Time, Distance Speed

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Time, Speed, Distance, Train


SPEED The distance covered per unit time is called speed Speed = => Time = distance/speed => Speed is directly proportional to distance and inversely to time Units 1. Time Seconds, minutes, hours 2. Distance meter, ilometer !. Speed " m/hr, m/sec Conversion 1. #m/hr = $m/1%sec 2. m/s = 1% m/$ hr !. #m/hr = $ miles/ % hrs &. miles/hr = 22 't/1$ sec (vera)e speed* The avera)e speed is )iven by total distance by total time ta en+ this is the 'ormula to be remembered all the time. (vera)e Speed = Total Distance/Total Time = ,d1-d2-d!-......dn./,t1-t2-.........tn. The avera)e speed in case o' a /ourney 'rom 0 to 1 at speed o' ( m/sec and returnin) bac to 0 at a speed o' 2 m/sec, is 32(2/, ( - 2 .4 m/sec. Example 1* Sunil travels 'rom Delhi to 5oida at the speed o' &6 m/hr and returns at the speed o' $6 m/hr, what is the avera)e speed o' the /ourney7 8sin) the 'ormula, 2(2/(-2 = 29&69$6/&6-$6 = &666/:6 = &&.&& #m/hr (lways remember the units, in what units you have started and in what units you are endin). (lternative way is by the basic principle o' mechanics, Speed = distance/time, which means Time = Distance/Speed and (vera)e Speed = Total distance / Total time Suppose distance 'rom Delhi to 5oida is (, there'ore Time while )oin), T1 = (/&6 Time while comin) T2 = (/$6 Total time = a/&6-a/$6 = :6a/&69$6 Total Distance = ( - ( = 2( (vera)e speed =Total Distance/Total Time = a/&6-a/$6 = :6a/&69$6 = &&.&& #m/hr

There are various types o' problems 'rom this topic and all o' them can be easily solved usin) the basic 'ormulas )iven above. ;e will discuss some 'ormulae and results 'or di''erent inds o' <uestions but students should always 'ollow the basics in this chapter. Relative speed: (s the name su))ests the concept is re)ardin) the relative speeds to two or more ob/ects. The basic concept in relative speed is that speeds )et added in case ob/ects are movin) 'rom opposite direction, and )et subtracted in case ob/ects are movin) in same direction. =or e9ample i' two trains are movin) in opposite direction with a speed o' 0 m/hr and 1 m/hr respectively, then ,0 - 1. is their relative speed. >n the other case i' two trains are movin) in same direction with a speed o' 0 m/hr and 1 m/hr respectively, then ,0 1. is their relative speed. =or the 'irst case the time ta en by the trains in passin) each other = ,?1 - ?2./,0 - 1. hours, where ?1 and ?2 are len)th o' trains. =or the second case the time ta en by the trains in passin) each other = ,?1 - ?2./ ,0 1. hours, where ?1 and ?2 are len)th o' trains. Example 2: Two trains 166 m and %6 m in len)th are runnin) in same direction. The 'irst runs at the rate o' $1 m/s and the second at the rate o' &2 m/s. @ow lon) will they ta e to cross each other7 @ere ?en)th o' train > = 166, ?en)th o' train >> = %6 (nd Speed o' train > = $1 m/s, Speed o' train >> = &2 m/s Aelative speed = $1 &2 = : m/s ,sine trains are in opposite direction. (s per the 'ormula ?1-?2/0- 1 =166-%6/:= 26 seconds Example 3: Two trains 166 m and %6 m in len)th are runnin) in opposite direction. The 'irst runs at the rate o' 16 m/s and the second at the rate o' 1$ m/s. @ow lon) will they ta e to cross each other7 @ere ?en)th o' train > = 166, ?en)th o' train >> = %6 (nd Speed o' train > = 16 m/s, Speed o' train >> = 1$ m/s Aelative speed = 16 - 1$ = 2$ m/s ,since trains are in same direction. (s per the 'ormula ?1 - ?2 / 0-1 =166-%6/2$ = B.2 seconds >n case o' train <uestions, students may remember these obvious results* 1. The time ta en by train 0 meters lon) in passin) a si)nal post is the time ta en 'or the train to cover 0. Example 4: ( train !66 meters lon) has a speed o' 16 m/s. @ow lon) will it ta e to pass an electric pole7 Time = Distance/speed, the distance here will be same as the len)th o' the train This is !66 meters, there'ore Time = !66/16 = !6 seconds 2. The time ta en by train 0 meters lon) in passin) any ob/ect which is 1 meters lon) is the time ta en 'or the train to cover 0 - 1.

