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Second Edition Note

After the rst publication of EFC16 in 1995, two joint industry sponsored projects were established to investigate safe hardness limits for welds in carbon and low alloy steels in H2S-containing environments.1,.2 This edition incorporates the results of those projects, following the guidance of ISO 15156, in section 8.2.1., Table 8.1. Other changes to the text are mostly editorial.

Liane Smith Chairman (19982001) Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Working Group of the Working Party European Federation of Corrosion

Phil Jackman Chairman (19982001) Working Party on Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production European Federation of Corrosion

Third Edition Note

Since the previous edition, experience has highlighted improvements which could be made to the guidance given in this document, particularly for test methods. Specically it was found that the test solution was difcult to maintain within the pH range over the full time. Frequent adjustments to the pH resulted in the risk of air entering the test chamber. Other aspects which lacked clarity concerned the evaluation of HIC and C-ring and four-point bend test samples. Improvements to the text on these matters, plus minor editorial improvements, are incorporated in this third edition.

Liane Smith Chairman (19982008)

Stein Olsen Chairman (20012008)

Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Working Group of the Working Party European Federation of Corrosion

Working Party on Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production European Federation of Corrosion

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