with the intricate details. Again if someone argues that since the stories about Muhammad (sal-lallahu alaihi wasallam) are in the books written by muslim historian so they are doubtful. They should be given the response that a lot of Chinese history are in Chinese books which the western historian have no clue about them does this mean that the Chinese history are doubtful to non-chinese people. During the khilafah of Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, the people couldnt find poor in all of the Islamic lands in Africa to give their zakaah to so they decided to buy up slaves and set them free, Subhanallah and now being ignorant about Islamic history if a western white skinner denies this fact then the problem is not in the Islamic history rather its in their minds because it is too much for him to believe. It hurts them because they are the superpower of the world today but yet they cannot take care of Africa while the muslim took care of Africa hundreds of years ago. Its like the story of discovering America as if there were no indigenous people living in that land rather the truth is that the Europeans were ignorant about that particular civilization does not mean that they didnt exist before their discovery. Similar can be said with the aboriginals of Australia, if their history is absent from the western history books that does not mean that they didnt exist in their time. If someone asked about the issue of Aishahs marriage then one of the possible ways to give a reply to that is the event occurred 1400 years ago, it was the custom of marrying at a very early age probably due to the lower life span of the people of

that time in that environment. And also because of the lifestyle people used to mature at a very early age not like our present day system where a person does not even mature at the age of thirty. A 10 year old today is not even close in maturity to a 10 year old of that time. Another point should be kept in mind that the Quraish of Makkah was the staunchest enemy of the prophet at that time and even they didnt object him marrying Aishah (ra) at that very early age. If we read the biography of the prophet it would be clear to us that if marrying Aishah was even close to improper for that social custom then the Quraish would not have wasted even a little time to attack/blame/accuse the prophet but in reality we do not see such accusation from them. A lot of daee thinks that their only job is to answer the non-muslims question as if they are some sort of an information booth. But the daees should also try to correct the approach of the non muslims at times when needed. To elaborate this point we can say if someone asks that Why does allah need us to worship him? in this case we should first correct the questioner about his thinking that actually does not need us at all for his worship or he does not depend on our worship. Because if we do not correct their thinking then no matter we say the non muslim will walk away with the thought that allah needs us to worship him. Again if someone asks that can God lie, murder or be unjust to his creation? Can God create a rock so big that NONE can remove it? Can God have a son? Can God have food etc? In reply to all these illogical questions, we first point out that the questions are not correct logically as if a person is saying that his brother is pregnant with a baby because man cannot get pregnant, this is unnatural. Similarly for God, he can only do things which befit His Majestic nature. So it does not befit his majesty to lie, murder, be unjust, have a son etc. Some facts which can be used for arguments such as, 10 people die every week in US due to drunk driving, in Bosnia there are 21 women for every man, the average video-gamers are 30 years old, the average age in some places when people loses their virginity is 13-14 years old, 1 million people died in Hiroshima, 60-65 million people died in world war 2, in UK 3 out of every 7 girls who are below the age of 15 get pregnant before passing their GCSE exams, 82% of the teenage mothers are themselves the daughter of teenage mothers, during world war 2 the women in Germany protested for the men to have a second wife, is someone argues that there is good in alcohol and it is good for the heart we can in reply tell the person that actually the study which suggests that the good is in the wine not in the alcohol itself and again even the Quran mentions that there is some good in alcohol but the bad outweighs the good and also if we see how many hearts/livers are

