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47 Secret Ways to Hide Your Guns & Ammo from Home Invasions and Unconstitutional Government Confiscation

By Lee Bellinger

2013 American Lantern Press, Inc.

When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny in government. Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father

47 Secret Ways to Hide Your Guns & Ammo from Home Invasions and Unconstitutional Government Confiscation
By Lee Bellinger
In This Report: What No One in Authority Will Tell You About Gun Sales A Brief History of Gun Control (Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot) New Gun Control Fears Under Obama 2.0 Importance of Stockpiling Ammunition Hiding Firearms and Ammunition, Even in Plain Sight Government Plan to Brainwash Gun Owners Obama Hedges His Gun Control Push By Backing the UN Arms Trade Treaty

WARNING: The legal system in this country is substantially controlled by those who want to take away your guns. They have decided that the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, is void where prohibited by law. They are constantly adding new and confusing limits to your rights, often with severe penalties for violation. It is therefore incumbent upon you to thoroughly educate yourself about local gun laws that apply where you live, work, or travel. Mere possession of a bullet (even with no gun to put it in) can land you in severe legal trouble in some jurisdictions. We urge you to exercise your Second Amendment rights in accordance with all applicable laws.

What No One in Authority Will Tell You About Gun Sales

Gun sales in the United States began to surge in early 2009. A common joke among employees of gun manufacturers or gun dealers was that Barack Obama was the greatest gun salesman of all time. According to ATF reports, almost 5.5 million new firearms were manufactured in the United States in 2010 alone, 95% of which were sold in the U.S. And additional 3.2 million firearms were imported from other countries and sold in the U.S. Thats nearly 8.5 million new firearms sold in just one year. In 2012, the FBI recorded more than 16.8 million background checks for gun purchasesthe highest number since they began publishing the data in 1998. The #1 reason Americans are rushing to arm themselves is still Barack Hussein Obama. In addition, many Americans reasonably fear a currency and economic collapse. Fear of riots and mass civil unrest is frequently cited as a reason for the rash of gun purchases. Combined, these factors have pushed gun sales to an alltime record. One stroll through your local gun shop and you will see that inventories of most popular models of semi-automatic rifles and handguns are depleted. The value of firearms and ammunition has skyrocketed dramatically thanks to the demand and short supply nationwide. Because of this, gun and ammunition manufacturers have not been able to keep up with the dramatic demand. The increased values and lack of inventories are spurning sharp increases in home invasions and resulting theft of firearms from homes are on the rise because a) these weapons have increased in value and b) they are in high demand. This is another compelling reason to safely secure the firearms in your home.

A Brief History of Gun Control

From its inception, the attempt to regulate the possession of firearms for the purpose of self-defense by the general publiccommonly known as gun control dates back for centuries when those in power who had the latest weapons of the day, attempted to keep the masses defenseless for the purposes of staying in power. Lets take a look at just the 20th Century where gun control has lead to first gun registration, then later gun confiscation, which has ultimately lead to more tyranny by that government.

If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves. Joseph Stalin Dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: 1929 to 1953 Date of Gun Control Law: 1929 Source: Article 182 Penal Code Stalin earned his place in history as one of the most bloodthirsty socialist tyrants of the 20th Century. Stalin instituted gun control during his very first year in power. Then he simply took Lenins playbook and exterminated not only those who opposed him, but also those thought capable of opposition. Between mass executions, artificially created famines, slave labor in death camps, and ethnic cleansing, Stalins regime is estimated to have murdered over 20 million of its citizens.

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to posses arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own fall. Adolf Hitler Dictator of Nazi Germany: 1933 to 1945 Date of Gun Control Law: 1928 & 1938 Source: Laws on Firearms & Ammunition and Weapons Law

Hitler was the National Socialist Leader and Reich Chancellor of Nazi Germany. During his horrific 12 year rule, he was not only responsible for starting the bloodiest war known to mankind but also exterminating over 6 million Jews. Like all good socialists, Hitler consolidated power by killing anyone who opposed him. The death toll of his actions who targeted Jews, Gypsies, Russian POWs, Jehovahs Witnesses, so-called terrorists, criminals, partisans, Christians, Slavs, and others is estimated to be 13 million people. This is in addition to the 50 million who were killed as a result of World War II.

