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CAE Writing text types.

Text Type Article / Contribution Structural Features Title (article + contribution) Paragraph headings (contribution) Title Language features

Has to catch and hold readers attention so needs interesting opening and effecti se direct !uestions. Tr" to personalise it. #egister depends on target reader but usuall" infor$al neutral.

Co$petition %ntr" #eport

Has to stand out fro$ other pieces on the specified topic so needs a stri&ing open $e$orable ending. #egister depends on target reader but usuall" infor$al neutral. Clear introduction e'plaining the reason for the report (er" clear language describing so$ething precisel" )b*ective / i$personal st"le. +eutral to for$al register depending on target reader. Clear conclusion, usuall" a reco$$endation. Clear introduction e'plaining reason for -riting. (er" clear language, persuasive language, reco$$endations / suggestions. )b*ective / i$personal st"le. +eutral to for$al register depending on target reader. Argu$ent bac&ed up b" cr"stal clear reasons. +eutral for$al register Acade$ic piece of -riting %'a$ine both sides of an argu$ent in a clearl" organised structure. .i&el" to co$e to a definite conclusion. +eutral for$al register Clear language e'plaining rules and regulations for e'a$ple. 1istinct paragraphs about different sub*ects, no lin&s bet-een paragraphs. %arl" state$ent of the sub*ect of the revie- (fil$, boo&, -ebsite etc.) 0o$e factual infor$ation about the sub*ect. 2ore of the content should be devoted to the -riters opinions on the sub*ect. 3riters opinion supported b" e'a$ples related to sub*ect. Clear opening paragraph giving reason for -riting. .anguage that persuades b" giving reasons supported b" e'a$ples.

Title Paragraph headings


Title Paragraph headings


Title usuall" provided.

/nfor$ation 0heet #evie-

Title Paragraph headings Title

4or$al .etter

)pening and closing conventions5 1ear sir / $ada$ "ours faithfull" 1ear 2r. 0$ith "ours


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