benefitting from alcohol worldwide we would see that actually more hearts/livers are getting worse because of alcohol, on top of that alcohol destroys your wealth, family, dignity, honour etc. Scientific facts in the Quran is also a part of the dawah tool for the people to make the people aware of the veracity of the Quran that it is not written by a person who is illiterate and so on 1400 years ago. But it should not be used as the only reason for a non-muslim to enter into Islam because if a person only focus on the scientific facts while giving dawah to others then the other side can also use the so called scientific facts which are contradictory to the Quran and it is very much possible since science is not absolute it changes with time due to our limited knowledge. Lets now focus on the issue of gay people in islam and the argument, well im gay because god has created me in this way and according to science this is because of a gene. First of all it is not a scientifically proven that this is because of a gene secondly this will not be proven scientifically even in the future that this is because of a gene because allah (swt) mentions in the Quran, that allah (swt) does not command evil to occur in suratul araf, so why would allah (swt) would create a gene which makes people gay and will take him to the hellfire because of his gayness, this is not fair at all. If allah (swt) created that person as gay then allah (swt) has commanded him to be evil and punishes him because the way He makes him, this does not make any sense. Another reason that this argument is not true will be according to a scientific study on a pair of identical twins one is straight and the other one is gay. We know that humans have 46 chromosomes and identical twins have the same pair of chromosomes so if one turns out to be gay and the other one is straight this shows that gayness due to gene is not valid at all, rather it is a mental condition. Because of this mental condition men now go to clinic for therapy then they turn out to be heterosexual and carry on with their life not going back to the evil sin again. Again, there is another argument used by the gay people that gayness is available in the animal kingdom. In reply to that we can say blatantly that since when did the animal kingdom had became a role model for us to follow? There are animal who eat their own young, there are animals that eat their own excrements, does this mean we also have to follow them in that way. On the other hand if there is 1 million homosexual zebra do we all have to become homos like them? Even logically it is not possible for any species to survive being homosexual. Some even say that homosexuality is a lifestyle but in actuality it is a mental illness and up until late 80s it was considered as a mental illness in the psychological books and then it was removed from the mental illness books because of political pressures. In cases when there are people who argue about not following Islam totally rather they want to follow Islam partially according to their own terms then we should

remind them that dont look how small the sin is rather the greatness of whom you are sinning against. If we make our own rule to follow then we should be reminded who is the god and who the follower is. Allah (swt) commands us in the Quran that we should enter Islam totally not partially like 90% or 80% but in totality. If we disobey our boss in the simple tasks then it would be difficult to keep our job intact then what about disobeying Allah (swt). Sometimes there are people who do not want to submit to Islam just because they love something so much and which is prohibited by Islam. Such as if someone says that I do not want to be a Muslim because I love pork/beer/haram relationship/music/movies etc too much. In this case, we can shame them out of it like explaining them the halal alternatives available to him and he does not want to go for eternal salvation just because he loves this and that while Allah (swt) has blessed him with so much other priceless qualities. Let us focus on the effeminate individuals (those having unsuitable feminine qualities), in their case they are experiencing a genetic disorder. Regarding the hijab, those who say that covering the body is a form of oppression and not liberated in that case uncovering means liberated. So those who say that Muslim women need to be liberated then they should be said that why dont they liberated themselves more upto the point when they have no more clothes on them. Because people are born fully naked yet they wear clothes out of modesty then why cannot muslim women cover themselves for more modesty. Then another argument people use is that people have a natural inclination to music, when a child listen to music we will find that he is enjoying that while moving with the rhythm of the music. This is a proof that music is halal because it is something which is natural and is good therefore it is permissible. Or it is natural for women not to cover their beauty because by nature they are beautiful. Let look at the explanation of the natural inclination of the people to dance with the music, the answer is that the part of the brain which appreciates the music is the same part of the brain which is responsible for body movements so there is a link for the people to jump up and down and act like crazies. For more on the issue of music, the lecture titled The End of Music by Kamal el Mekki would be a good one to follow. And for the argument that it is natural is that there are many things which are natural but still they are not permissible or very limited. For example, what about sexual desire, it is natural to have sexual urges and desires but does that mean it is halal then? No, it is restricted. All the avenues are closed except the halal way.

Another example would be that relieving yourself is also natural but a person cannot relieve himself in front of others inside a room full of people. Eating and drinking are also natural but we find that there are restrictions as well, such as we cannot eat the haraam foods or drink alcohol. Tackling some frequent questions in brief