Example 5: ( train !66 meters lon) has a speed o' 16 m/s. @ow lon) will it ta e to pass a plat'orm o' $6 meters7 Time = Distance/speed, the distance here will be same as the len)th o' the train - the len)th o' the plat'orm. This is !66 - $6 = !$6. There'ore Time = !$6/16 = !$ seconds The same concept is used in water with boats and swimmers. (s when you move upstream, your speed )ets deducted 'rom the speed o' the stream and when you move downstream yours and streamCs speed )ets added* ?et the speed o' a boat in still water be ( m/hr and the speed o' the stream ,or current. be 2 m/hr, then ,a. Speed o' boat with the stream = ,( - 2. m/hr ,b. Speed o' boat a)ainst the stream = ,( 2. m/hr There are two obvious results in this concept* 1. 2oatCs speed in still water = speed down stream - Speed upstream/2 Example : ( boat travels e<ual distance upstream and downstream, the upstream speed o' boat was 16 m/hr, whereas the downstream speed is 26 m/hr, what is the speed o' the boat in still water7 8pstream speed = 16 m/hr Downstream speed = 26 m/hr (s per 'ormula, 2oatCs speed in still water = speed down stream - Speed upstream/2 There'ore, 2oatCs speed in still water = = 1$ 2. Speed o' current = speed down stream " Speed upstream/2 Example !: ( boat travels e<ual distance upstream and downstream, the upstream speed o' boat was 16 m/hr, whereas the downstream speed is 26 m/hr, what is the speed o' the current7 8pstream speed = 16 m/hr Downstream speed = 26 m/hr (s per 'ormula, Speed o' current = Speed down stream " upstream / 2 There'ore, Speed o' current = 16/2 = $ m/hr Concept o" Races: Aace is a competition between contestants in order to reach a point 'astest. There can be many inds o' races. ;e will study linear and circular races. ?inear races ,non"circular.* The concepts o' time speed and distance are used in races, which may be linear or circular or other types. (lthou)h with the basic concepts )iven above you will be able to solve the races <uestions, but here are a 'ew de'initions in races, #ma$ine, % and & are t'o contestants in a race: 1. 2e'ore the start o' the race, i' 0 is at the startin) point and 1 is ahead o' 0 by 16 meters, then 0 is said to )ive 1 a start o' 16 meters. 16 meter here can be called as start distance or distance at start 2. >n a 166m race, >' it is written D0 can )ive 1 26 m startE or D0 beats 1 by 26 mE, it means that in the time 0 runs 166 m, 1 runs %6 m. 26 meter here can be called as beat distance called as

