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Green Bay Packers vs. New York Giants Free: Watch 2013 NFL Online Week 11 !

" #hannels $a%io &tations By 'osh Wilson (news)*,- Nov 1. 2013 02:2/ 01 2&!

Green Bay Packers vs. New York Giants NFL Week 11 Ga,e will 3e*in at 1:24 +.,. P! (/:24 +.,. 2!- on &5n%ay Nov. 1. 2013. !he (46/- Packers will 3e visitin* the (367- Giants at 1etLi8e &ta%i5, in 2ast $5ther8or% New 'ersey. 9n8or,ation on how to watch the *a,e 8or 8ree on can 3e 8o5n% 3elow.

!he 2a*les are on 464 havin* %e8eate% the Oaklan% $ai%ers /:620 an% the Green Bay Packers 2.613 in recent weeks. !hat has +5lle% the, 5+ alon*si%e the st5,3lin* ;allas #ow3oys at the to+ o8 the NF# 2ast.

!he 2a*les have 3een 8antastic on the r5sh this season an% rank 2n% in the NFL with 143.1 yar%s on the r5sh +er *a,e. !hat has hel+e% the, to *ain a /th ranke% o88ense in total yar%s *aine% +er *a,e where they are +ostin* /13./ yar%s +er *a,e. <owever the 2a*les have not 3een solely reliant on the r5sh 35t are also ranke% :th in the lea*5e 8or +ass clai,in* 270.3 yar%s +er *a,e in the air.

1eanwhile the $e%skins have ha% a to5*h season an% are now the 3ase,ent tea, in the weak NF# 2ast tie% 3otto, with the New York Giants on 367. <owever %es+ite their 3a% recor% they are not too 8ar 3ehin% the lea%in* tea,s in the %ivision who are =5st at .400. !hat ,eans any ty+e o8 *oo% r5n now wo5l% see the, +otentially *et within to5chin* %istance o8 their rivals an% it will 3e *a,es like this within their %ivision that ,ay +rove tellin* co,e the en% o8 the season.

!he $e%skins clai,e% a *oo% win a*ainst the &an ;ie*o #har*ers in Week : %e8eatin* the, 3062/ however they 8ell last week a*ainst the 1innesota "ikin*s 2.63/ an% they will 3e %es+erate to 3o5nce 3ack i,,e%iately this week.

98 they are to win to%ay tho5*h they have *ot to *ive $o3ert Gri88in 999 ,ore +rotection. <e has 3een hit 8ar too o8ten an% 8ar too har% in recent weeks an% i8

they %on>t *ive hi, ,ore ti,e on the 3all an% ,ore +rotection they co5l% lose their star ?5arter3ack to in=5ry. $G999 is 204 o8 33. 8or 2 /40 yar%s an% 12 to5ch%owns.!he (46/- Packers will 3e visitin* the (367- Giants at 1etLi8e &ta%i5, in 2ast $5ther8or% New 'ersey. 9n8or,ation on how to watch the *a,e 8or 8ree on can 3e 8o5n% 3elow.

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