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Specialty Marketing & Entrepreneurship

Work Sample Worksheet Name: Madalen Wallaker___________________________________________ Name of Assignment: Market Research Process Presentation______________ escri!e this "ork sample: #his assignment "as to research "hat the Market Research Process$ ho" it applies to our personal !usiness$ and create a presentation to sho" the Marketing %lass& What steps did you take to complete this "ork sample' E(plain ho" you "ere personally accounta!le for the "ork getting completed& )irst * printed the ru!ric and created a plan for finish the pro+ect& After creating a plan * !egan to research the Market Research Process and started placing all the info * found into a Word ocument& * then "ent through the , step process of Market Research and sur-eyed o-er ./ people to sol-e my company0s pro!lem& After analy1ing the data * created recommendations for my company and put together a pre1i to present to the Marketing class& E(plain ho" you used colla!oration to complete this pro+ect& #his "as an independent assignment& 2o"e-er$ * did listen to a fe" other presentations in order to impro-e my o"n& %riti3ue your "ork sample& 2o" can it !e !etter' * could ha-e gone more in depth on a fe" of my graphs$ for e(ample creating a graph a!out "hat languages my customers "anted to !e offered from my company& What did you learn from doing this "ork sample' * learned all a!out Market Research and * impro-ed my presentation skills& #his "ill help me impro-e my !usiness !ecause no" * can go a!out researching impro-ement for my !usiness in a more organi1ed "ay$ and !ecause pu!lic speaking is al"ays an asset&

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