beat distance. !. Similarly, >' it is written D0 can )ive 1 26 second startE or D0 beats 1 by 26 secondsE, it means i' the )iven distance is covered by 0 in a seconds, then 1 will ta e ,a 26. &. ;innerCs distance ,start distance - beat distance. = loserCs distance $. ;innerCs time - ,start time - beat time. = loserCs time. ,Aemember here that the winnerCs time is less than loserCs time, so somethin) has to be added to e<uate. F. ( dead heat means the contestants reached the end point at same time Example (: Aam can )ive @ari 26 m start and @ari can )ive Aavi 16 m start in a race o' 266 m. 2y how much could Aam beat @ari in the same race7 Aam can )ive @ari a start o' 26 m, that means in 266 meter race ram can cover 266 meters in the same time as @ari covers 1%6 meters. @ari can )ive Aavi a start o' 16 m, which means in 266 meter race Aavi can cover 266 meters in the same time as @ari covers 1:6 meters. =rom second point, Aavi can cover 1 meter, when @ari covers 1:6/266 meters (lso, Aavi can cover 1%6 meter, ;hen @ari covers G 1%6 = 1B1 meters (lso when Aavi covers 1%6 meters, Aam covers 266 meters, and in this time @air covers 1B1 meters, there'ore Aam can )ive @ari a start distance o' 2: meters. Hircular races* >n circular races, the race is in a per'ect circle. @ere are some important points on circular races, with two or more people startin) 'rom same startin) point and at same time* 1. The time ta en by the 'aster one to )ain one 'ull round over the other is ,len)th o' race course./ ,relative speed. Example ): Aavi and Aam run around a circular path o' circum'erence 1666 meters. Aavi runs at & m/s and Aam runs at 2 m/s. >' they start 'rom the same point and wal in the same direction, when will they be 'irst to)ether a)ain7 AaviCs speed = & m/s, AamCs speed = 2 m/s Aelative speed = 2 m/s They will be to)ether a)ain when 'aster )ains 'ull circle over the slower There'ore time to )ain 'ull circle = 1666/2 = $66 seconds 2. They will be 'irst to)ether at the startin) point a)ain a'ter an interval o' time which is the ?HI o' the times in which each o' them ma es one complete round. Example 1*: Aavi and Aam run around a circular path o' circum'erence 1666 meters. Aavi runs at & m/s and Aam runs at 2 m/s. >' they start 'rom the same point and wal in the same direction. ;hen will they be 'irst to)ether a)ain at the startin) point7 AaviCs speed = & m/s, AamCs speed = 2 m/s Time ta en 'or Aavi to complete one lap = 1666/& = 2$6 seconds Time ta en 'or Aavi to complete one lap = 1666/2 = $66 seconds They will be to)ether a)ain at the startin) point = ?HI o' 2$6 and $66 This is $66 seconds. !. The persons will be to)ether a)ain 'or the 'irst time at the time which is the ?HI o' the times

ta en by the 'astest to )ain a lap over the others. This is a universal 'ormula 'or any number o' people runnin). Example 11: Aavi, 2huvan and Aam run around a circular path o' circum'erence 1666 meters. Aavi runs at & m/s, 2huvan runs at F m/s and Aam runs at 2 m/s. >' they start 'rom the same point and wal in the same direction. ;hen will they be 'irst to)ether a)ain7 AaviCs speed = & m/s, 2huvanCs speed = F m/s, AamCs speed = 2 m/s Time ta en 'or 2huvan to )ain a lap over Aavi = 1666 /F " & = $66 seconds Time ta en 'or 2huvan to )ain a lap over Aam = 1666/F " 2= 2$6 seconds Time ta en 'or Aavi to )ain a lap over Aam = 1666/& " 2 = $66 seconds They will be to)ether a)ain = ?HI o' $66, 2$6 and $66, which is $66 Cloc+s or ,atc-es The dial o' a cloc or watch is a circle whose circum'erence is divided into F6 e<ual parts ,called minute spaces., all the hands o' cloc which are second, minute and hour hands travel alon) this circum'erence. @ere are some important learnin)Cs on cloc s* 1. >n the cloc , the lar)er hand ,minute hand. moves F6 minute spaces, the smaller hand ,hour hand. moves only $ minute spaces, which is completion o' an hour. 2. >n each minute space the hour hand travels, the minute hand travels 12 minutes+ this is the most important concept in cloc s. !. ;hen the two hands are at ri)ht an)les, they are 1$ minute spaces apart. This happens twice every hour. &. ;hen the hands are in opposite directions, they are !6 minute spaces apart. This happens once every hour. $. The hands are in the same strai)ht line when they are coincident or opposite to each other. F. >' both the hands start movin) to)ether 'rom the same position, both the hands will coincide a'ter = F$ minutes. B. >n case o' incorrect cloc s, the cloc s either )ain time or loose time Example 12: The time in a cloc is 26 minute past 2. =ind the an)le between the hands o' the cloc . @ere the hour hand is close to 2 and the minute hand is at &, the an)le between 2 and & is G 2 = F6 de)rees. (n)le made by the hour hand in one hour is !F6/12 = !6 de)rees, (n)le made in 26 minutes = !6/! = 16. There'ore, re<uired an)le = F6 16 = $6 de)rees S./0ED E%12P/ES 314 Aam and Aavi are 166 m apart and started to wal towards each other at 16 am. Aam wal ed at the rate o' $ m/hr and Aavi at 16 m/hr. at what time will they meet7 1ns4 Aelative speed = $ - 16 = 1$ m/hr

