The Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Panel of Members To Perform The Functions of Chairman) Rules, 1989

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TNDM (Panel of Members to Perform the Functions of Chairman) Rules, 1989

THE TAMIL NADU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES (PANEL OF MEMBERS TO PERFORM THE FUNCTIONS OF CHAIRMAN) RULES, 1989 (GO. Ms. No. 601, Mu !"!#$% A&'! !s()$(!o $ & *$(+) Su##%, D+#$)('+ (, &$(+& 1-(. S+#(+'/+) 1989) No. R! "#1$% & 8%.0 'n e(ercise of the )o*ers conferre+ b, ection -.- rea+ *ith sub# section (-) of ection 1/ of the Tamil Na+u District Munici)alities "ct, 19/. (Tamil Na+u "ct 0 of 19/.), the 1o2ernor of Tamil Na+u hereb, ma3es the follo*in4 rules5#
1. These rules ma, be calle+ the Tamil Na+u District Munici)alities (Panel of Members to )erform the functions of Chairman) Rules, 1989. /. 6hen a )anel of members is nominate+ b, the Council un+er subsection (-) of ection

1/ of the Tamil Na+u District Munici)alities "ct, 19/. (Tamil Na+u "ct 0 of 19/.), the first )erson in the )anel shall )erform the functions of the Chairman in the absence of both the Chairman an+ the 0ice#Chariman an+ in the absence of the first )erson in the )anel also, the secon+ )erson in the )anel shall )erform the functions of the Chairman an+ in the absence of both the first an+ secon+ )ersons in the )anel also, the thir+ )erson in the )anel shall )erform the functions of the Chairman. 111111111111

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