1) The age of Aishah (ra) and her marriage: A paedophile does not marry whereas the prophet went to her father and asked her for marriage. Quraish was the staunchest enemy of the prophet if marrying Aishah was abnormal in that custom then they would have used that excuse to further insult the prophet but we do not find any evidence in history for that. He consummated the marriage 3 years after he got married to Aishah, paedophile do not wait. Aishah (ra) was larger for her age and in that social customs/way of life people used to mature much faster than the children of todays modern society. Her father was already spoken about her marriage with another person before the prophets proposal; this shows that it was the norm of that society at that time. Even after the passing away of the prophet she didnt complain about the age factor that she was abused or taken advantage of by the prophet rather she remained loyal, faithful and unmarried for the rest of her life despite her being widowed at a very early age around 20. If the prophet wanted to have younger girls for his wife then why did he marry older women as his other wives? Why this society bothers marrying a young girl when there are young girls now running around half naked and getting active sexually and that does not bother this society? Whos who to say 18 is the right age for getting married for a girl, even today there are states in the U.S. which allow girls to get married even younger than 18. 2) Why cant women lead men in prayer (salah)? Men and women have different responsibilities in Islam and the men have been given the authority/responsibility to lead men and women in prayer. They will not be able to concentrate in prayer and people would fight to be in the first row. It wouldnt be appropriate for the women to be at the front of the men. If female imams were to lead men in prayer then there will be time when the women imam will not be able to lead the prayer. If the women were allowed to lead the men in prayer then the arrangement of rows for men and women would have been weird, where would the other women stand in respect to the man (behind or front)? 3) Why there are no female prophets: Men and women have different responsibilities in Islam. Among the responsibilities as a prophet being the leader of the army is also a vital one and it would not be a good position for a woman to be in. A womans reputation is easier to tarnish. During the maternity period it would have been difficult for the people to reach her for guidance. The point is that the

message of Allah reaching the people, if female not being a prophet taken as a valid argument then another useless point would arise such as why there is no Prophet from this tribe, why there are no prophets speaking so and so language etc. The main issue is whether the message reaching humanity. 4) Polygamy (only polygyny [man having multiple wives] is allowed not polyandry [woman having multiple husbands]): The ratio of women to men is higher for the women, the female child is prone to survive more than the male child during the infancy period, men are killed more due to war, men having greater sexual desires, to reduce moral corruption in society, easier to trace lineage and one of the principle of shareeah came to protect lineage. Even though Islam allows men to take more than 1 wife the condition is that he must treat them fairly and give their rights equally. 5) What came before God? Nothing, its an irrational question. 6) Argument on Evolution: Why there are monkeys around, why are not they evolved to human beings? How come then animals extinct? The evolutionist cant provide proof for the missing links (the transitional period between two forms). It is not a scientific fact rather a hypothesis or theory and a theory is basically a scientific conjecture, its not proven not a scientific fact. 7) Source to refute the deviated concepts: 8) The concept of Shia islam: It can be mentioned in this regard that, shia islam wasnt there during the time of the prophet rather it came into being as a reaction to some political events in Islamic history. We will not find any evidence from the Quran and sunnah which uphold the major beliefs of shia islam. Some of the major beliefs would be Ali (ra) should have been the khalifah before Abu Bakr (ra), all the sahabas became non muslim after the death of the prophet except 3-4 individuals, the infallibility of their imams etc. One thing should be kept in mind that there are many sects in shia islam as well, some are beyond islam and some are not. 9) A refutation to the catholic and Trinity: They claim that god has a son but they put their priests into higher status because they cannot marry and have children. But they find it appropriate for a god to have a son but it s inappropriate for their priests not to have children.