Time to wal 166 m = 166/1$ = F.FF hours, which is F hours and &6 min ,appro9. (s they started at 16 am, there'ore they meet a'ter 16 - F hours and &6 min = &*&6 pm 324 @ari runs a'ter Sam who is 266 m ahead o' him. >' speed o' @ari is 1$ m/hr and that o' Sam is 16 m/hr, what will be the distance covered by @ari when he catches Sam7 1ns4 Aelative speed = 1$ G 16 = $ m/hr Distance to be covered = 266 m = .2 m Time ta en = = 6.6& hrs Distance covered = 1$ G 6.6& = 6.F m = F66 meters 334 Two trains, 266 and 1F6 meters lon) ta e a minute to cross each other while travelin) in the same direction and ta e only 16 seconds when they cross in opposite directions. ;hat are the speeds at which the trains are travelin)7 (ns. Distance covered ,sum o' len)ths o' the train. = 266 - 1F6 = !F6 meters. ?et Train 1 be travelin) at 0 m/sec and Train 2 be travelin) at 1 m/sec. ,considerin) 0 > 1. 5ow while travelin) in same direction Time = There'ore F6 = , F60 F61 = !F6 5ow while travelin) in opposite direction Time = There'ore 16 = , 160 -161 = !F6 Solvin) the two e<uations 0 = 21 m/sec 1 = 1$ m/sec 344 ( train travelin) at B2 m/hr crosses a plat'orm in !6 seconds and a man standin) on the plat'orm in 1% seconds. ;hat is the len)th o' the plat'orm in meters7 1ns4 Students may recall 'rom the theory o' the chapter, ;hen the train crosses a man standin) on a plat'orm, the distance covered by the train is e<ual to the len)th o' the train and when the same train crosses a plat'orm, the distance covered by the train is e<ual to the len)th o' the train plus the len)th o' the plat'orm. Train ta es 1% seconds to cross a man, which is basically to cover len)th o' the train Train ta es !6 seconds to cross the plat'orm, which is to cover len)th o' the train and len)th o' the plat'orm. There'ore the e9tra 12 seconds are to cover the len)th o' the plat'orm. There'ore ?en)th o' plat'orm =B2912/!F66 = 6.2& m = 2&6 meter. 354 Two trains startin) 'rom the same station and travelin) in opposite directions are 22% m apart in ! hours. @ad they been travelin) in same direction they would have been !! m apart in the same time. ;hat are their speeds7 1ns4 They are 22% m apart in ! hrs travelin) in opposite direction >n one hour they will be 22%/! = BF m = Sum o' speeds o' two trains (ssume speeds to be 0 m/hr and 1 m/hr There'ore 0 - 1 = BF m/hr >n the other case 0 1 = !!/! = 11 m/hr Solvin) 0 = &!.$ m/hr, 1 = !2.$ #m/hr