All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party. Mao Tse Tung Communist China: 1949 to 1976 Date of Gun Control Law: 1935 & 1957 Source: Articles 186-7, Penal Code Article 9, and Security Law The Communist Party Chairman and founder of Peoples Republic of China has the distinction of being listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the greatest mass murderer in human history. Because Red China was and for the foremost still is a closed society, the number of Chinese murdered by the State range is difficulty to determine; estimates range from 40 million and 80 million. While mass killings of enemies of the state were not as widespread as the eelier purges, it is believed that the Cultural Revolution may have carried out as many as 500,000 deaths of counter-revolutionaries.

I did not join the resistance movement to kill people, to kill the nation. Look at me now. Am I a savage person? My conscience is clear. Pol Pot Cambodia: 1975 to 1979 Date of Gun Control Law: 1956 Source: Article 322-8, Penal Code Following Americas withdraw from the Vietnam War, a wave of socialism swept across Cambodia in 1993. Pol Pot quickly distinguished himself and his Khmer Rouge among the tyrannical regimes ever by murdering an estimated 2 million people, one-quarter of Cambodias population, in just 3 years. Thats a rate of 4,109 murders per day, every day, for three years.

New Gun Control Fears Under Obama 2.0

At his second inauguration, President Obama boldly vowed to follow an aggressive agenda in his next term. The provocative speech came at a time of deep partisanship in Congress, a floundering economy and lots of uncertainty with Americans over Obama 2.0 and his direct assault on the Second Amendment. Recently a newspaper in suburban New York, The Journal News, published online a list of names and addresses of citizens who hold pistol permits. This outrageous exercise in journalistic excess was used to shame and ostracize those lawabiding gun-owners as if they were somehow a threat to their community. The Journal News eventually took down the website after two gun owners listed had their homes burglarized and their guns stolen. Since the tragic mass shooting in Newtown Connecticut, freedom-hating bureaucrats in Washington are exploiting the tragedy to push their agenda for a comprehensive ban on so-called assault weapons and semi-automatic handguns. Recently, The Washington Post published a story White House gun policy strategy. In the story, Sarah Brady (wife of Jim Brady who was shot during botched assassination attempt on President Reagan) quoted President Obama as telling her, I just want you to know that we are working on it. We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar. Gun controls and more regulations whether outright bans, restrictions on magazines or a national registry simply do not work. Take a look at Australia. Low level of violent crime through much of the 20th century kept the public concern about firearms low. In 1996 the Australia government passed the National Agreement on Firearms. Today, Australia has arguably some of the most restrictive firearms legislation in the world. A little over 640,000 personal firearms were destroyed by the government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first years results were: Australia-wide: Homicides rose 3.2%, assaults role 8.6% and robberies rose 44%. In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up

300%. How can this be? Quite simply, law-abiding citizens turned in their weapons and criminals did not.

Moves toward creating a national gun registry, a nationwide ban on assault weapons, and limitations on so-called high capacity magazines have many gun owners up in arms as to what to do. As we demonstrated above, the need to preserve our right to own and bear firearms is the last bastion of freedom we havefor it ensures so many of our other freedoms, such as the right of assembly, privacy and free speech.

Importance of Stockpiling Ammunition

Gun owners should consider stockpiling ample supplies of ammunition. If you havent gone to your local gun dealer or sporting goods store lately, you will find a nationwide shortage of ammunition, as tens of millions of concerned Americans have been buying up ammunition in great quantitiesdespite the doubling of prices. Owning a firearm without ammunition is like owning a golf club and not possessing any golf balls. If you are fortunate enough to find ammo, most dealers are limiting purchases to only 2-3 boxes per customer. One method to circumvent this shortage and potential tighter regulation, outright ban or highly taxed of ammunition is buying an ammo press or reloading kit. Having the ability to manufacture your own ammunition will not only provide you a lower cost method to plink, target practice or stockpile, but may also be used a source of extra income or as a Barterable skill. If you are considering this invaluable reload strategy consider stockpiling all necessary supplies for the various calibers for your firearms before even these supplies become as scarce as the manufactured ammunition itself. Keep in mind that during World War II, the Japanese decided not to invade the United States mainland because they knew most Americans were ARMED. Disarming the populace has always led to higher crime, greater tyranny and less freedoms for the people. Remember that history can serve as example to us all to never forget!