Why is it that the Trinity is the Most important issue in the Bible, They say "There are three that bear in heaven." How can this be the case when Jesus never said that he was a god, it never says that because it was invented in the 4th century, Constantine gathered the people after he became Christian and he wanted to unite the people under one dogma. 325 AD, they wrote out the doctrine of the trinity the term (Oma Usi). of the same substance. Further can be found on this issue by looking on the topic Council of Nicea {Athinisus} 10) Apostasy and Islam: Regarding apostasy in Islam, make comparisons to the dunya. What happens to someone who spies on USA, so why is it hard for them to understand that the same thing will happen when leaving the religion of Allaah, that is the case with apostasy in Islam. If they do not take this argument, Deuteronomy 30-8-9: Here it says the one who leaves his religion, he should be killed! They do not even know this is in their book. If this does not work then go into another detail, And a party of the people of the Scripture say: "Believe in the morning in that which is revealed to the believers (Muslims), and reject it at the end of the day, so that they may turn back. *Quran, 3:72+ This is what the non-Muslim used to do, Jews become Muslims in the morning and leave at the end of the day and in the meantime some of them used to gather inside info about the muslims as well by this strategy, so this goes on and on, what will happen to the mentality of the people seeing this. Will this deter people from becoming Muslim, so Allaah legislated this and how many Jews did this the next morning, NONE! Walk-away point: Depends on the type of Dawah: When to know you are wasting your time, the thing is you will not know, and maybe you are not wasting your time. Some time people believe inwardly and disbelieve outwardly. When people are acting in a strange behaviour and seem to be out of their mind, and show that they are not listening. Never give up on a person, continue to talk and you may get results. The person may be affected years later, and even if they do not take their shahada, they may understand and sympathize with Islamic causes. Why do you cover/ Why do you not cover, it is something which is natural, this is the first thing that Adam/Hawa did when the understood their nakedness. Why do you grow the beard, why not, why do you shave it is something which is natural. Understanding Dawah from the Qur'an: " Call to the way prescribed by your Lord with wisdom and with fine admonition, and

debate with them in the best manner (Soorah an Nahl, 16:125) " And do not debate with the People of the Book except with the Best WORDS , (calling to Allaah by means of His signs and by drawing attention to the proofs He has provided) [Soorah al Ankaboot, 20:46] Lessons to draw: Using the best words, and debating in the best manner Some important points to remember while giving dawah:

1. Intentions: Make sure the dawah is for Allah it is not for you, when you do it for Allaah if you are insulted you do not care, when it is for you, you feel hurt and want to attack back . As long as you have the basics you can go and call others to the way of Allaah. And do not call to something from which Allaah and His messenger did not prescribe. One other thing would be to renew your intentions all the time to make sure that the purpose of giving dawah is for the sake of Allah (swt) alone not for self reputation, ego etc. 2. Knowledge: "Whoever calls to guidance then there is for him a reward like the rewards for those who follow him and that will reduce nothing from their rewards and whoever calls to misguidance will have sin upon him like the sins of those who follow him, and that will reduce nothing from their sins." [saheeh muslim, book 34, hadith 6470] 3. Patience: Indeed messenger before you, Muhammad were denied and rejected buy they patiently bore the denial, rejected and harm of their people until Our aid came to them. "Indeed it is We who have sent down this Qur'an to you, Gradually." " So be patient with what your Lord has decreed" [Quran, 76: 23-24] 4. The simplicity of the Matter: They said: "Are you the one who has done this to our gods, O Ibrhim (Abraham)?" [Ibrhim (Abraham)] said: "Nay, this one, the biggest of them (idols) did it. Ask them, if they can speak!" So they turned to themselves and said: "Verily, you are the Zlimn (polytheists and wrong-doers)." Then they turned to themselves (their first thought and said): "Indeed you [Ibrhim (Abraham)] know well that these (idols) speak not!" [Ibrhim (Abraham)] said: "Do you then worship besides Allh, things that can neither profit you, nor harm you? "Fie upon you, and upon that which you worship besides Allh! Have you then no sense?" [Quran, 21:62-67] This incident shows the simplistic approach of Prophet Ibrahim (alaihi salam). He was hoping that his people would admit their own mistakes that these idols could not speak and