3 4 Two trains travelin) in the opposite directions pass each other in % seconds. 2ut when they travel in same direction at the same rates, the man in the 'aster train passes the other in !6 seconds. =ind the len)ths o' the trains when their speeds are &$ m/hr and !$ m/hr. (ns. ;hen trains travel in opposite direction, Time = ?1-?2 /0-1 There'ore, %/!F66 = ?1-?2/&$-!$ ?en)ths o' train, ?1 - ?2 = 6.1BBB% m = 1BB.B% meter ;hen trains travel in same direction, the man in the 'aster train passes the other in !6 seconds, the man only passes the len)th o' the smaller train. There'ore distance traveled by trains in !6 seconds = len)th o' the smaller train Aelative speed = &$ !$ = 16 m/hr Distance traveled = G 16 = 6.6%!!& m = %!.!& meter There'ore len)th o' lon)er train = 1BB.B% %!.!& = :&.&& meters 3!4 Two trains 1$6 miles distant travel towards each other alon) the same trac , the 'irst train at F6 m/hr, the second at :6 m/hr. ( 'ly buJJes bac and 'orth between the two trains until they collide. >' the 'lyCs speed is 116 m/hr, how 'ar will it travel and how many rounds will it ta e7 1ns. Since the trains start 1$6 m apart and have a relative speed o' :6 - F6 = 1$6 m/hr, they will meet in e9actly 1 hour. The bird is 'lyin) at a speed o' 116 m/hr, so in 1 hour it 'lies 116 m. The interestin) part remains the number o' rounds, which actually is an interestin) physics problem with a in'inite series bein) 'ormed and the answer is in'inity. 3(4 Two trains ( and 2 each o' len)th 166m travel in opposite directions in parallel trac s. The speeds are 26m/s and !6m/s respectively. ( boy sittin) in the 'ront end o' train ( throws a ball to a boy sittin) in the 'ront end o' train 2 when they are at the closest distance. The speed o' the ball is 2m/s. The ball, instead o' reachin) the boy, hits the rear end o' the train. =ind the distance between the parallel trac s. 1ns4 The boy throws the ball when trains are at closest distance, which is when 'ront ends o' trains meet+ there'ore boy throws perpendicular to the train, in line with the distance between the trac s. Suppose 'rom the time ball leaves boyCs hands to hittin) the trainCs rear is T >n this time T, Train ( has traveled 26T Train 2 has traveled !6T Since ball hits the rear o' train 2, with len)th o' trains bein) !6T - 26 T = 166, there'ore T = 2 seconds Since the ball travels at 2 m/s, and ball hittin) the other train means that ball has traveled the distance between two trac s, assumin) distance between trac s is D There'ore 2T = D, D = & meters 3)4 Aam and Iohan start at the same time 'rom ( to 2 to )o to 2 and (, a distance o' &2 m at the rates o' & m/hr and ! m/hr. They meet at 0, then )o to 2 and ( and return immediately and

meet a)ain at 1. 'ind the distance 01 1ns4 =irst Aam and Iohan meet at 0, Distance = &2 m =irst Aam and Iohan meet at 1, Distance = &2 G ! = 12F m Speed o' Aam = & m/hr, Speed o' Iohan = ! m/hr Aam travels (0 distance and Iohan 20 Aelative speed = & - ! = B m/hr Time when they meet 'irst = &2/B = F hrs >n F hrs Aam travels F G & = 2& m = (0 There'ore Iohan travels = &2 2& = 1% = 20 Time when they meet second = 12F/B = 1% hrs >n 1% hrs Aam travels 1% G & = B2 m = (0 - 02 - 21 Since (0 - 02 = &2, 21 = !6 and (1 = 12 Since (0 = 2&, and (1 = 12. 01 = 12 m 31*4 There are two boats that start out on opposite sides o' a river at the same time. Kach one is headin) across the river to the other side. They each )o a constant speed throu)hout the entire problem ,so i)nore havin) to slow down to turn around, and i)nore current, etc.., but they are not necessarily the same speed as each other. ;hen each boat reaches its opposite ban , it immediately turns around and heads bac to where it started. The boats thus pass each other twice. The 'irst time they pass, they are B66 yards 'rom one o' the ban s o' the river. The second time they pass, they have each turned around a'ter reachin) their respective opposite shores and have started bac toward where they each be)an. ;hen they pass the second time, they are !66 yards 'rom the other ban o' the river. @ow wide is the river7 1ns4 (ssume total distance = 0, and speeds o' boats bein) S1 and S2 when the two boats meet 'or the 'irst time, Distance travel by boat >, D1 = B66 yards Distance travel by boat >>, D2 = 0 B66 yards @ere Time is the same, there'ore T = D1/S1 and T = D2/S2 There'ore D1/S1 = D2/S2 (lsoD1/S1 = D2/S2 = B66 /B66"9 5ow, 2oat > then continues on to the ban , which is ,0 B66. yards away, and then it turns around and )oes bac !66 yards. ('ter the 'irst meetin), boat > travels ,0 B66. - !66, which is ,0 &66. yards. ('ter the 'irst meetin) 2oat >> travels B66 yards to the ban and then turns around and travels bac ,0 !66. yards, which is ,0 - &66. yards, where it then meets 2oat > a)ain. ;hen the two boats meet 'or the second time a'ter 'irst meetin), Distance travel by boat >, D1 = 0 &66 yards Distance travel by boat >>, D2 = 0 - &66 yards @ere Time is the same, there'ore T = D1/S1 and T = D2/S2 There'ore D1/S1 = D2/S2