Hiding Firearms and Ammunition, Even in Plain Sight

Now let me take you to the heart of this report keeping your guns securely in your control when criminals and gun-confiscating government bureaucrats come looking for them. The tips listed here are for informational purposes only. It would be impossible to run all these techniques through a legal check in all fifty states plus the many cities and towns that have their own rules, regulations, and restrictions. Compliance with the law rests with you, the reader. Great care should be taken when implementing any of these methods. If your household has children, then you need to take other precautions to protect them. Keep in mind; just because it may be out of sight, it still may in the reach of small hands. If your household has firearms then we encourage you to teach your children to respect a weapon. The number one rule when it comes to hiding firearms around your house or office when selecting one of these easy accessible, hidden in plain sight locations is safety. You must make sure that your firearms are absolutely inaccessible to children. Once your children and you are comfortable with their handling and firing of firearms and your confident in their ability and respect for firearms, then you may consider letting them know of your hidden caches. This is obvious is a personal question between you and your spouse and after weighing many factors including the chance your child may reveal one of your hidden weapons to a friend, should weigh heavily on your decision where you intend to hide your firearms and ammunition. Additionally, hiding a firearm in a room where you spend little time in may not be the ideal choiceespecially if you fear that a home break-in while you are home. If you have a Concealed Carry Permit or CCW, then the government knows you have a firearm. Should the government enforce gun confiscation, have a throw away gun or two handy to give them preferably, something cheap that has little value to you.

Additionally, if you have a carry a gun in public either with a concealed carry permit or under open carry laws consider keeping a gun safe that you religiously place your firearm in each time to you return to the house. Getting lazy and leaving them in your vehicle or around the house breaches my number one rule safety first! In one particularly egregious case, the chief of police in a small Pennsylvania town had service weapons stolen from his squad car on two separate occasions by his own son, a 23-year-old heroin addict who sold the weapons for drug money. Keeping a gun safe by your door serves two purposes. First it is convenient and easy to lock your firearm in a safe when you return homeand because it is located by your door, it often serves as entry point for unwanted intruders. Now, my list of 47 secret ways to keep your guns under your control and out of the hands of those who would take them whether they be criminals steal them or bureaucrats who want to confiscate them. Id advise you to read the entire list and pick several strategies to employ. When it comes to protecting your ability to protect yourself, your family and your property, its wise to have more than a single line of defense. You could easily go online or ask at your local gun shop or sportsmens club and come up with several of these ideas on your own. However based on my research, what follows may be the most extensive list of gun hiding secrets available anywhere. Gun-Hiding Secret #1: Any semi-automatic rifle or shotgun can be easily broken down into pieces. These parts can easily be hidden in an old tennis racket case, first aid kit, bowling ball bag, small luggage or dozens more possible everyday cases and containers. Gun-Hiding Secret #2: Large pictures that have thick frames can be modified to conceal a small firearm. There are also several manufacturers/distributors such as Barska that sell picture safes. If you are more into DIY project, select an over sized picture frame. Simply cut the backing of the frame with a razor blade, peel back the corner and secure a piece of Velcro to the frames corner to hold a small handgun in place. Once finished, carefully reaffix the backing before hanging the picture back on the wall. Gun-Hiding Secret #3: Another use for paintings or large picture frames is to use them to hide a concealed wall safe. Wall safes come in many shapes and sizes and are designed to fit in between the 2x4 studs behind your drywall. These safes arent terribly expensive and are extremely easy to install and secure.

Gun-Hiding Secret #4: If DIY projects arent your cup of tea, Safe Sammel-Systeme Securelogic manufactures the Invisivault Wall Vault Hidden Safe and Remote. This ingenious picture-frame safe can be found on eBay. Gun-Hiding Secret #5: Floor molding safes are a great way to hide handguns, magazines or valuables. Hidden Safes, Inc. of Memphis Tennessee manufactures a variety of floor molding safes.

This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safe, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future! Adolph Hitler

Gun-Hiding Secret #6: Several safe manufactures such as BedBunker sell a floor mounted 14 x 10 x 36 or 48 long floor safe. These are mounted underneath your carpeted floor, or place an area rug over the safe to hide it. Since diversion is always a great concept, one could mount the floor safe underneath ones bed. A would-be burglar may look underneath your bedsee nothing and move on. Gun-Hiding Secret #7: Long full-length vertical mirrors that are hung on walls can also be used to conceal wall safes behind them. When considering a wall safe, seeking out the walls studs is a must. Use a stud-finder available at any hardware store or home center to identify the best place to install your safe and hang your picture or mirror. Gun-Hiding Secret #8: Hollowed out books located on a busy bookshelf are good choices to conceal small handguns in plain sight. The typical burglar isnt going to check hundreds of hardback books for a hidden firearm. Book safes can be purchased or a quick search on YouTube will give you countless examples how to manufacture your own. Just be sure to pick a big read, like War and Peace! Gun-Hiding Secret #9: Enterprising manufacturers also make a household CD Case safe. The small safe is designed to look like six music CDs stacked together. Open the first CD cover and you will find an area inside that could hold a tiny handheld like a derringer.

