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Student Learning Map Topic: The Dystopian Future Key Learning: Dystopian literature is often a commentary on our society

and a speculation a"out what our society might loo% li%e if its mem"ers are not alert& Unit Essential Question Do authors try to convey or protest against certain aspects of our current society in their fictional dystopian worlds, and do fictional dystopian societies always result from flaws in our current society?

Concept Analyzing Informational Texts

Concept Brave New orld

Concept !ssay of Argument

Lesson Essential Questions: hat are the social implications of cloning? To what extent is society controlled "y technology? hat are the "enefits and detriments of social caste systems? hat is a dystopia and what #ualities of such a society exist today?

Lesson Essential Questions: To what extent is society controlled "y technology and science? $ow is this control "oth good and "ad? $ow is consumerism "oth "eneficial and harmful in society? Are truth and happiness incompati"le? hat roles do individuality and family have in society? Are they necessary?

Lesson Essential Questions: Is a dystopian environment lying underneath the surface of our daily lives?

Vocabulary 'loning 'aste (ystem Dystopia )topia *ost+Apocalypse



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