(lso = 0 " &66/0-&66= Solvin) 0 = 1%66 meters 3114 Aavi can swim with the stream at the rate o' 16 m/hr and $ m/hr a)ainst the stream+ 'ind his speed in still water. 1ns4 8pstream speed = 16 m/hr, Downstream speed is $ m/hr 8sin) direct 'ormula 1/2 ,16 - $. = B.$ m/hr 3124 @ari swims 26 m downstream a river in $ hours and returns in 16 hours. ;hat is his speed and speed o' the stream7 1ns4 Speed downstream = 26/$ = & m/hr = Speed o' @ari - Speed o' stream Speed downstream = 26/16 = 2 m/hr = Speed o' @ari Speed o' stream =rom the two e<uations speed o' @ari = ! m/hr There'ore speed o' stream = & ! = 1 m/hr 3134 ( boat travels 'rom point ( to point 2 upstream and returns 'rom point 2 to point ( downstream. >' the round trip ta es the boat $ hours and the distance between point ( and point 2 is 126 m and the speed o' the stream is 16 m/hr, what is the speed o' the boat7 1ns4 Total distance = 126 G 2 = 2&6, Total time = $hrs (vera)e speed = 2&6/$ = &% m/hr (ssumin) speed o' boat = 0 Speed downstream = Speed o' 2oat - Speed o' stream = 0 - 16 Speed downstream = Speed o' 2oat Speed o' stream = 0 16 Since avera)e speed = &%, and usin) 'ormula o' avera)e speed &% = Solvin) 'or 0, 0 = $6 m/hr 3144 Iohan can beat Aavi by $6 m in a 1B66 m race+ Aavi can beat Shyam by 26 m in a 1B66 m race. >' Iohan and Shyam run 1B66 m, by how much will Iohan win7 1ns4 The students should be able to do this 'aster usin) simple lo)ic* Iohan can beat Aavi by $6 m, Iohan travels 1B66, when Aavi travels 1F$6 Aavi can beat Shyam by 26m, Aavi travels 1B66, when Shyam travels 1F%6 There'ore when Aavi travels 1 Shyam travels There'ore when Aavi travels 1F$6 Shyam travels 1F%6/1B66 1F%6/1B66 G 1F$6 = 1F!6.$ Iohan beats Shyam by 1B66 1F!6.$ = F:.$ meters

3154 >n a ilometer race, ( can )ive 2 a start o' 166 m or 1$ seconds. @ow lon) does ( ta e to complete the race7 1ns4 >n a 1666 meter race ( )ives 2 a start o' 166 m or 1$ seconds. This means that 2 ta es 1$ seconds to run 166 m. There'ore, 2 will ta e 1$6 seconds to run the stretch o' 1666 meters. (s ( ta es 1$ seconds less than 2, he will ta e 1!$ seconds to run the 1666 m.

Pro5lems .n Trains
1. ( train runnin) at the speed o' F6 m/hr crosses a pole in : seconds. ;hat is the len)th o' the train7 (. 126 metres H. !2& metres 2. 1%6 metres D. 1$6 metres

1ns'er: Lption D 2. ( train 12$ m lon) passes a man, runnin) at $ m/hr in the same direction in which the train is )oin), in 16 seconds. The speed o' the train is* (. &$ m/hr H. $& m/hr 2. $6 m/hr D. $$ m/hr

1ns'er: Lption 6 !. The len)th o' the brid)e, which a train 1!6 metres lon) and travellin) at &$ m/hr can cross in !6 seconds, is* (. 266 m H. 2&$ m 2. 22$ m D. 2$6 m