Gun-Hiding Secret #10: The Home Security Superstore sells a Planter Secret Safe. Place a live or artificial plant inside the planter; if you unscrew the bottom and you will find a small hidden safe inside.

A free people ought to be armed.

George Washington, Founding Father

Gun-Hiding Secret #11: Another ingenious device to hide a firearm in plain sight is a clock safe. Several manufacturers sell clock safes that can be mounted on wall or placed on a mantel over a fireplace. WalMart even sells a wall mounted clock safe for as little as $12.00. A large floor-standing grandfather clock may be a contain lots of empty space that can be used to hide ammunition or firearms. Gun-Hiding Secret #12: One inexpensive option is to hide a small handgun in a half empty cereal box in your pantry. We dont recommend this method if you have children living in your home. Additionally, place the handgun in a Ziploc bag to protect the weapon from corrosion. Gun-Hiding Secret #13: With a short trip to your local hardware store, you can purchase various hooks and brackets that can be affixed to the inside of a bathroom vanity cabinet. It may be easier to mount a leather or plastic holster to the cabinet and place the handgun so that all one has to do is open the cabinet and reach up inside and grab the grip of the pistol to retrieve it. In a night home invasion, it is often wise to retreat to a master-bathroom that can be locked and serve as a panic room while 911 dispatches the police. Being armed in this panic room is great strategy for self-defense. Gun-Hiding Secret #14: Shotguns or semi-automatic rifles with collapsible stocks can be mounted inside small coat closets. Mount the rifle or shotgun directly above the closet door. Since most coat closets are shallow by design, any unwelcome home invader will be unlikely to rummage through a coat-closet, never mind look up above the doorframe directly overhead. Gun-Hiding Secret #15: Depending on the layout of your home, some coat closets are conveniently located underneath stairways leading to the second story. Placing a false wall that can be removed

inside the shallow closet may be an ingenious way to leverage the free space hidden by the staircase and behind this wall. Many older homes have wasted space around fireplaces that can be used for concealment. Early American homes often had hidden Indian shelters that are once again useful in an era when you need to hide your guns.

We cant be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans to legitimately own handguns and rifles that we are unable to think about reality. Bill Clinton, US President

Gun-Hiding Secret #16: Hidden Safes Inc., sells an air vent secret safe that is a simple-to-install solution that looks like a normal air vent or intake vent. Or if you want a DIY project around the house, simply pick up an oversized air-conditioning vent from your local hardware store and cut into the floor or walls depending upon how the other vents are located in the house. With a little ingenuity, one can build a small box underneath or behind this false vent that can hold a handgun, spare clips or ammunition. If you use this method, you should always close the vent so someone cannot look inside and spot your firearm. Gun-Hiding Secret #17: Along the same lines, depending upon how your house is constructed, more often than not, there are plenty of deadspaces located underneath stairwells. Stairwells make great out-of-sight storage areas. Simply purchase a 20 x 24 air-intake and frame and mount it on the wall underneath your stairwell. Unhinge the vent as if you were changing a filter and voil, you have access to a very large cache for storing very large quantities of ammunition and firearms. Note: be sure to place an actual air-filter behind the air in-take vent, to complete the ruse. Gun-Hiding Secret #18: Many bedside nightstands allow you to easily remove the bottom drawer. Depending upon the construction, you may find an open area that can hold a small gun safe or place a holstered handgun and spare magazines. If your nightstand doesnt have a false bottom, lay it on its back and add a sheet of pine or oak which can be picked up at your local Lowes or Home Depot. Both of these home improvement chains will also cut the wood for you to size.