that this idol would not say anything because it was inanimate. 5. Thinking Outside of the BOX: What we are trying to do is get people to think outside of their BOX. Because people are within a certain way of thought and only by them getting out of their box will they then see the error within. One must take a step back and see the flaw to understand the error in their ways. By Ibrahim doing what he did he got them to think outside the box. The Questionnaire can ask people what is the purpose of life, to work, make money? Getting them to think outside the box will for sure make them ponder on their creation. For the gods in Thailand, they feed fresh food to the idols in that country; they do not think and ever ponder why the food is not being eaten. They cannot see something that is so clearly flawed. Main advantage we have is Tauhid, their main disadvantage is the absence of Tauhid in their faith. The Issue with Trinity: Trinity: three in one or one in three? If they say it is one in three then they are worshipping three gods. 1+1+1=1, how can this equals to one? This equation does not make any sense, how does this mathematical problem still equals to one? So they must be worshipping three gods! Whenever you find something that is not logical make a comparison to the Dunya. If you take three water bottles and ask them how many are there, they will not say 1+1+1=1, rather they will say three. They will not ask you "Oh are we multiplying". Isa gave many sermons on the mount, not once does he mention, or explicitly say this. All the terms that were used regarding the concept of trinity are ambiguous! John 3/16 How can this be the most important message that Isa was sent with and which is also ambiguous throughout the bible. That is like saying you are going to teach someone French and then giving them a Spanish book. When Isa said, I and my father are one, did this mean literally? Our main advantage in giving dawah to non Muslims is that we believe in the Tauhid and they do not. Is the trinity three in one/ one in three? If you ask them this question, they will be confused themselves. If they say it is one in three then they are worshipping three gods. How many Gods where there when Jesus died for three days? Because he had to die for three days (according to them) and most Christians do not know, and cannot answer this question. God the son on earth, god the spirit between the two, then god the son whom

died for three days and raised from the dead, during these three days how many gods were there. 1+1+1=1, this equation is not logical, the result will be three. To make people think logically give them a comparison to the dunya. How can this be the most important part of the religion, when it is never spoken about. If we are the children of God, then we are all gods. But they will say, Well Jesus is the begotten son. Psalms/John Chpt. 2." You are my son, and this day I have begotten you" God says to Israel you are my first born son, we do not take this literally, so why then do we take it literal about Isa (Alaihi salam). Why never an explicit mention of the Trinity in the bible since it is the crux of the religion? If this is the main issue of the trinity that Allaah or god sent his son to die for us, since the fall of man until the descending of Isa, God has been upset with humanity. Bible "The parent is not responsible for the sin of the parent nor the child for the sin of the baby, or child". How can this be the Most Important issue and Isa himself never spoke about it. Why is it, when a praise is made of Isa in the bible it is divine, but when another prophet is mentioned it is ignored. Jesus said I am the word, does this negate that it means he is god, unless you bend it and force it you will not understand it that way. Where was Isa before he came on earth, so did he know he would be sent down to expiate the sins of all of humanity? If Isa did not know what was going on then he was not a god, when he was about to die? Or how about when he was placed the cross why did he say "Why has God forsaken me"? This is a religion where it is logical and there is no confusion therein. Our religion has signs which do not contradict themselves. If you look at the start of the gospel of John, it says kids not born of natural will but of god, so then we all are children of god. But they say well it is not children like Isa, but in the lesser sense. Psalms 2: God speaks directly to David, and; "says you are my son, this day I have begotten you." Some people are emotionally attached to this belief of trinity, they do not logically believe in them. They also say well my father, mother, brother, as well are Christians, "The Home Team Religion". So you will see most times that some people do not think it makes sense they have emotional feelings for it. When you come to them from this angle, they make excuses like it being a mysterious thing; but the bible said "God is not the author of confusion." Trinitarian Analogies: The Egg One egg, the yoke, the and the shell. The minute you separate these things they are not the same thing anymore, it is no longer an egg. You can be a wife, sister, daughter, however, each of these things have their own attributes and you can not be the daughter of