1ns'er: Lption C &. Two trains runnin) in opposite directions cross a man standin) on the plat'orm in 2B seconds and 1B seconds respectively and they cross each other in 2! seconds. The ratio o' their speeds is* (. 1 * ! H. ! * & 2. ! * 2 D. 5one o' these

1ns'er: Lption 6 $. ( train passes a station plat'orm in !F seconds and a man standin) on the plat'orm in 26 seconds. >' the speed o' the train is $& m/hr, what is the len)th o' the plat'orm7 (. 126 m H. !66 m 2. 2&6 m D. 5one o' these

1ns'er: Lption 6 F. ( train 2&6 m lon) passes a pole in 2& seconds. @ow lon) will it ta e to pass a plat'orm F$6 m lon)7 (. F$ sec H. 166 sec 2. %: sec D. 1$6 sec

1ns'er: Lption 6 B. Two trains o' e<ual len)th are runnin) on parallel lines in the same direction at &F m/hr and !F m/hr. The 'aster train passes the slower train in !F seconds. The len)th o' each train is* (. $6 m H. %6 m 2. B2 m D. %2 m

1ns'er: Lption 1 %. ( train !F6 m lon) is runnin) at a speed o' &$ m/hr. >n what time will it pass a brid)e 1&6 m lon)7 (. &6 sec H. &$ sec 2. &2 sec D. &% sec

1ns'er: Lption 1 :. Two trains are movin) in opposite directions M F6 m/hr and :6 m/hr. Their len)ths are 1.16 m and 6.: m respectively. The time ta en by the slower train to cross the 'aster train in seconds is* (. !F H. &% 2. &$ D. &:

1ns'er: Lption C 16. ( /o))er runnin) at : mph alon)side a railway trac in 2&6 metres ahead o' the en)ine o' a 126 metres lon) train runnin) at &$ mph in the same direction. >n how much time will the train pass the /o))er7 (. !.F sec H. !F sec 1ns'er: Lption C 11. ( 2B6 metres lon) train runnin) at the speed o' 126 mph crosses another train runnin) in opposite direction at the speed o' %6 mph in : seconds. ;hat is the len)th o' the other train7 (. 2!6 m H. 2F6 m K. 5one o' these 1ns'er: Lption 1 12. ( )oods train runs at the speed o' B2 mph and crosses a 2$6 m lon) plat'orm in 2F seconds. ;hat is the len)th o' the )oods train7 (. 2!6 m H. 2F6 m 1ns'er: Lption D 1!. Two trains, each 166 m lon), movin) in opposite directions, cross each other in % seconds. >' one is movin) twice as 'ast the other, then the speed o' the 'aster train is* (. !6 m/hr H. F6 m/hr 2. &$ m/hr D. B$ m/hr 2. 2&6 m D. 2B6 m 2. 2&6 m D. !26 m 2. 1% sec D. B2 sec

1ns'er: Lption C 1&. Two trains 1&6 m and 1F6 m lon) run at the speed o' F6 m/hr and &6 m/hr respectively in opposite directions on parallel trac s. The time ,in seconds. which they ta e to cross each other, is* (. : 2. :.F

H. 16 1ns'er: Lption D

D. 16.%

1$. ( train 116 metres lon) is runnin) with a speed o' F6 mph. >n what time will it pass a man who is runnin) at F mph in the direction opposite to that in which the train is )oin)7 (. $ sec H. B sec 1ns'er: Lption 6 1F. ( train travellin) at a speed o' B$ mph enters a tunnel ! miles lon). The train is mile lon). @ow lon) does it ta e 'or the train to pass throu)h the tunnel 'rom the moment the 'ront enters to the moment the rear emer)es7 (. 2.$ min H. !.2 min 2. ! min D. !.$ min 2. F sec D. 16 sec

1ns'er: Lption 6 1B. ( train %66 metres lon) is runnin) at a speed o' B% m/hr. >' it crosses a tunnel in 1 minute, then the len)th o' the tunnel ,in meters. is* (. 1!6 H. $66 2. !F6 D. $&6