Carefully nail or secure the newly cut wood to the bottom of the nightstand creating a false bottom beneath your drawer. Gun-Hiding Secret #19: Another option for a nightstand is to take advantage of deep bottom drawers. Try creating a false bottom to the drawer. Like the false bottom, have a sheet of oak or pine cut to fit inside the drawer. Apply a similar stain to blend in the new addition to that of the other drawer(s). Affix four 2-3 inch tall strips of wood surrounding the edges of the drawer. Place the wood on the strips inside the drawer, creating a false bottom inside the drawer itself. Depending upon the size of your drawer, you can hide ammunition, firearms or magazines. Gun-Hiding Secret #20: A company called First Line of Defense manufactures a specially designed holster that slides between your mattress and box spring. It may be best to place firearm behind the headboard, out of clear view.

It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government. Thomas Paine, Founding Father

Gun-Hiding Secret #21: Looking for the ultimate bed safe? Hercules Research Corporation manufacturers the BedBunker, which was recently featured on the television program, Doomsday Preppers. This 1,300 lb. 78 x 60 x 14 (Queen Size) safe is made with 10 gauge steel construction with a thick steel 140 lb. hinged doors. The BedBunkers is rated for a 2-hour fire wall to protect your valuables in extreme conditions. They come in Queen or King size configurations. Of course you can store a lot more than guns in this massive safe valuable papers, gold and silver bullion, survival food and more. Gun-Hiding Secret #22: For long rifles or shotguns, you install dummy heating-air-conditioning (HVAC) ducts and place them in your attic, crawlspace or basement. Simply place the firearms and spare ammunition inside the fake ductwork and mount the ducts next to the real ones. No thief is likely to look amongst your maze of ducts to find your guns. It should be noted that if you are storing ammunition in an attic, crawl space or basement, keep in mind it is not an ideal

environment for ammunition if there are significant swings of temperature and or moisture. Extra care should be used to vacuum seal (using a simple food vacuum sealer) the ammunition. Place the vacuum packed ammunition inside a US army ammo crate with a properly sealed rubber gasket to make it airtight and impervious to humidity. Note: it is always wise to add a coat of petroleum jelly on the gasket prior to storing ammo inside ammo cans. Gun-Hiding Secret #23: Fake electrical switches that are two to three outlets wide can be used to create a hidden location on wall. Simply pick up plastic electrical boxes and screw them into the wall. The fake electrical switches and plate is a great way to conceal a handgun or ammunition within. Keep in mind; a small screwdriver would be required to unscrew the faceplate to gain access to your hidden cache. You could create a similar hiding place in your homes utility area using a dummy electrical break panel door. Gun-Hiding Secret #24: Hiding a firearm in your vehicle serves two purposes. Youll have a firearm with you when you travel. When you are home, its safely located in your garage! Some ingenious firearm owners have carefully split the upholstery seam of the passenger front seat that faces the driverand insert a small holders and appropriately sized handgun then sew Velcro on the seams to reseal. Note that you generally need a Concealed Carry permit to carry a firearm in your vehicle that is not in plain view. Penalties in some jurisdictions are extreme; check your local firearm laws, as well as those in adjacent states you may have to drive through. Dont overlook any gun free zones in your area such as schools and airports, where special restrictions may apply, even inside your vehicle. In any event, never consent to the search of your vehicle; in cases where police have a right to search your vehicle (such as having probable cause), they arent going to ask you for permission. If asked to permit a search, just politely say no. Gun-Hiding Secret #25: manufacturers a hidden safe that is designed for the console of your vehicle. Many models of vehicles are supported from Cadillac, Chevy, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Hummer, Lincoln, Nissan and Toyota. They even manufacture a hidden safe for your Harley Davidson motorcycle!

Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population defenseless. Vladimir Lenin

Gun-Hiding Secret #26: Manufacturer of the BedBunker manufacturers the TruckBunker. This unique safe is designed to fit in the rear cab of GMC, Ford or Dodge Ram extended cab trucks and can hold shotguns and semi-automatic rifles. These unique safes fit underneath the rear seats. Best of all, it installs in less than 10 minutes! Gun-Hiding Secret #27: If you own a pick-up truck, use a modified bed liner that is mounted on raised bed that can create an existing false bottom underneath the pickup truck liner. This is important if you are traveling to your bug out location and are afraid of running into manned check points looking for firearms. Gun-Hiding Secret #28: If you have a home office, take an old photocopy machine or printer-copier-scanner combos and empty the innards. You can also do this to an older model fax machine. We recommend going to various yard sales where you can always pick up used office equipment. In some cases, youll have all the space you need simply by removing the ink cartridge. Gun-Hiding Secret #29: With a little ingenuity, you can obtain an older glass tube-styled large computer monitor or television, which are easy to find for free. Disassemble it, remove the electronic innards to hide ammunition and or firearms inside. While a burglar may steal your laptop, no thief, regardless how desperate they are, would think of lugging an aged hundred pound 25 tube television or computer monitor. Gun-Hiding Secret #30: Most Americans have large flat LED, LCD or Plasma widescreen televisions. Many homeowners have custom entertainment centers that house these widescreen televisions. Take a careful look at the construction of your home entertainment center. Depending upon how it is manufactured, there may be many dead areas located with in. Putting false backs to hide ammunition and or firearms can easily be covered with old VHS tapes or DVDs.

