Escuela #3 Melipulli Teacher Daniela Mardones 5th Forms: Example: Just A Small Town Girl

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NAME: DATE: OBJECTIVES: To identify strategies to develop listening co pre!ension" CONTENTS: #istening co pre!ension $ Song $ INST%&CTIONS: ' #isten to t!e song and develop t!e activities" (ay attention to t!e instr)ctions" I-Pay attention to the video in the PowerPoint presentation.
Total Score: ************+ ,- points"

II-Read the questions and select the correct alternative./5 pts 1) What type of listening is it? a) An interview b) A dialogue c) A song. 2) Select the best title for the listening a) Don t eat ! b) Dont t stop! c) Don t stop believing! ") What is the #essage of the song? a) $e sad b) $e angry c) $e opti#istic %) &ro# what group is the original song!? a) 'ourney b) (he )lee *lub +) ,ow #any soloists were singing? a) (hree b) (wo c) &our d) &ive III-Listen and complete the blank spaces using the words in the bo . /!" pts. #irl $boy - anywhere- train - raised- world
-.a#ple/ 'ust a s#all town girl

1) 0ivin in a lonely 111111111111111111 2) She too2 the #idnight 11111111111111111 going anywhere ") 'ust a city 1111111111111111111 %) $orn and 11111111111111111111 in South Detroit +) ,e too2 the #idnight train going 1111111111111111111111111 I%- Listen and number the lines o& the verse in the correct order. /' pts. 1) 11111111 a) A s#ell of wine and cheap perfu#e 2) 11111111 b) 3t goes on and ond and on and on ") 11111111 c) A singer in a s#o2y roo# %) 11111111 d) &or a s#ile they can share the night %- (ircle the correct verb &orm that is mentioned on the song./ ) pts. a* +trangers wait / waiting up and down b* -heir shadows searching / search c* People lives / living /ust to &ind d* ,motion hidden / hiding somewhere e* .orking / worked hard to get my &ill &* ,verybody wanting /wants a thrill

%I-Listen and complete blank spaces with the words in the bo ./ !0 pts. 1elieving - 2n - 3ore -4ever 5+treetlights- Lose 5 6ice- 7eeling 5 1lues 4ayin anything to roll the 1) 111111111111 'ust one 2) 111111111111 ti#e So#e will win So#e will ") 11111111115 so#e were born to sing the %) 1111111111 6h5 the #ovie +) 111111111111 ends 3t goes 7) 1111111111 and on 8*horus8 Don t stop 9) 11111111111111111 ,old on to the :) 11111111111111 ;) 11111111111111111 people.

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