your husband. The trinity was physically separated so how were they one. So how could it be the son was physically separated from god. If they were physically separated they are not one anymore. Act, God will say to Isa come sit at my right hand. The author says this is not set in stone. Even in the heavens they are separated. Water: one substance that can be a gas, liquid, or solid. Water one substance in three forms, you cannot use an example of three things to explain three in one. How do you use an example of one thing that can be three things at once, to explain something that is three in one? The concept does not make sense. No one will logically comprehend, if Jesus is god in the flesh and god is the spirit then, ask them for the daleel? They will say it is inferred. If they are co-equal then whom is worshipping whom? Bring them into the truth kindly! What about those people who say believe, and then you will understand. This is one argument that they put forward. This is like a doctor giving you a sugar pill and being told it will help you thinking it is medication. But if you were told in the beginning then you would not have took it. You are comparing it to something deceptive any way, it is a method used to trick people. Before Isa was sent down to earth did he have a say so in the heavens? Did he know he was doing to die? Why then did he make sujood in the garden of Yosemite? The problem is a lot of people focus on the emotion because like Mormons they always go back to saying our book is the truth. The fact that you are comfortable with something does not make it ok. Like the monk who sits in the temple does not make it ok. This means we need to remove emotional feelings with regards something being the truth. I saw, I felt does not mean you are right. We have to get them away from that feeling. Another point would be that for the Christians the only way to their salvation is to belief in the trinity concept, which most Christians could not understand themselves and are confused about it. Our question is; why would the only way to salvation will be made confusing in a religion? On the other hand, the way to salvation in Islam is very clear, the matter of beliefs are very clear. If were mentioned that the only way to salvation for the Muslims is to understand comprehensively the concept of Islamic finance then it would have been very difficult for the mass. But in reality the concept of salvation in Islam is very simple to understand for all the people regardless their intellect and age. Using Stories and Analogies: When doing this make sure we utilize the following guidelines: 1) Begin with the most simple explanation first, and the more complicated as the

situation necessitates. For example, regarding apostasy in Islam, make comparisons to the dunya. What happens to someone who spies on USA, so why is it hard for them to understand that the same thing will happen when leaving the religion of Allaah, that is the case with apostasy in Islam. If they do not take this argument, Deuteronomy 30-8-9: Here it says the one who leaves his religion, he should be killed! They do not even know this is in their book. If this does not work then go into another detail, And a party of the people of the Scripture say: "Believe in the morning in that which is revealed to the believers (Muslims), and reject it at the end of the day, so that they may turn back. *Quran, 3:72] This is what the non-Muslim used to do, Jews become Muslims in the morning and leave at the end of the day and in the meantime some of them used to gather inside info about the muslims as well by this strategy, so this goes on and on, what will happen to the mentality of the people seeing this. Will this deter people from becoming Muslim, so Allaah legislated this and how many Jews did this the next morning, NONE! However, the bigger issue is Tauhid and that must be focused on. The punishment on top of jail is being abused physically and mentally. We have the truth, do not apologize for the religion of Allaah. 2) Put the religion under the microscope: All the other religions claim to have the truth, so we invite people to put Islam under the microscope, you will not find a mistake therein, we are very confident about Islam, we tell them ok its either true or false. We invite others to find flaws in Islaam. Putting all religions under a microscope will able us to find holes in them; then discuss and eliminate it. It could be possible that the person was not able to tell the difference between the two. Analyze each of them go through the mistakes in all of the religions. The one that stand through the test, then this one must be the truth. 3) Human value system If every society or community start to determine what is wrong and what is good by excluding the divine laws. In some society then it would not be wrong to steal, "We borrow and forget to ask". Some things that are good in the society are bad in the sight of Allaah. So when you say I am just going to be good, and you have a boyfriend that is not good. Our creator determines what is good and bad for us. 4) Evil and the Jar of darkness If God is good and loving why does bad things happen to people. You respond by saying one way is that it expiates your sins. Darkness does not exist in and of itself, it only shows up when there is no light. When people do not follow these rules then