To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them. George Mason, Founding Father

Gun-Hiding Secret #31: Having a large stereo subwoofer that no longer works is a great hiding spot. Simply place it next to your television and run some speaker wires to it to complete the deception and your good to go. Gun-Hiding Secret #32: Take an old boom box and gut the insides and store ammo or small firearms in it. Now that everyone uses iPods, chances are a thief wont be interested in taking an old boom box from the 80s. Gun-Hiding Secret #33: Hassocks are great to have around the house to prop up your feet while watching television or reading a good book. Finding one that can be easily modified to house spare ammunition or handguns would be a great dual-purpose hiding spot. Gun-Hiding Secret #34: Consider taking empty paint cans and store them in the garage. Properly cleaning them out and letting the paint can to fully dry is a great way to and store handguns and or extra ammunition inside them. Note: if you are storing these paint cans in the garage, vacuum seal your ammunition to help combat the temperature swings in your garage. Some preppers recommend sealing up gold or silver coins and submerge them inside semi-full paint cans and hide your valuables in plain sight. Should an enterprising thief go through the trouble of opening up pain can, chances are they will ignore those that have paint inside! Gun-Hiding Secret #35: Because of their size, hiding assault rifles can be a challenge but all one has to do is take a love seat or couch, lay it on its back and carefully remove the cloth on the bottom that hides the framework underneath. You will be surprised to see how much room is located underneath. One can easily use a series of Velcro straps and a staple gun that can be used to affix an AR-15 or Shotgun securely out of sight. Depending upon the size of your furniture an averaged sized couch could easily hide 3-4 long rifles.

Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal. Janet Reno, former U.S. Attorney General

Gun-Hiding Secret #36: If DIY isnt your thing, the manufacturer of the BedBunker also makes the CouchBunker. They offer several models in fabric or leather. This 78 long and 29.5 wide by 14 deep safe has the same capacity of the twin-sized BedBunker. Gun-Hiding Secret #37: In a bedroom closet, you can insert a hanger through the trigger guard of a handgun; take a thick flannel shirt, drape it over the firearm and button the shirt. Then place it in the back of the closet surrounded by other similar clothes. For quick access, use a cheap plastic hanger which can be easily snapped in an emergency to access your weapon. Since you are storing the gun in an elevated position, it would be wise to have no round loaded in the chamber. Gun-Hiding Secret #38: If you are working on a limited budget or perhaps renting a home where permanent modifications would not be an option, simply place a handgun inside the pocket of an old winter coat hidden in plain sight inside a coat closet. If nothing else, this is a good intermediate term solution until you implement another of these gun-hiding secrets, and its certainly safer than keeping your gun in a dresser drawer as so many do. Gun-Hiding Secret #39: A rifle or shotgun can be placed on a hook screwed into the drywall between the window curtains and the wall above the windows. Hiding your firearm here cant be seen from the outside and if your curtains are heavy and or lined, the weapon cant be seen from the inside, either. Gun-Hiding Secret #40: You can place a shotgun in a soft gun case hanging from a hook, centered on the back of your bedroom or bedroom closet door. Then drape the gun concealed in the gun case with a thick bathrobe hiding it from view. Note: this method is not recommended if you have children living in the house because of the easy access to the firearm.

We must brainwash people on guns. We just have to be repetitive about this. Its not enough to have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday.

