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Mission:Suite Tools Word Processing Connor Ciesluk 1

Word Processing Evaluation

Rain of Leaves It's raining big,

It's raining small,

It's raining autumn leaves In fall. It's raining gold And red and brown As autumn leaves Come raining down. It's raining everywhere I look. It's raining bookmarks by Aileen Fisher

November 19, 2013

Mission:Suite Tools Word Processing Connor Ciesluk 2

Our Teachers a Football Fanatic By: Kenn Nesbitt

Our teachers a football fanatic. Its all that he has on his mind. He listens to games on his headphones and frets when his team is behind.

Nesbitt, Kenn. "Our Teachers a Football Fanatic." Http:// Meadowbrook Press. Illustration, n.d. Web. Nov.-Dec. 2013.

November 19, 2013

Mission:Suite Tools Word Processing Connor Ciesluk 3

Thoma. football.png. Sept 24, 2012. Pics4Learning. 19 Nov 2013 <>

LINE 1 2 3 4

NOUNS Football, teacher





Listsens Frets

November 19, 2013

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