1ns'er: Lption C 1%. ( !66 metre lon) train crosses a plat'orm in !: seconds while it crosses a si)nal pole in 1% seconds. ;hat is the len)th o' the plat'orm7 (. !26 m H. F$6 m 2. !$6 m D. Data inade<uate

1ns'er: Lption 6 1:. ( train speeds past a pole in 1$ seconds and a plat'orm 166 m lon) in 2$ seconds. >ts len)th is* (. $6 m 2. 1$6 m

H. 266 m

D. Data inade<uate

1ns'er: Lption 6 26. ( train moves past a tele)raph post and a brid)e 2F& m lon) in % seconds and 26 seconds respectively. ;hat is the speed o' the train7 (. F:.$ m/hr H. B: m/hr 1ns'er: Lption D 21. @ow many seconds will a $66 metre lon) train ta e to cross a man wal in) with a speed o' ! m/hr in the direction o' the movin) train i' the speed o' the train is F! m/hr7 (. 2$ H. &6 2. !6 D. &$ 2. B6 m/hr D. B:.2 m/hr

1ns'er: Lption 6 22. Two )oods train each $66 m lon), are runnin) in opposite directions on parallel trac s. Their speeds are &$ m/hr and !6 m/hr respectively. =ind the time ta en by the slower train to pass the driver o' the 'aster one. (. 12 sec H. &% sec 2. 2& sec D. F6 sec

1ns'er: Lption 6 2!. Two trains are runnin) in opposite directions with the same speed. >' the len)th o' each train is 126 metres and they cross each other in 12 seconds, then the speed o' each train ,in m/hr. is* (. 16 H. !F 2. 1% D. B2

1ns'er: Lption C 2&. Two trains o' e<ual len)ths ta e 16 seconds and 1$ seconds respectively to cross a tele)raph post. >' the len)th o' each train be 126 metres, in what time ,in seconds. will they cross each other travellin) in opposite direction7 (. 16 2. 12

H. 1$

D. 26

1ns'er: Lption 6 2$. ( train 16% m lon) movin) at a speed o' $6 m/hr crosses a train 112 m lon) comin) 'rom opposite direction in F seconds. The speed o' the second train is* (. &% m/hr H. FF m/hr 1ns'er: Lption D 2F. Two trains are runnin) at &6 m/hr and 26 m/hr respectively in the same direction. =ast train completely passes a man sittin) in the slower train in $ seconds. ;hat is the len)th o' the 'ast train7 (. 2! m H. 2B B/: m 2. 2! 2/: m D. 2: m 2. $& m/hr D. %2 m/hr

1ns'er: Lption C 2B. ( train overta es two persons who are wal in) in the same direction in which the train is )oin), at the rate o' 2 mph and & mph and passes them completely in : and 16 seconds respectively. The len)th o' the train is* (. &$ m H. $& m 2. $6 m D. B2 m

1ns'er: Lption 6 2%. ( train overta es two persons wal in) alon) a railway trac . The 'irst one wal s at &.$ m/hr. The other one wal s at $.& m/hr. The train needs %.& and %.$ seconds respectively to overta e them. ;hat is the speed o' the train i' both the persons are wal in) in the same direction as the train7 (. FF m/hr H. B% m/hr 2. B2 m/hr D. %1 m/hr

1ns'er: Lption D

2:. ( train travellin) at &% mph completely crosses another train havin) hal' its len)th and travellin) in opposite direction at &2 mph, in 12 seconds. >t also passes a railway plat'orm in &$ seconds. The len)th o' the plat'orm is (. &66 m H. $F6 m 2. &$6 m D. F66 m

1ns'er: Lption 1 !6. Two stations ( and 2 are 116 m apart on a strai)ht line. Lne train starts 'rom ( at B a.m. and travels towards 2 at 26 mph. (nother train starts 'rom 2 at % a.m. and travels towards ( at a speed o' 2$ mph. (t what time will they meet7 (. : a.m. H. 16.!6 a.m. 1ns'er: Lption 6 2. 16 a.m. D. 11 a.m.

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