We have to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way. Eric Holder, United States Attorney General

Gun-Hiding Secret #41: Large trophies are a great place to conceal a small firearm or ammunition. Most trophies are hollow inside and if it is large enough it can conceal either a small pistol or ammo. This may be a great excuse to break out those large bowling trophies you have in the attic or pick up at local yard sale. Or pick one up cheap at a yard sale or flea market Gun-Hiding Secret #42: Pardon me if I feel like Santa Claus for sharing so many gun-hiding ideas with you! Old boxes in the basement, attic or hall closet and clearly marked Christmas and stuffed with old Christmas decorations may be a great way to hide firearms or ammunition in plain sight. Remember the location of these boxes and potential for temperature shift when storing ammunitionespecially if it is stored in your attic. Gun-Hiding Secret #43: How about behind a working vent or cold air return? Before I got a safe, I would put a cased pistol in the vent work. I placed it out of sight, so if they pulled off the vent cover, they couldnt see it. The cold air return was next to the bed, so it was easy to get to in the night. Again this is not ideal, but its a good stop-gap measure until your implement another of these tactics, and its way smarter than keeping your gun in your nightstand. Gun-Hiding Secret #44: Companies such as Colonial Craft Hideaways USA make beautiful wall cabinets that can be rotated to hold a fully stocked gun cabinet, complete with drawers for pistols and plenty of room for ammunition. Deluxe models have remote controlled false backs that lower with a remote control revealing pistols. Gun-Hiding Secret #45: BedBunker manufacturers the BuryBunker, a steel case designed to hold a Pelican-type firearm case inside. The case is made from 10-gauge steel and powder-coated for long lasting durability. The lid has a watertight silicon gasket which can withstand temperatures as low as -60 degrees F.

If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them Mr. and Mrs. America, turn em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes werent there. Dianne Feinstein, Senator (D-CA)

Gun-Hiding Secret #46: Buried caches are a great way to hide firearms, ammunition and supplies underground. Caches are used to strategically place items that you may not need to retrieve for many months or years! To create a watertight cache, simply purchase a 4 or 6 diameter PVC pipe from your local hardware store. A good length would be long enough to store your long rifle or shotgun. Glue an end cap on one end and a threaded cap on the other so you can later unscrew the pipe and retrieve your cache. Note: when storing firearms long-term in a buried cache, consider purchasing an anti-corrosion bag made by Stackon for pistols or rifles. Stack-On. Ammunition should be vacuum-sealed to ensure moisture is being kept out. Consider creating a map of your hidden caches or mark GPS coordinates if youre burying caches on large properties on en route from ones house to a bugout retreat. Should an enterprising gun grabber have metal detectors, consider burying false positives around the general location. False positives could be scrap metal, nails, bolts, screws, anything that a metal detector may pick up. After digging up several false positive leads chances are your metal detecting gun grabber will give up in frustration. You could also hide your PVC-encased firearm in plain sight in your garage or storage area by placing it with similar appearing pipes or spare lumber or wood trim. Gun-Hiding Secret #47: Speaking of scrap metal, consider storing ammunition in the bottom of 5 gallon buckets with ordinary and cheap screws, nails and bolts on top. I believe in Americans right to bear arms the fact is, the vast majority of gun owners are responsible... but I am also betting that a vast majority of gun owners agree that we should keep a small few from owning a high-capacity weapon of war. Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States

Obama Hedges His Gun Control Push By Backing the UN Arms Trade Treaty
On November 8, 2012, the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted 157-0 (with abstentions) in favor of Resolution L.11 to finalize the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in March 2013. The ATT would regulate the international trade in conventional weapons. China, Germany and the United Kingdom all voted to move the unprecedented measure towards passage. Even more disturbing was that less than 12 hours after winning re-election, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton signed on to the UN gun ban talks scheduled at the United Nations March 18-23, 2013despite receiving a letter from 51 Senators encouraging them to not only to uphold our countrys constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership, but to ensureif necessary, by breaking consensus at the July conferencethat the treaty will explicitly recognize the legitimacy of lawful activities associated with firearms, including but not limited to the right of self-defense. Masked behind utopian language promoting world peace and preventing all forms of genocide, the UN has devised a devious Trojan Horse that calls upon member nations to enact national legislation sufficient to meet the minimum goals outlined in the treaty including: gun registration through national control systems background checks import/export controls for more forms of firearms including small and conventional weapons The United Nations has a sordid history of pursuing general and complete disarmament, including individually owned and legally purchased firearms. Obama seems to have hedged his bets with Congress by signaling his support for a United Nations treaty to justify his end goalthe complete disarmament of American citizens. I for one am not waiting for this globalist treaty to be moved to the next level. Like many Americans, I am hedging my own bets against an illegal assault on my inalienable rights to own and bear firearms.

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