Graphics Stata

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STATA: Data Analysis Software

Graphing Data
Step-by Step Screenshot Guides to help you use STATA Not affiliated with Stata Corp.


sed in Tutorial

Datasets in these tutorials are based on examples in: Stock and Watson (2006) Introduction to Econometrics

!ou can obtain all o" the datasets used in these tutorials b# do$nloadin% a S&'&' command "ile "rom http:(($$$)stata)or%)uk(do$nload*examples)html


Graphing Data Histogram Scatter +lot ,-erlaid .harts /abellin% 0ormattin% .hallen%e


Graphing Data 1isto%ram Scatter Plot ,-erlaid .harts /abellin% 0ormattin% .hallen%e


Graphing Data 1isto%ram Scatter +lot Overlaid Charts /abellin% 0ormattin% .hallen%e


Graphing Data 1isto%ram Scatter +lot ,-erlaid .harts Labelling 0ormattin% .hallen%e


Graphing Data 1isto%ram Scatter +lot ,-erlaid .harts /abellin% Formatting .hallen%e


Graphing Data 1isto%ram Scatter +lot ,-erlaid .harts /abellin% 0ormattin% Challenge

Graphing: Challenge

2raph 3mth and 4#ear interest rates

,pen macro52e)dta /abel "#%m3 as 3*mth rate /abel "#%t4 as 4*#ear rate .reate o-erlaid line charts o" both rates -s time 6odi"# the line $ei%hts to thick

I" #ou -isit $$$)S&'&')or%)uk #ou can do$nload tutorials on these other topics:

Data 6ana%ement Importin% Data 2raphs +resentin% ,utput 6er%e or Drop Data

Statistical 'nal#sis Summar# Statistics /inear 7e%ressions +anel 7e%ressions &ime Series 'nal#sis Instrumental 8ariables

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