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Keyboard shortcuts 4 Windows

Ctrl+N Ctrl+X

Open a new word document quickly.

Ctrl+O Ctrl+C

Cut- emo!es the selection "rom the acti!e document and places it on the clipboard.

Opens a pre!iously sa!ed document.

Ctrl+W Ctrl+&

Copies the selection to the clipboard

Closes the acti!e window# but does not $%it Word.

Ctrl++ Ctrl+,

'aste - (nserts the contents o" the clipboard at the insertion point )cursor* or whate!er is selected.

+a!es the acti!e document with its current "ile name# location and "ormat.
Ctrl+' Ctrl+.

+elects all te%t and -raphics in the acti!e window.

'rints the acti!e "ile# also -i!es the opportunity to chan-e print options
,lt+.4 Ctrl+0

.ind - +earches "or speci"ied te%t in the acti!e document 0old - .ormats selected te%t1 make te%t bold# or remo!e bold "ormattinCtrl+(

$%it - Closes /icroso"t Word.


3ndo the last action. 4his selection can be repeated se!eral times.
Ctrl+5 Ctrl+3

(talic - .ormats selected te%t1 make te%t italic or remo!e italic 3nderline - .ormats selected te%t1 make te%t underlined or remo!e underline

edo - ,"ter an action has been undone# it can be reinstated in the document.
6ess commonly used keyboard combinations

(ncrease selected te%t in increments like the drop down "ont menu )4hanks 7aniel* 7ecrease selected te%t in increments like the drop down "ont menu (ncrease selected te%t one point 7ecrease selected te%t one point Chan-e case o" the letters 3nderline words but not spaces 7ouble underline te%t Center a para-raph :usti"y a para-raph 6e"t ali-n a para-raph (ndent a para-raph "rom the le"t

,pply superscript "ormattin-

,pply subscript "ormattin-

Copy "ormats 'aste "ormats +in-le space lines +et 8.9 line spacin7ouble space lines 7elete one word to the le"t 7elete one word to the ri-ht i-ht ali-n a para-raph (nsert a line break


tech lit -schs


Keyboard shortcuts 4 Windows

Create a han-in- indent
(" te%t is already selected and you want to e%tend the selection area

educe a han-in- indent

$%tend selection one character to the le"t

$%tend selection one character to the ri-ht $%tend selection to the be-innin- o" a word

$%tend selection to the end o" a word

(" you want to mo!e the cursor

One character to the ri-ht One word to the ri-ht

One character to the le"t One word to the le"t 4o the be-innin- o" a document

4o the end o" a document


tech lit -schs


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