this is the result. Heat and cold: There is no such thing as cold it only occurs as a result of lack of heat. It is also a test for the people as well, it elevates a person ranks among others in the hereafter. An evil can be regarded as bad by a person but it may be good from allah (swt)s perspective (ie an event can be bad for a particular time but it turn out to be good later) 5) Religion and violence The argument that Most of the violence on earth is because of religion.; well lets count and do the math and see if this claim is correct. WWII alone 23million people died, this was for land, oil and that war did not have anything to do with religion, there was an ideology involved but it was not the main theme of the war. In case of any act of violence related to religion, we have to ask the question; was it motivated by someone reading scriptures. Example, if someone say a Palestinian blows himself up, was it because he saw a verse about this? No, it was a pursuit over land. Even the better example would be that the crusades had nothing to do with religion; they drew images of Muslims desecrating holy Christian sites. There are other factors that come into play here as well. The verses were revealed in the time of war in the Qur'an relating to killing the non-Muslims at that time mostly quoted out of context. So we can say that most of the violence is not because of religion itself but rather because of the media and politics. 6) Multiple Wives polygyny, 1+1=2 Why would one focus on 4 wives and not tauhid. One must focus on one God, and He is the only creator and that worship is only for Him, then this is when they will understand everything else, they will understand. Why does Allaah care if you eat a ham sandwich, no, is this how you are going to obey Allaah. When Allaah says do something does not matter how much big or small it is. Allaah owns your body as well, and it is His to make commandments. 7) Concept of Justice and resurrection: How do you explain that there is a god but no resurrection, how do we refute this person? Describe god to me, and they will say he is wise, all knowing fair, and just. Ok, now if you say he is all of this, then lets say that one person is good and been this way of his life, and he does not lie cheat or steal, and you say there is no resurrection, so he is done and buried and that's it. Then you have a guy that is the opposite and did bad deeds, dies and is buried and is not brought back. These two people are in the same place, is this fair? Infants have this understanding better than adults that there is a reckoning, they know even at this age they know retribution.

How is it that Allaah will not or cant do this and understand punishment and reward? 8) Prophet continuation chart The daee should point out that Jews believe in all the Ambiya but Isa, Christians believe in all prophets but Muhammad, we Muslims believe in all of the prophets. We believe in the same angels and that heaven is the same. Some people have no idea that the prophets have or had the same belief. We believe in All the messengers, believing in them all. The Jews deny Isa, the Christians deny Muhammad. 9) Organized religion/Disorganized religion If you do not want organized religion do you believe in the opposite, disorganized religion? With life; everything must be organized, ones own self wants things to be organized. You will not find anyone wanting this in dunya, so why for Allaah? 10) Fun and Happiness People confuse fun and happiness quite often, they feel like they have to play all the time and do the things that non-Muslims do. The body eats and sleeps, but what about the soul. Even the Atheists believe in something. Everyone has some type of system. When they play to the max, they see this emptiness. Investing our time in something that when you look back will only feel like moments, isn't it wise then to leave this life-style. So what is the use of this, this is one way to get people to think of something differently. 11) Explaining a concept/logic Explain a Concept/logic and ask them if they have a problem with that. So, Allaah sends Prophets and out of His fairness he sent Messengers to warn people. Is this logically accepted, is what you could ask them. Is it logically possible that this has happened or could be?

12) Why do people convert? The concept of Islam makes sense, when you come to Islam it agrees with human nature and it makes sense. 13) Devotion of Islam's followers: Many people are impressed at how Muslims are devoted to Islam itself. Often times the best dawah is made through our actions and examples set for the non muslims to see. Because of our dedication they find this to be good and it impressing. The conversion of Hamza (ra) for example; Rasulallaah (pbuh) was making tawaf around

the kaba, and it ended with the Quraish attacking him. Abu Bakr came to his aid, and the prophet returned the next day to make tawaf again and Abu Jahal would insult him every time he (obuh) came around. A woman saw this and out of the harshness of this, she told Hamza about the mistreatment towards Muhammad (pbuh). Hamza got angry and went up to Abu Jahal and said, You curse Muhammad while I am upon his religion. He went home and in the meantime the Quraish already heard his statement, Hamza said he could not sleep that night, thinking, Should I go back on my words, or should I embrace it? So he made dua, O Allaah if this religion is for me keep me upon it, if not keep me away from it. One of the reasons for Hamzas embracing Islam was that he too was impressed by the devotion of rasulallah (pbuh) and got angry when he heard that Abu Jahl attacked a devoted worshipper. 14) Creating the Sense of Urgency: The Prophet grabbed Umar ibn Al Khattab by his garment/collar and said Is it not the time for you to be Muslim? just before he became muslim. One must create the sense that this issue of them saying their shahadah is of extreme importance. The imaan will come later by being among the Muslims and studying the religion. Explain to them that one is not promised tomorrow, that they cannot put it off. Get them to utter the shahadah since they do not have time. 15) Assess the faith level of the target person The daee should make an observation how strong the targeted persons faith is. If it is strong; then shake the foundations and when they reel back, then show Islam. If it is weaker then dont get into biblical debate unless necessary, just present Islam. It makes more sense and is more acceptable in its theories. How to approach people: Direct/Indirect approaches Indirect approaches: 1) Dawah through manners and behaviour: We can show them or represent Islam through indirect measures; such as our actions and attitude towards different situations. But we must not abuse this as well, we have to be sincere in our intentions while performing the act. 2) Having a discussion with a friend or partner intending for non-Muslims to hear: We can do this a lot, while taking a bus, elevator etc. just start a chat with a friend. Seem as if you are making dawah to your friend and have him reply to your questions. And that way all who are around will receive the message. We can do this in school, work anywhere. 3) Performing acts of worship in Public:

This is a very useful technique which starts a curiosity in non muslims about Islam. The internet is full of stories where the non muslim became interested or curious about Islam because he/she saw someone doing some sort of act of worship in the public place. 4) Leaving pamphlets on train and bus seats/bus stations/doorsteps/hotel rooms/ Doctors chamber etc. 5) Bumper stickers These are also very good ways to make people to think about Islam, the purpose of life because a good bumper sticker would have a short and compelling statements on them. This makes the non muslim to think and a person gets the message in a very short time as well. Direct Approaches: 6) Dawah table Placing a dawah table in a public place can be also useful in calling people to wards Islam. 7) Street dawah This approach is also very straight forward where the daee approach people from his surroundings and ask them about Islam. However choosing the person to approach is also very important in this case. Are you a Muslim? Why not? From this response you see how far or close they are to Islam. Ask, if they say no, say why not? Ask inquire get them thinking as to why they are not Muslim. You have to save time so get right to the point. As well you will yourself find ways to strike up conversations with a non-Muslim. They have this calm look to their faces, and you can see that they will make good Muslims. Start from asking about little things; just find something to talk about with this person. It is ridiculous to believe all what surround us, came from nothing The chair did not create itself, if we see a cabin we will not assume that these things created themselves. We cannot get something from nothing. Allaah (swt) refuted them with only one verse "Were they created form nothing or did they create themselves, or the heaven and earth". [(Quran 52:35-36)] Does the universe have a creator from outside of itself? If Allaah if He never announced His presents then how or why so many people do believe in Him (swt)? Are they basing their whole life just on some theories, rather than a proven fact? Or on a hypothesis which you can set up an experiment and test and analyze it's results.

If they feel like the Big Band theory was the reason behind the creation of the heavens and the earth, then tell them to get the liver, heart, lung's, kidney's, spinal cord and other tendons and ligaments that make up the human body and cause an explosion and see if a human being can be extracted from this. Why would the earth (logically) be created out of chaos, but it take the coming together of a man and a woman in a union of marriage to create a human being. So why can there not be a creator of all of this. Follow-up Methods: 1. Dawah Talk/ Muslim Talk Talk to the person afterward exchange numbers, tell them to participate in the Islamic community. As Rasulallah (pbuh) said that wolf devourers the lone sheep. 2. Brotherhood System Introduce the new Muslim to other brother/sisters. Get all the brothers for a casual get together, give them one brother to keep in touch with and get to know. In this way one person takes charge and be responsible for one new Muslim. 3. Commitment System Get the person to commit as well by telling them about all the daily activities in the community and have them choose which ones they can attend. They will see what fit's their schedule, and they will have made their own commitment. When you get them to make this promise themselves they will more likely want to follow through. **4. Community Challenge: If someone becomes a Muslim provide that person with a list of resource stores for necessities such as halal meat, buying Hijab, Jilbab or Qur'an. Where he/she can get help or be provided for until he/she is able to maintain oneself. Teach the person Fatihah, the salaah and basics of aqeedah.

I see you coming, in your girth Eat and Drink is what you worth; Your only talk is What to eat This type of chicken, that type of meat, This type of food, that type of desert You eat until your stomach heart; Follow the sunnah, Im sure youve heard Fill with food to about the third [ie 1/3 of the stomach] But you eat the whole bird The whole chicken, Your only sunnah is finger licking...

Ustadh kamal el mekki

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