BT Podcast Eval

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Rockschool Level 2 Music Practitioners Certificate Unit MUSPRA 225- Podcast creation Evaluation Name of student !

radle" #homas
S%&# Anal"sis Stren'ths I have produced an informative podcast about the career of the Stereophonics. I have included markers and artwork which follows the chapters of the podcast. I have produced a detailed rationale which helped me focus my ideas and target audience for the podcast.

#itle- stereo$honics

%eaknesses ( can im$rove on m" recorded s$eech) $erha$s talkin' *ith more enthusiasm+ #he len'th of the $odcast is a little lon'+ Perha$s reducin' the len'th of the son' content of the $odcast *ould hel$ it ,e closer to the set time+ More o$en -uestions in the intervie* *ould have develo$ed the res$onses to make a ,etter intervie*+ &$$ortunities ( have understood a lot more a,out the Stereo$honics. career) fan ,ase and son' catalo'ue+ ( have learnt a,out duckin' and the im$ortance of controllin' the volume of ever" element of m" $odcast+ ( have ,uilt m" self confidence in $u,lic s$eakin' and ( didn/t think ( could record m" o*n voice+

Conclusion In m" o$inion ( think ( have achieved a $ass for this unit of *ork+,ecause ( have met ever" re-uirement in the unit s$ecification+i have had a lot of su$$ort from m" teachers *hich has sto$$ed me from 'ettin' me a hi'her mark+i think that the tone of m" voice in the recordin'+,ecause of m" self confidence ( had to have a scri$t in front of me so ( *as not confident enou'h *ith out the scri$t so it does sound like i/m readin'+if ( *as to do it all a'ain ( *ould make sure ( have recorded more takes so that m" final take *ould have m" ,est takes+i *ould reduce m" s$eech or m" audio tracks to 'et closer to m" set time+i am $roud of *hat ( have achieved ( am ha$$" *ith m" final $odcast+

Si'ned Bradley Thomas

0ate 17/5/2013

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